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Whitley Co. 22 - Letcher Co. 14
Final out of Letcher Co.
Whitley Co. showed horrible sportsmanship, celebrating at the end of the game with their helmets held high in the air and taunting the LCC players. Even a fight broke out between the two foes at the end of the game. As Whitley's team was walking away some of their players decided to give LCC'c fans and players "The Bird".
It just seemed like Whitley was the better team in all aspects of the game tonight. The ran and threw the ball better and made the plays on defense. The controlled the clock of offense by pounding the ball up the middle all night and couldn't be stopped. LCC couldn't get anything going, the passing game was non-existent for the most part and couldn't seem to get anything going till late.
As for the sportsmanship, LCC was just mad at the end of the game, emotions were high and neither team showed much sportsmanship, both did their fair share of it.
Congrats Whitley!!!!
About what I expected.

Congrats Whitley!
Ah..these kind of emotions happen in a game that was built up like this..Still alot of football to play this season. I agree that Whitley just outplayed them last night..a very good tackling team also may I add. #33 for Whitley was VERY impressive on both sides of the ball. Just get ready LCC, get focused and take care of business for the rest of the season..We can always see what a team is made of by the way they respond after losing in a game like this. Good Luck to both teams!
lcc played an alright game last night but not at their best, this may have been because they had players on the field that had not even practiced the plays because they did not even know where they where supposed to play they scrambled to get on the line before each play and they did not have the strength to stop the whitley co. team. # 42 was one of the main reasons that whitley only got 22 points he stopped more players then almost any other player on the field and i thought that your safety was not supposed to have more hits then the people on the line. hopefully they can get their act back together and pick up back on the winning side of the game.

p.s. maybe i was right all along because i have herd other fans talk about all of the kids not getting to practice and their kids losing their position on the starting line up when they work a lot harder then the person that took their spot last night just confirmed all my thoughts.
footballgirl Wrote:lcc played an alright game last night but not at their best, this may have been because they had players on the field that had not even practiced the plays because they did not even know where they where supposed to play they scrambled to get on the line before each play and they did not have the strength to stop the whitley co. team. # 42 was one of the main reasons that whitley only got 22 points he stopped more players then almost any other player on the field and i thought that your safety was not supposed to have more hits then the people on the line. hopefully they can get their act back together and pick up back on the winning side of the game.

p.s. maybe i was right all along because i have herd other fans talk about all of the kids not getting to practice and their kids losing their position on the starting line up when they work a lot harder then the person that took their spot last night just confirmed all my thoughts.
OK, for the most part of your post I am completely clueless as what you are trying to say.:confused: . But, obviously you weren't watching the game because #42 Caleb Frazier is one of our Linebackers. What are you trying to say at the bottom of your post "p.s."?
Jshort5 Wrote:OK, for the most part of your post I am completely clueless as what you are trying to say.:confused: . But, obviously you weren't watching the game because #42 Caleb Frazier is one of our Linebackers. What are you trying to say at the bottom of your post "p.s."?

sorry i should have put #2 the safety had more tackles then any of the line because i know that #42 is a linebacker i just forgot to put in the number of our saftey. no harm intended. but just curious have you ever read any of my other post if so you should know what the p.s. portion of the comment means. but just curious what do you think that they should work on?
Football girl I dont think Coach Howard or Coach Thomas can do any more. They was tellen the kids the play before it ever happened. The kids just didnt respond. One thing I have noticed with you. The kids win the games and the coachs lose the games.
good try lcc
Football girl that is what your LineBacker is suppose to do. Especially after he was Defensive Player of the Region last year. What do you think ?
Good try !!! Let me tell you LCC gave that game away. I will tell you LCC didnt play football !!!! Jenkins could have beat them Friday nite.
I believe that Whitley county had a lot to do with the way they looked, and if the kids were not responding maybe they should have tried someone else
Whitley Co dominated both sides of the football. They were more physical than LCC. Smashmouth football won out.

Good luck to both as the playoffs approach!
Good post Uk..Smashmouth football usually does win out.........As far as coaches usually get blamed for everything..............Part of what goes with coaching right or wrong. Old jacket I aint taking sides because I aint got no dogs in the fight but it seems you always want to make it plain the boys did not do what coaches told them
Old Jacket Wrote:Football girl I dont think Coach Howard or Coach Thomas can do any more. They was tellen the kids the play before it ever happened. The kids just didnt respond. One thing I have noticed with you. The kids win the games and the coachs lose the games.

why do you think the kids didn't respond? do you not think that maybe they didn't know the plays they where told to do or what? seems to me that they are not on the same page. whats the deal? by the way not only did I notice this but the rest of the fans were looking at each other like what is going on.
LCC didnt show up.......... There were some signs of life in the 2nd half but to little to late.

