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Okay, I have a research paper to write for my Legal Issues in Sports class. I have chosen the topic of discrimination of homosexual athletes in intercollegiate athletics. I would like some input on what other people think about this issue.
  • Do you think that athletes are treated differently because of their sexual orientation?
  • What do you think about the "don't ask, don't tell" policy?
  • Should athletes have to hide their sexuality to "protect the school's image"?
  • Is it okay for homosexual athletes to be ostracized by teammates and peers?
  • Should homosexuals in an administrative position have to deny who they are to remain employed?

Please, please give me your thoughts and opinions!
[B]Go Lady Vols! [/B]
Do you think that athletes are treated differently because of their sexual orientation?

Sure. In daily life people are treated differently so I believe that it is actually worse when their sexual orientation is brought before the public eye as an athlete. Whenever a player in the WNBA outs herself as a lesbian or a FORMER professional athlete comes out as gay, uproars are made, it is all over the news. I think that in some cases everyone from the fans, to coaches, to teammates do have negative feelings towards it.

What do you think about the "don't ask, don't tell" policy?

It's a dumb policy for the Army as well as athletes. No one should have to hide it. If administration did not want a player's sexual orientation to be known then wouldn't it be making it to for heterosexual couples to hide their relationships as well? Making sure that people on campus, at games, fans or otherwise do not find out about who they are with.

Should athletes have to hide their sexuality to "protect the school's image"?

I think that a school would benefit more by actually showing that they embrace all diversity in people. Any college should greet everyone with open arms and not make it feel like if you are a certain thing whether it be race, religion, or sexual preference that you shouldn't be okay with who you are in order to make the school look better.

Is it okay for homosexual athletes to be ostracized by teammates and peers?

Of course not. In no circumstances should this be okay.

Should homosexuals in an administrative position have to deny who they are to remain employed?

A no here as well. One's personal life shouldn't be up for public scrutinity. No one should lose a job over their sexual preference. I don't think that a company or organization should even think that it is okay to ask a person to hide it, much less fire them if they refuse to.

Is it okay for homosexual athletes to be ostracized by teammates and peers?

Well, it's done for other reasons (hometown, family, attitude), so why not?

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