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Same Sex Marriage
The Godfather Wrote:How do you know murder and stealing is a sin? Because of Moses' 10 Commandments right? Well, that was in the old testament.

You basically just said things changed when Jesus came to Earth, so where in the new testament is there a new set of commandments?

The new testament is more about Jesus and less about the laws we must follow to live by, the whole point it's trying to get across is that you should love and follow Jesus.

So who's to say what is and isn't a sin now? The new testament defines it as "anything that seperates you from God."

So, you spending more time on BGR and less time praying can be considered a sin.

What I'm trying to say is that there is no sin greater than another. So why are we persecuting homosexuals and pushing them away from Christianity when they are sinners just like everyone else.?!

He didn't give a new set of commandments, but jesus did say that if you love god then you will keep his commandments. Just because Jesus died for our sins doesn't mean we can go out and willfully sin. Meaning if you know its a sin, and you do it anyway, then you might need to reevaluate your relationship with god.

I know there is no sin greater than another, and God still loves homosexuals, murderers, and all the scum of the earth just as much as he loves the people who follow him faithfully.

But when a person starts to follow God, then they want to learn more about him, and in doing so they find out that you do have to obey the laws of the land, and keep his commandments. That's where they will learn that killing someone, stealing something, or even eating too much is a sin.

Jesus coming to earth didn't change what made a sin a sin. He made a way for Gentiles, along with Jews, to get into heaven. and that is through him, and not burnt offerings, and scheduled prayer. But a one on one relationship.
wut in the world are u people talkin bout..these bible references are everywhere...
Read the whole thread would take too long to explain
Would Jesus ban gay marriage? Could he seriously look two gay men in the eye and tell them, "Sorry queers, I know you two are in love and your own sexual preference is your opinion but your opinion is wrong and mine is right. So sit down and shut up"?
So what you are saying is that the almighty God himself would look at two gay people and tell them taht just because they think its ok then its ok.. That's like saying he would look at someone who just shot a kid or something and well since you think it's ok then I guess i will be ok with it..

Come on now...
No, he's saying that God or Jesus loves unconditionally, and that no sin is greater than another I don't know why you all can't get that through your heads. God looks at a kid who just killed somebody and a guy who just said a cuss word the exact same. Their sins are equal, while we here on Earth may have harsher penalties for breaking certain rules, God sees all sins as being equal. God doesn't say "I like you better because you're not gay and havent killed anybody"

No, God loves all and let's say you said a cuss word today, God sees that sin just as equal as if you were to kill 15 people. Hard to wrap your head around because we have grown up in a society that puts values on sins, but God doesn't.
Well, I for one definitely DO NOT believe in same sex marriage. This is because it goes against everything I stand for and all my morals. However, I can see why you wouldn't see anything wrong with it if you didn't read the bible. That's why it is so wrong to me because in the bible it says it is wrong.
The Godfather Wrote:No, he's saying that God or Jesus loves unconditionally, and that no sin is greater than another I don't know why you all can't get that through your heads. God looks at a kid who just killed somebody and a guy who just said a cuss word the exact same. Their sins are equal, while we here on Earth may have harsher penalties for breaking certain rules, God sees all sins as being equal. God doesn't say "I like you better because you're not gay and havent killed anybody"

No, God loves all and let's say you said a cuss word today, God sees that sin just as equal as if you were to kill 15 people. Hard to wrap your head around because we have grown up in a society that puts values on sins, but God doesn't.

I know that.. and that's what i was trying to say.. I probably misread his post.

All I'm saying is once a person gets saved they want to stop sinning. Granted no one can ever stop sinning, it's impossible. But when we do sin we can pray to god for forgiveness and we try not to go out and commit the same sin..

If gays want to serve god then god will love them as he does anyone else, but in order for them to get to heaven they must do his will, and his will isn't for them to be with the same sex.
Does anyone actually know what part of the Bible says gay people are a no-no to God?
Leviticus 20:13 -- "`If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.
It also says, "Anyone who curses his father and mother must be put to death" It also says anyone who cheats on their wife must be put to death. It also says if you have sex with an animal you must be put to death. It also says if you have sex with a girl while she is on her period they must be shunned. It also says if a preachers daughter becomes a prostitute she has too be burned alive. It also says Preachers aren't allowed to be in the same room with a dead body.

seems kind of stupid to me....
So are you saying that all that stuff you listed is ok to do? I'm not saying for everyone to be put to death. But are you saying that it is ok to curse your mother and father, to cheat on your wife, to have sex with animals, and all that?
Aint nothin to it might as well let em do it...haha joking...

But I dont really care if they have it. I mean as long as no homosexual is coming up to me and hitting on me Im ok with it. I dont personally believe in it but who am I to tell them what to do. It is not my job to judge, only the Lord should judge. And he will decide their fate.
No. No, I'm not
CNN Wrote:No. No, I'm not

