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For Kentuckians
Here is a book written by my papaw.. Its about life in the mountians after the great depression..
Awesome! I love Kentucky History!

Is this a new book?
Yea.. its been out about a week
New York ; Publishers input

Why Daddy Sold Old Betsy is a celebration of a time in American history when milkshakes and movies on Saturday afternoons were a special treat and family was the most important thing in life.

Why Daddy Sold Old Betsy is a nostalgic memoir by a favorite poet of the state of Kentucky, Ralph Hall. The author, born in 1936, tells his own story about growing up in a coal mining town in rural Kentucky during a simpler time. Peppered with original poems and filled with insights and humor, Why Daddy Sold Old Betsy is sure to delight audiences of all ages. Readers can experience the adventures of a young boy growing up in the days before mobile phones and video games, back when a radio was a major luxury and the best times were those spent with family around a roaring fire, eating fresh apple pie, or around the breakfast table before going into the fields together and working the farm as a family. Ralph Hall’s Why Daddy Sold Old Betsy is more than merely a descriptive autobiography about an idyllic childhood. History lovers and biography readers, alike, can appreciate the glimpse into American life that Ralph Hall gives the reader by recounting his antics with his brother, Mutt, and his childhood friends as well as the fond memories of his family and the changes his hometown in Kentucky has gone through during his lifetime. Why Daddy Sold Old Betsy by Ralph Hall is a refreshing, insightful, and sweet autobiography that transports the reader back in time to a less complicated place where happiness meant spending time with good friends and family.

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