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Debate #3
I think John Mccain got himself back in the race tonight. He was strong and I think he took this debate. Even the voters on CB seem to like McCain tonight. What does every one else think?

*Edited for spelling/grammar.
I wouldn't say that McCain got himself back in the race, but out of the 3 debates, this one was the one McCain performed the best in.
Didn't watch the previous debates but did catch most of the tonights and thought that McCain made a lot of good points a really did what everyone wanted him to do and pin Obama into a corner and make him discuss some topics he may have not felt comfortable discussing.

This debate did not change my decision in voting for Obama though.
BlackcatAlum Wrote:Didn't watch the previous debates but did catch most of the tonights and thought that McCain made a lot of good points a really did what everyone wanted him to do and pin Obama into a corner and make him discuss some topics he may have not felt comfortable discussing.

This debate did not change my decision in voting for Obama though.

I agree. I think McCain probably took the first 30 minutes of the debate but then Obama gained ground during the last hour.

This was McCain's strongest performance, but I was getting awful tired of hearing about "Joe the Plumber."
CBS Poll of Uncomitted Voters after the debate tonight:

Obama - 53%
McCain - 22%

Also, CBS called Joe the Plumber and he said that he still didn't know who he was going to vote for.
53% to 22% then coming from CBS thats a great win for Mccain Go John great job.
basketballwizz Wrote:53% to 22% then coming from CBS thats a great win for Mccain Go John great job.

Lol Smile
I think the majority of americans have already made up their minds and who won doesn't really matter
I always question polls that come out immediately after the debate ends. It eithe rhas to be done before the debate, or be from a very small number of people, thus making it inaccurate.

I thought McCain had Obama feeling very uncomfortable in the first half of the debate, but then kinda backed off.
ComfortEagle Wrote:CBS Poll of Uncomitted Voters after the debate tonight:

Obama - 53%
McCain - 22%

Also, CBS called Joe the Plumber and he said that he still didn't know who he was going to vote for.

I really rely on this information!Smile

CNN had it Obama 85-10, ABC had it 80-8, NBC had it 78-18.:Thumbs: Big Grin

Have to trust that liberal media. Rolleyes

I was undecided until last night and I can tell you that I really wander what people are thinking if they really listen to the points. Obama really scares me now.
McCain won the 1st half.

Obama the 2nd half.

Obama looked uncomfortable when discussing Joe the Plumber.

McCain didn't have the right answer when asked about the things that are being said at his rallies. LIk e"KIll HIM" and "Off w/ His Head".

He said that Veterans aren't saying these things and Moms aren't saying these things. Well Somebody is, and whose to say that there aren't some nutjobs out there that look like normal people yet have sinister intentions.
DevilsWin Wrote:McCain won the 1st half.

Obama the 2nd half.

Obama looked uncomfortable when discussing Joe the Plumber.

McCain didn't have the right answer when asked about the things that are being said at his rallies. LIk e"KIll HIM" and "Off w/ His Head".

He said that Veterans aren't saying these things and Moms aren't saying these things. Well Somebody is, and whose to say that there aren't some nutjobs out there that look like normal people yet have sinister intentions.

Who says they aren't democrats trying to make trouble for the repubs? Not an impossible idea, left wing nut jobs have shown to be capable of much more radical ideas.
Beetle01 Wrote:Who says they aren't democrats trying to make trouble for the repubs? Not an impossible idea, left wing nut jobs have shown to be capable of much more radical ideas.
I haven't heard any of them calling for McCain's head.

I haven't heard of any Liberal snipers taking out Abortion supporters.

How about the nut job that kicked in the doors of a church that supportrd gays and started shooting everyone.

I don't think he was a Liberal.
DevilsWin Wrote:I haven't heard any of them calling for McCain's head.

I haven't heard of any Liberal snipers taking out Abortion supporters.

How about the nut job that kicked in the doors of a church that supportrd gays and started shooting everyone.

I don't think he was a Liberal.

You're right, liberals usually just riot. They don't go on killing sprees. Ive seen plenty of signs at liberal protests calling fro Bush's head.
DevilsWin Wrote:I haven't heard any of them calling for McCain's head.

I haven't heard of any Liberal snipers taking out Abortion supporters.

