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Disc Golf
Anybody around here play?? I am absolutely hooked on this game.
There is a course over at Jenny Wiley in Prestonsburg, but have yet to play it.
Im there atleast 4 days a week. Im actually in a league there, lol. It's on Monday's...If you want you can come play tomorrow around 5.
corndog23 Wrote:Anybody around here play?? I am absolutely hooked on this game.

i think it could be one of the greatest games around...
What is disc golf?
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:What is disc golf?

Instead of a golf ball you use a frisbee and instead of a cup you throw the fresbie into a basket.
Guys there is a tournament on October 25-26 @ Jenny Wiley if anybody wants to come out an play or watch. Ill be there for sure. IT should be fun, entry fee is something like 15-25 bucks. I hope i see some of you guys out there. Registration is at 8 or something that morning.
My boyfriend absolutely loves disc golf. He is really good too. I try it, but Im not very good.. lol. I always get mad when Im walking around and the bugs wont leave me alone.
Oh..We use hoola hoops instead of baskets at school..And just call it frisbee golf. I love playing it as well!
Brittany0121 Wrote:My boyfriend absolutely loves disc golf. He is really good too. I try it, but Im not very good.. lol. I always get mad when Im walking around and the bugs wont leave me alone.

Does he play at Jenny Wiley?? Ive probably seen him there or played with him a couple times if so.
Yep thats where he plays. Well he hasnt played in a while because work has gotten in the way. He played in a league a year ago I guess it was, when Scott was over it.

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