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Obama effigy found hanging from tree on UK's campus
It doesn't take long to respond to Mr. Kimball's posts, maybe thirty seconds, so 24/7 is not necessary. Also, Mr. Kimball likes to, apparently, believe in his own "importance" then point out how other people are acting important, which suggests deep seated psychological issues very like the ones he foists at others.
thecavemaster Wrote:It doesn't take long to respond to Mr. Kimball's posts, maybe thirty seconds, so 24/7 is not necessary. Also, Mr. Kimball likes to, apparently, believe in his own "importance" then point out how other people are acting important, which suggests deep seated psychological issues very like the ones he foists at others.

Politians and in particularly "wannabee" politiians and self proclaimed "super intellects" are just disgusting to me is all, caveman.

You must seem to put yourself into that category or else you would not be so defensive and apparently offended.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Politians and in particularly "wannabee" politiians and self proclaimed "super intellects" are just disgusting to me is all, caveman.

You must seem to put yourself into that category or else you would not be so defensive and apparently offended.

I am interested in politics, enjoy debate, and think you ought to know that the things that get on our nerves in others are most likely to be found in ourselves. If you post it, be ready to defend it... or cry to Mommy.
thecavemaster Wrote:I am interested in politics, enjoy debate, and think you ought to know that the things that get on our nerves in others are most likely to be found in ourselves. If you post it, be ready to defend it... or cry to Mommy.
Well, apparently I have gotten on your nerves. Thus, possibly the reason for the response and the apparent self admittance that possibly that certain something must dwell within your own self as well.

Interesting defensiveness from someone that I have never at any time made reference to with any any post that I have made.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Well, apparently I have gotten on your nerves. Thus, possibly the reason for the response and the apparent self admittance that possibly that certain something must dwell within your own self as well.

Interesting defensiveness from someone that I have never at any time made reference to with any any post that I have made.

Read your earlier post. You speak of those who "dominate" (though it is an open forum) the political forum. You have not gotten on my nerves. It's your right to post whatever you think within the rules. I like politics. I read a lot about it. Watch C-Span. None of that makes my opinion inherently better than someone else's because I am or am not "smarter." The opinions themselves and how they are defended is what matters. If you are suggesting that, in your earlier comments, which were critical and negative and directed at several people on BGR political forum, you weren't referencing anybody just talking generally, then you aren't standing by what you said.
thecavemaster Wrote:I am interested in politics, enjoy debate, and think you ought to know that the things that get on our nerves in others are most likely to be found in ourselves. If you post it, be ready to defend it... or cry to Mommy.

lol...taking a page out of my book.
courtdog Wrote:Man you have some real problems you need to see a Dr. or take some classes i sure dont want you living in my town.
It doesn't matter what you want!Cool

I need to see a Dr because I know the truth about Racism in America? WTFE!
DevilsWin Wrote:It doesn't matter what you want!Cool

I need to see a Dr because I know the truth about Racism in America? WTFE!

How many times have you seen a black person be held back because of race? I'm not talking about people you know saying n*****.
DevilsWin Wrote:It doesn't matter what you want!Cool

I need to see a Dr because I know the truth about Racism in America? WTFE!

There wouldn't be any racism in America if it wasn't for people like you screaming RACIST!!! about everything. Geez...This country has come so far from what it was like in the 60's...thats what needs to be focused on.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:I dont get much involved in these political threads because for the most part they are entertained by a bunch of radical nuts that really have major issues of their own, and just dont know it.. For the most part there are basicly only about 5 or 6 guys that dominate the posts in this whole forum. They are on every thread that comes along. It appears that if they spent half as much time actually trying to do something constructive in the community, and to try to bring change to whatever problems there are in world, as they do by sitting here on this forum 24/7, bickering back and forth over the stupid stuff that they argue with each about, we just all might have a better world to live in.

By the way, sounds like you are the one that needs to dwell a little deeper into the history books yourself, DW. I believe that JFK was shot by a white man, George Wallace was shot by a white man, Abraham Lincoln was shot by a white man, Ronald Reagan was shot by a white man, and Gerald Ford was shot at by a white woman. It goes on and on and on. Guess you dont want to bring up those points though, do you? Where's your outcry for the brothers, sisters, fathers , and mothers of those individuals? You sure did make yourself look important by degrading someone else though.

It's easy to see that the intent is basicly nothing more than just to make someone else look like a racist bigot, or to just attempt to portrait yourselfs as being supreme intellects on just about every religeous or political subject that comes along. Again it's the same guys, over and over on every single thread. Looks to me like the ignorance is running rampant . Like a mirror, DW? Where's your shame? I cant see as to where your mommy, your daddy, or your teachers did such a great job either. Perhaps you should have been more interested in history class than just riding your tricycle yourself.

Maybe some of you guys can all get jobs at the Lexington Herald-Leader and join them in stirring up more hatred in the community. Sensationalize it, it'll sell more papers. That's the real motive. Some of you would fit right in. The self serving agendas that are displayed in this forum provide proof. Come to think of it though, they really dont need any help.
Whatever. I'm just here to challenge anything I disagree with. If you don't like it I could care less.

BTW You know nothing about me and if you did you'd eat most of these words. I stand on the right side of History and the right side of Justice. If the Racist on here don't like me rubbing it in their face that's perfect!

I'm here just to make them angry. Like I've been for the past 8 years.

Get used to it cause I'm not likely to change.

Some on here have tried to stiffle me by making threats on me and my wellbeing which is fine by me. But they also need to remember there are consequenses for their actions.

The next one goes to jail!

Isn't freedom of speech a wonderful thing!
:eek: ...please don't do it mister!!
Beetle01 Wrote:How many times have you seen a black person be held back because of race? I'm not talking about people you know saying n*****.

I have known many African Americans who were "held up" by police on "suspicion"... which being interpreted meant: "I suspect because you are black that you're into something." America is much closer circa 2008 to being a "content of character" society than it was forty years ago. Racism is not color specific. Ethnicism rests in the human heart, not the western or eastern or middle eastern heart. Misogyny still exists. The struggle for "liberty and justice for all" is an ongoing on, as new human beings are born in droves each day.
DevilsWin Wrote:Whatever. I'm just here to challenge anything I disagree with. If you don't like it I could care less.

BTW You know nothing about me and if you did you'd eat most of these words. I stand on the right side of History and the right side of Justice. If the Racist on here don't like me rubbing it in their face that's perfect!

I'm here just to make them angry. Like I've been for the past 8 years.

Get used to it cause I'm not likely to change.

Some on here have tried to stiffle me by making threats on me and my wellbeing which is fine by me. But they also need to remember there are consequenses for their actions.

The next one goes to jail!

Isn't freedom of speech a wonderful thing!

Interesting, that the only response you can come up with is a bunch of jibberish that amounts to nothing. Way to avoid the subject matter and only spread a partial potraital of "the right side" actual history..
devil win you are a very sick man please get some help....... or move out of the gool old U.S A. and please take cavemaster with you........
Black people are more racist than whites.
what would have happen if that had been Mccain effigy haning in the same tree ?
This thread is getting ridiculous and ignorant.


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