How about the nut job that kicked in the doors of a church that supportrd gays and started shooting everyone.

I don't think he was a Liberal.

Seems like the whole "KILL HIM" accusation is completely untrue. Atleast according to the secret service, but I'm gonna assume DW will call them right wing nut jobs also.
Beetle01 Wrote:You're right, liberals usually just riot. They don't go on killing sprees. Ive seen plenty of signs at liberal protests calling fro Bush's head.

There really hasn't been any significant liberal terrorism since the days of the Vietnam War.

Below is a list of Right Wing Terrorists that have commited acts over the last 25 years.

Eric Rudolph
Tim McVeigh
Michael Bray
Thomas Brigham
Richard Butler
Michael Fortier
James Kopp
David Lane
Robert Mathews
Terry Nichols
David Rice
Irv Rubin
Clayton Waagner
DevilsWin Wrote:There really hasn't been any significant liberal terrorism since the days of the Vietnam War.

Below is a list of Right Wing Terrorists that have commited acts over the last 25 years.

Eric Rudolph
Tim McVeigh
Michael Bray
Thomas Brigham
Richard Butler
Michael Fortier
James Kopp
David Lane
Robert Mathews
Terry Nichols
David Rice
Irv Rubin
Clayton Waagner

So the 8 liberal terrorists arrested outside the RNC in Minnesota don't count?
Beetle01 Wrote:So the 8 liberal terrorists arrested outside the RNC in Minnesota don't count?
Who did they kill?
DevilsWin Wrote:Who did they kill?

They didn't kill anyone, but to try and link all conservatives with a few crazy nazi wannabe nut jobs is insane in itself.
Beetle01 Wrote:They didn't kill anyone, but to try and link all conservatives with a few crazy nazi wannabe nut jobs is insane in itself.
To compare convicted killers to protesters isn't insane?
DevilsWin Wrote:To compare convicted killers to protesters isn't insane?

no but a terrorist is a terroist, only 19 guys flew those planes on 9-11. You don't think those that supported and trained them are just as guilty. There are different levels of terrorism. Yes killing people is the most extreme, however rioting and causing mayhem is up there, and we shouldn't look at like"well atleast they didn't shoot or blow up people"
Political Protest is part of the American Quilt!
Beetle01 Wrote:I always question polls that come out immediately after the debate ends. It eithe rhas to be done before the debate, or be from a very small number of people, thus making it inaccurate.

I thought McCain had Obama feeling very uncomfortable in the first half of the debate, but then kinda backed off.

Question the polls unless, of course, the Republican candidate is the suggested winner...
Back to discussing the debate or this one's closed.

The debate had no clear winner, changed virtually nothing, and had a format which made the whole thing more tense than was necessary.
From my point of view, as I've said, I'm not voting for either, McCain made this a debate of attacking Obama. And it seemed any time McCain would throw an attack at him, Obama would just brush it off. McCain also likes to interrupt a lot, and the PA man had to tell McCain to let Obama finish a few times, it got kind of aggravating.

Has anybody noticed how much McCain blinks? I had to turn my head some times.
PC_You_Know Wrote:From my point of view, as I've said, I'm not voting for either, McCain made this a debate of attacking Obama. And it seemed any time McCain would throw an attack at him, Obama would just brush it off. McCain also likes to interrupt a lot, and the PA man had to tell McCain to let Obama finish a few times, it got kind of aggravating.

Has anybody noticed how much McCain blinks? I had to turn my head some times.

"Whatever Man"... too indifferent to vote?
PC_You_Know Wrote:From my point of view, as I've said, I'm not voting for either, McCain made this a debate of attacking Obama. And it seemed any time McCain would throw an attack at him, Obama would just brush it off. McCain also likes to interrupt a lot, and the PA man had to tell McCain to let Obama finish a few times, it got kind of aggravating.

Has anybody noticed how much McCain blinks? I had to turn my head some times.
Yes, and what about the Hissing?????? I thought Snake Eyes had taken McCain's place.

Where's GI Joe when you need him?
thecavemaster Wrote:Question the polls unless, of course, the Republican candidate is the suggested winner...

That's a pot calling the kettle black. It would be vice versa for very many had the scenario been the other way around.

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