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New Friday The 13th teaser trailer
No excuse for one of the best original horror/slasher films of all time to be remade, especially by Michael Bay of all people.

Hollywood has been running out of ideas for sometime now and remaking some of the lower budget horror films of the 80's but as a huge fan of the original this somewhat upsets me.

I'll look more into later, but I'm skeptical.
My wife and I are skeptical because they are trying to say that the only thing new is Jason and his mask. They say he got it in the third movie which is true BUT he was not even in the original. His mother was the killer in the original movie.

Did the director not watch Scream?
I was thinking about this the other day. i was hoping that Rob Zombie would have done it though.
I'm gonna go watch it, haven't missed a one yet....well either go watch it or wait for the bootleg copy my neighbor can make...haha.
This is supposed to be a mix of 2 and 3

Its meant to be originial in itself and have nothing to do with the other movies as far as plotline goes.

Should be pretty decent, Ive read up on it, its more about Jason setting up his kills, and I think he kills like 40 some people in this movie or something crazy like that.
Hopefully it's not another Jason X.....
bevinsville_bomber Wrote:Hopefully it's not another Jason X.....

It will be nothing like that...This one is supposed to be similar to the originals.

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