LCC = Finesse Football Whitley= Smashmouth
Whitley was just plain and simply a better team Friday night LCC played poorly because Whitley made them look that way. This is not the first game LCC has playedin this manner. Just think back to the Perry game in which they should of won. Also look at the N. Laurel game that they squeeked out, because N. Laurel is such a poor team. I am an LCC fan no doubt, but I really think they have been overrated all season. And Whitley has been underrated. I will say this Whitley does not have very nice fans. However, they will eat crow very soon when the playoffs begin.
Guys, LCC just ran into a better team. On both sides of the ball they were more athletic, stronger, faster, just plain old outmatched is the reason they lost the game. Maybe down the road LCC can get a better game out of the entire TEAM, coaching staff, players, FANS. I'm from Letcher County and I see a trend developing in basketball, football shoot just about all sports. If we are not winning it has to be the coach that's the problem. How about the kids, most of them are not dedicated to the weight room and willing to put in the extra time that is needed to develop a good football team. Until we are willing to sweat, bleed, outwork and outplay the other teams we are just going to fall into the middle of the pack here in Eastern Kentucky. Last year proved that we are nowhere close to going down state and playing for a legit playoff spot. Our coaches have proven in the past that they can take teams to the big dance so I really don't think that is the problem. I don't like some of the things that they do on both sides of the ball but they have won a whole lot more more games that this old arm chair QB has won. We need to raise the expectations of our parents, fans, athletes and realize that nothing comes free, hard work is the only way we are going to reach the level we want to be at and we have to do it as an entire county before it can work. Just go out and support our boys on Friday nights, shoot go out and cheer the freshmen team on on Mondays and go support our JV team on Thursdays. I bet most of you complainers haven't went out and watched the young kids any this year, if you have I bet your not one of the people complaining because you would realize that we have the talent coming because our younger boys right down to our Junior High team is racking up the wins every week and preparing our next wave of Cougars. Go Cougars, two losses isn't the worst thing in the world people, it could be a whole lot worse for us, look about 15 miles up the road, I bet they would love to have only lost two games.
Lambert, good post. Makes a lot of sense. I dont know but I think from listening to the fans in the stands that state they know that kids who have worked are not rewarded. I agree with everything you say and I sure dont know what is going on but that is the perception when you listen to the people in the stands
58Fan, we are raising a society of kids here in Letcher county that want everything given to them for free. It starts in little league, continues through pee-wee ball and creates nightmares for coaches in our county. Parents feel that just because little Johnny goes to practice daily he should get he same amount of time that little Billy gets. Well I come from the old school partner and I don't want my kid getting anything he hasn't earned. I want him to beat out other kids and prove that he is the best man for the JOB (Not only sports). The world is a tough place and I bet you that in a few years they will not be getting anything for free. It starts with parents and I see it yearly, no discipline at home but want the coach to have discipline, no work ethic at home but thinks they have worked hard enough to get playing time. Everybody wants their baby to be the star regardless of talent level. The Friday night assistant coaches in the stand called parents needs to shut up, sit back and support the players and coaches regardless of the score. We need to take a good hard look on the other side of the mountains and take a few lessons from the Bears fans, #1 is just support our kids. #2 is win and lose as a community. #3 rally behind our coaches because coaching is a hard business to be in for them and their families. #4 regardless how ugly it gets remember we are all Cougar fans and without support from our community our team will never be anything more than a 2nd rate whipping boy for the teams down state. #4 is we have enough fair weathered fans in this state, let's prove to everybody around that the classiest program in the state can be from Letcher County both athletes, administration, parents and community. Go Cougars!!!
Lambert, know what you mean. This is not just a sport issue but a social one as well. Seems that everyone wants a free ride, and they want their kids to play and get a uniform whether they deserve it or not. On the other hand I hate to think that coaches and administrators worry more about playing someone who is someone instead of a poor kid who has worked his tail off and in actuality deserves the playing time. Sad world aint it
Old Jacket Wrote:Football girl I dont think Coach Howard or Coach Thomas can do any more. They was tellen the kids the play before it ever happened. The kids just didnt respond. One thing I have noticed with you. The kids win the games and the coachs lose the games.

I have been around football for a long time and that is a famous saying all coaches will tell the the team in a loss.
Good win for Whitley. They are just confirming what we in Bell Co. always thought they are a very good football team. They really underachieved last year but they are puting it all together this year.
58fan Wrote:Lambert, know what you mean. This is not just a sport issue but a social one as well. Seems that everyone wants a free ride, and they want their kids to play and get a uniform whether they deserve it or not. On the other hand I hate to think that coaches and administrators worry more about playing someone who is someone instead of a poor kid who has worked his tail off and in actuality deserves the playing time. Sad world aint it

You need to spend some time with the coaching staff and the players and then you'd see that the kids who show up every morning of summer break, every snow day, every day to lift weights (not just be there but actually work out) are playing regardless of income. I know for a fact that Coach Howard goes above and beyond to make every player feel equal if they show him a little heart and desire to play. I guarantee if he "worked his tail off", he's playing.
Who said anything about LLC's staff cougar chick, talking about life in general
Meant LCC
58fan Wrote:Lambert, know what you mean. This is not just a sport issue but a social one as well. Seems that everyone wants a free ride, and they want their kids to play and get a uniform whether they deserve it or not. On the other hand I hate to think that coaches and administrators worry more about playing someone who is someone instead of a poor kid who has worked his tail off and in actuality deserves the playing time. Sad world aint it

You did.
Did what? Anyway congrats Whitley county, played a great game, hopefull LCC will get things going right again

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