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Define a Great Coach
Well said "infloydcounty"...:thatsfunn :thatsfunn
bucslover68 Wrote:I really appreciated this post...Coaches who can teach and still win without screaming are a rare breed...Sounds like Bell County has a heck of an assistant...See if you all can encourage Dudley to play Belfry...The Pirates need games and it would match two of the best programs east of Lexington...Take care and good luck this week.

I have heard a few rumors that Bell maybe playing in the Pike Co. Bowl against Belfry next year? Not sure if their is any truth to it?

That would be a good match-up that both sides could get excited about.
A great coach would be someone thats helps the players on the field as well as off the field. Not turning your back on the players when they get hurt and treat the worst player the same as the best. anyone agree?
I can say alot about what make a great coach.... A great coach can get the best out of his player week in and week out, and know how to get there best from them. No matter what the out come is. He know that he got the best from his player on the field. He know when he have to push them a lil more and how to. some coach people that is a great coach isn't i can name one off the top of my head. He make his player play hurt or not. If my kid play for him and he try to do that to him. That coach better leave the state.........
A great Coach....
Well lets see.
1. Everyone Respects
2. Coaching Abilities
3. Players want to be like their coach
4. Doesn't busch league it.
5. Fair
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Please come listen to the podcast and read some articles.
I think we all agree that most coaches(not all), but most try to look out for their kids, teach some life lessons, make them better young men, teach them to have some character, encourage them to go to Sunday School, basically be a second( or in some circumstances the only) father figure in their lives.

The truth of the matter is that all great coaches find ways to win. Just look in the Mtns. and think of great coaches. I'll bet that Phillip Haywood, Hillard Howard, Dudley Hylton, Chuke Williams, Bill Mike Runyon, Bobby Keith, and maybe a few others came to mind. I wonder if everyone thought of them as great coaches before they started having those great seasons.

Now, find some of the things that these coaches have in common and then we should start to see some of the things that really define great coaches:
Passion for the sport they coach, hating to lose more than they love to win, realizing that building a program first is what builds championships, having a competitive fire that funnels to their players, and being able to get things done through their administration.

This is just one guy's opinion, of course.
State Champs Wrote:A good coach is one that won his last game.

A good coach is Brian turner he has made a big turn around from when he last coached and i would not be shocked if he stayed with this team cause they have alot of talent!
Can't tell you the makeup of a "great coach", but I can tell you how to spot him:

Look for a team that loses in the playoffs. When those players feel worse for their coach after the game than they do for themselves or each other, you've found him.

someone who never allowed his team to suffer a losing season throughout the 90's and has had such success...46-18 at the helm of the golden eagles
Bobcat_Dad Wrote:I have heard a few rumors that Bell maybe playing in the Pike Co. Bowl against Belfry next year? Not sure if their is any truth to it?

That would be a good match-up that both sides could get excited about.

From what I hear, Boyd County and Covington Holy Cross are the two teams that Belfry and Pikeville will rotate with the next two years in the PCB. I wish it was Bell Co.
I'll have to agree with blackcat. I think winning is over rated when it comes to coaching. IMO it comes down to what you can get out of your players. Sure winning is a plus, but someone who can get a team in a "down" year to play "up" is a winner either way. I also despise running up of a score. Now and then some may be out to prove a point and this is wrong. A coach that allows the younger kids to play is a coach that will have success in the years to come. Game time experience can not be beat when it comes to preparing for the future.
bottom line, a great coach teaches life lessons and all of the other things mentioned but also must have the W's as well to be considered "Great"
you have to win to be considered Great in coaching, you don't win if your not doing all the positive things mentioned in the other posts.
According to alot of the posts above we would have to list former UK coach Bill Curry as on of the all-time great college coaches. Sorry without the W's you can't be considered "Great"
hwy 58 Wrote:According to alot of the posts above we would have to list former UK coach Bill Curry as on of the all-time great college coaches. Sorry without the W's you can't be considered "Great"

Let me update on my statement. Winning is a HUGE part of being a GREAT coach. But, alot of times(much like the situation in college football) if you don't win 98% of your games you concidered a loser? i think thats a little rough. I'm just saying that, just because a coach may have a down year or two, you can't count them out.

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