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The Economy: A Dialogue
*Repair and rebuild neglected bridges, railroads, schools and other infrastructure, designing for climate change and a post-petroleum world (perhaps use a WPA type program).

*Extend unemployment insurance benefits.

*Provide tax relief for middle and low income families, and reinstate fair taxes on high wealth individuals and corporate profits.

*Adopt the Employee Free Choice Act to increase opportunities to unionize.
Cut Welfare.
Leaves taxes as they are.
Cut pork spending.
Do away with Nafta.
Pass a bill requiring companies who sell products in the U.S. to employ Americans on a percentage basis. Starting at 20%. If your company makes 20% profit from the American economy 20% of your employees must be based in America. These numbers will remain equal 50/50 75/75. An exception for exotic goods.
Beetle01 Wrote:Cut Welfare.
Leaves taxes as they are.
Cut pork spending.
Do away with Nafta.
Pass a bill requiring companies who sell products in the U.S. to employ Americans on a percentage basis. Starting at 20%. If your company makes 20% profit from the American economy 20% of your employees must be based in America. These numbers will remain equal 50/50 75/75. An exception for exotic goods.

Cut welfare completely...even as a stop gap measure as people try to find work? Every state wants jobs, wants projects, which equal jobs, wants infrastructure. Representatives and Senators feel that pressure. "Pork is what other states get that my state don't." I agree with trade policies that level the playing field (like the one you mentioned above.
thecavemaster Wrote:Cut welfare completely...even as a stop gap measure as people try to find work? Every state wants jobs, wants projects, which equal jobs, wants infrastructure. Representatives and Senators feel that pressure. "Pork is what other states get that my state don't." I agree with trade policies that level the playing field (like the one you mentioned above.

Yep cut all welfare, put all this money into education.
If people are having a hardtime finding a job, they can apply to school, try and earn a degree. If they are doing this I have no problem with the Govt. giving them money for more than school.

We need to quit giving people the easy way out. .

However if you put in my idea about doing away with Nafta and forcing companies to bring back jobs instead of extoring cheap slave labor in other countries, welfare will not be as needed. Most of those on welfare are usually uneducated, not all, but you have to try and solve the majority of the problem. You can't force anyone to do anything, but only hope that they will want to. With incentives to goto school, you in turn may give a little motivation to people who may have neevr taken that route and better their lives.
Not only with more Federal funding for schools do you lower the cost of an education. The level of education will rise. As the level of education rises so will our way of life as a whole.
I think your ideas #$@%!
Don't talk to me about taxes after I just paid my quarterlies. Cut taxes on low income? They don't pay income taxes now. If my taxes are raised, someone at my company is going to lose a job, and guess what, it's not gonna be me.
lawrencefan Wrote:I think your ideas [email=#$@%!]#$@%![/email]

Quaint and eloquent... Do you understand that I am talking about the working poor? As far as I know, people on welfare and disability and such don't pay taxes. I don't see how your quarterly taxes have anything to do with the man or woman working at Walmart, messed over as far as insurance goes, making a non-living wage?
Beetle01 Wrote:Yep cut all welfare, put all this money into education.
If people are having a hardtime finding a job, they can apply to school, try and earn a degree. If they are doing this I have no problem with the Govt. giving them money for more than school.

We need to quit giving people the easy way out. .

However if you put in my idea about doing away with Nafta and forcing companies to bring back jobs instead of extoring cheap slave labor in other countries, welfare will not be as needed. Most of those on welfare are usually uneducated, not all, but you have to try and solve the majority of the problem. You can't force anyone to do anything, but only hope that they will want to. With incentives to goto school, you in turn may give a little motivation to people who may have neevr taken that route and better their lives.
Not only with more Federal funding for schools do you lower the cost of an education. The level of education will rise. As the level of education rises so will our way of life as a whole.

I don't think as a society we have to choose between providing a safety net and quality education. Again, I think welfare was a bad idea: something for nothing hurts all.
thecavemaster Wrote:Quaint and eloquent... Do you understand that I am talking about the working poor? As far as I know, people on welfare and disability and such don't pay taxes. I don't see how your quarterly taxes have anything to do with the man or woman working at Walmart, messed over as far as insurance goes, making a non-living wage?

Then get a job with another firm. There is always going to be someone in a low paying job. When you say we should have a "living wage", who mandates what a "living wage" is. The government, the same one that mandated that back in the 90's mandated that banks give sub prime mortgages?
lawrencefan Wrote:Then get a job with another firm. There is always going to be someone in a low paying job. When you say we should have a "living wage", who mandates what a "living wage" is. The government, the same one that mandated that back in the 90's mandated that banks give sub prime mortgages?

The same government that manages to get millions upon millions of social security checks to people on time every month? A living wage can be fairly easily computed using market indeces in different areas. You're whole "get another job" snobbery reeks of a certain kind of middle class elitism.
thecavemaster Wrote:The same government that manages to get millions upon millions of social security checks to people on time every month? A living wage can be fairly easily computed using market indeces in different areas. You're whole "get another job" snobbery reeks of a certain kind of middle class elitism.

Try living on social security.
thecavemaster Wrote:Quaint and eloquent... Do you understand that I am talking about the working poor? As far as I know, people on welfare and disability and such don't pay taxes. I don't see how your quarterly taxes have anything to do with the man or woman working at Walmart, messed over as far as insurance goes, making a non-living wage?

Most people who are working poor are younger people without marketable experience or skills. I was the same way when I got out of the Army. Not much need for tank commanders, but I got two crappy night jobs and used my GI Bill to go to college during the day. Took awhile, but things worked out. As far as taxes, I just think it is fundamentally wrong for the govt to take one out of every three dollars you make.
lawrencefan Wrote:Most people who are working poor are younger people without marketable experience or skills. I was the same way when I got out of the Army. Not much need for tank commanders, but I got two crappy night jobs and used my GI Bill to go to college during the day. Took awhile, but things worked out. As far as taxes, I just think it is fundamentally wrong for the govt to take one out of every three dollars you make.

I'd like to see you back that up with something besides your opinion.

I gurantee you're wrong!

I'd do it for ya but the thought of you trying to find something to back up such a ridiculous statement is too much to pass up.
lawrencefan Wrote:Try living on social security.

Social security was designed as a supplemental income to some sort of retirement, as a safety net to assure some dignity and quality of life. I have heard A LOT of people say this: "I don't know what I would do without my social security." The government is not the cure all and end all...shouldn't be. However, it is not this monolithic evil that you make it out to be.

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