Are you answering the post that I posted or what?? I'm a little confused now lol
Lol, yes
OH.. lol.. Then what were you trying to say by that one post?
They just seem silly and harsh.
i am with godfather on this one. all people should have all the same rights. black, white, green, purple, gay, straight, bisexual, male, female, any and all people should have equal rights. most people view homosexuality as wrong, that is based on the morals they were raised with and their religion. i was raised with good morals in an all white neighborhood and i went to church every single sunday, i think that homosexuals should be able to be legally wed. alot of people in kentucky still hold something against blacks so what would stop them for seeing gays differently too? i hate it how most of the people in this area espically are basically just afraid to think outside of the box and go outside of their comfort zone. if they were in a chemistry lab and a homosexual male was assigned to be their lab partner then 90% or more of other men would not be comfortable around them. that would be a strictly professional, academic situation with no attraction on the homosexual's part yet people would be afraid to even be around the other guy. i think that this new generation should be one that believes in pure equality for all and they should take a giant leap for mankind and just get over everything. i am sorry that i am no longer religious but i am comfortable enough with my sexuality and my feelings and moral beliefs to say that i would not have any problem being around homosexuals, male or female.
Ya know, I bet half of the people (not all) who said "oh it's against the bible" haven't even read the bible. You just know from hearing it...and some talk about morals and values but I bet a lot of the people here have had sex and they aren't married or if they are married they had sex before marriage. :| I agree for the most part with The Godfather...I'm not as sure about the marriages, but definitely civil unions and stuff like that.
I do not agree with it. However I think they should be allowed. It's nasty to see 2 women or 2 men together. If you think about it gay couples are going to be together regardless if marriage is allowed or not. So, I don't see why it should matter. And come on, it's their life, give them the rights that everyone else has.
exaclty!! well said paperclip... :!:
VonWafer_FSU Wrote:exaclty!! well said paperclip... :!:
if the whole world was g a y, as said before, none of us would be here.
no one is saying that the whole world has to be gay, the question is, should the same sex marriages be legal or not?

is everyone was gay then yea, offspring would be as plentiful but..that would never happen anyway.
First Off: I'm straight.

I don't really belong here (a serious discussion forum that is), but I'll post my opinion anyway.

I have no problem with homosexuality or bisexuality, nor do I shun them or treat them any differently. I even take up for homosexuals or bisexuals when they get made fun of behind their backs. I tell the ones patronising of them that cowardice is probably worse than being gay, and then I call them a few names I won't list here because I want to keep as many asterisks, circumflex accents, ampersands, and parenthesis out of my posts as possible. All those symbols are ugly.

Anyway, everyone says that it's gross. While I admit that seeing two men having sex is not as fun as eating strawberries (<333 strawberries), it's my fault if I see it really. Unless someone tricks me into it by linking me to a google image search such as 'goatse' and 'lemonparty', it's my own fault. (PS: Don't google search for 'goatse' or 'lemonparty'.)

Indecent exposure laws are there to protect us from seeing these actions in public, where you can almost not avoid glancing. What people do behind their own closed doors is their own business, and does not concern anyone else besides the ones that are partaking in the 'action', and the Lord.

Now, my personal opinion.

-I can fully understand bisexual or homosexual women. I mean, honestly women are the most beautiful, attractive, and affectionate beings on this planet, and I'm saying this truthfully. I can not blame anyone for being attracted to women. I love women.

-I can not however, relate to bisexual or homosexual men, because I do not find males sexual attractive. I admit that EVERYONE (EVEN YOU) is a little bit gay. I'll admit that I can safely say I know when guys should be with a hot girl or not, by how they look and dress, but don't get me wrong. I'll never have a relationship with a man that passes low->normal friendship. (My best friend is a woman. <3 you.)

Edited to finish:

About marriage; It's a tricky issue. Many near-orthodox religious people believe by the laws of their book and accept anything else as horribly wrong. Whatever the Bible says about homosexuality is what the christians will think about it. (I haven't read the Bible, but it says something about being layed with another man, but I don't know the exact phrasing).

In my opinion, it boils down to freedom of religion. The only reason most people are complaining against it is because it is against THEIR OWN religion to allow this. I agree that marriage is a holy union between two people, but when convicts who murdered their ex-wifes get married again, I think that takes away the sanctity. Not just that as an example, but look.

I don't see why someone's religious beliefs or personal opinion should interfere with anyone else's rights in this country. I think anyone should be able to do as they want as long as it does not cause physical or mental anguish or harm to someone else. In this scenario, two men being wed can not cause physical or mental anguish in anyway. It just doesn't affect anyone else, it can't.

There is no way in my views that two men getting married will seperate you from your God. If you drift away from your God, sure you could blame it on this, but that's like blaming video games for teenage violence. There would be no direct correlation between the two occurances, and if you ever fall away from your god it is no one elses fault but your own.
I do have a problem with it. Truthfully, I don't have the info to back it up, but I just get the feeling that its not right. I have heard it's against the Bible, but I haven't looked it up. When I'm around a gay person, I'm just not comfortable and most of the time I can't even look at them. It's just the way I was raised and that usually is what gives a person their opinion on this subject. I think also a bad experience I had at the movies may have had something to do with it. Two gay guys sat right in front of me and started making out, and I'm getting sick talking about it. Needless to say I left.
Well Tcat, don't take anything I say the wrong way. None of this is a personal attack, and I don't want it to seem that way but it probably will.

tcat09 Wrote:It's just the way I was raised and that usually is what gives a person their opinion on this subject

You're right, alot of people's upbringings will make them shun this, but I don't think someone's opinion should jeopardize someone's freedom.

tcat09 Wrote:Two gay guys sat right in front of me and started making out, and I'm getting sick talking about it.

That's what I call indecent exposure, if it's a gay couple or not. Nothing more than a 2 second kiss should be allowed in public.
it all comes down to one thing...every individual will answer for thier OWN sins and trust me Ive got enough to worry about without debating if a couple of gay people should be allowed to marry or not.
Okay, here we go....

PHS fan, want to explain to us why it's different for two girls together?
Does that make it less "morally" wrong? Just because, it many men's fantasy, they think they can somehow join in?

I do believe there is something in the Bible where Jesus said love your neighbor as yourself.... treat others as you would like to be treated.... love your enemies........

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