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Johnson Central 49 - St. Thomas More 13
Kayaker Wrote:I seen many times, especially during the first drive of the 3rd quarter where JC allowed More to run over them and through tackles. JC was more focused on laying a big hit then looking for approval than wrapping up and making the tackle. Fortunately, it didnt come back to haunt them, but against a quality opponent, one like they will see this week in Bryan Station, it could cost them or put them into some close situation. Also there pass defense is still weak, many dropped balls that could have been big plays by More.

Overall the Eagles played a good game and Coach Reeves done a great job at filling in while Matney was out, but their is still lots of room for improvement if this team is to make it out of the 2nd round of the playoffs.

The first half for JC was kinda slugish, but they improved and made the big plays when they had the oppertunity in the second. The offense played pretty good and the blocking was improved from the previous game I thought. The defense was solid I felt, but in the later quaters it looked as if they got away from the basic fundamentals of tackling and began to leave their feet or duck their head instead of breaking down and wrapping up. The pass defense was better and had good position all night in the secondary with the exception of a deep ball in the 1st....the safety should've been overtop with the corner underneath, but that ball was overshot. Two interceptions and a couple of misplayed balls that should've been a few more....overall good game by JC.
Belfry0304 Wrote:Does this mean JCHS would win National Championship in Canada? Haha. Good job, Johnson Central.

I heard that there wide outs lined 20 yards off the ball and took off runing and there qb would hike it when they got to the line. Is that true?
da_boss Wrote:I heard that there wide outs lined 20 yards off the ball and took off runing and there qb would hike it when they got to the line. Is that true?

IDK about 20yd off the ball, but they were in motion towards the line when the ball was snapped giving them a slight advantage and making it difficult when trying to get to the flats, drop zones, or playing man. They (STM) is allowed to do that in Canada and I feel that the refs let them by with that a little more than making them adjust completely to the game.
ok well
im not going to come on here and complain or make any excuses about the game
im just on here to say a few things
first off
amazing game JC you guys are a great team and should do well in your future games
we didnt play our best football
that is for sure
the people that you saw on the links that people posted in the other threads was of last years team
this year is different
we had a week of practice before this game i am not using that as an excuse but that is a big disadvantage we were not gelled together yet
i was the only returning starter on the offensive line so as a unit we were not prepared on that end and made some cruical mistakes

and for the select few on here saying it was a laughing stock is disrespectful really
we played our hearts out yes you might have put your JV in, but we did also the backup QB scored the TD and we had rookies playing both ends of the ball so we could see what they can do but calling it a laughing stock i believe is disrespectful
we came out flat, didnt play real hamilton football

But to end I want to say good luck to JC on the rest of their season, hope you guys do great it was nice talking to a few players after the game

good luck in the future and congratulations again
Roy Wrote:ok well
im not going to come on here and complain or make any excuses about the game
im just on here to say a few things
first off
amazing game JC you guys are a great team and should do well in your future games
we didnt play our best football
that is for sure
the people that you saw on the links that people posted in the other threads was of last years team
this year is different
we had a week of practice before this game i am not using that as an excuse but that is a big disadvantage we were not gelled together yet
i was the only returning starter on the offensive line so as a unit we were not prepared on that end and made some cruical mistakes

and for the select few on here saying it was a laughing stock is disrespectful really
we played our hearts out yes you might have put your JV in, but we did also the backup QB scored the TD and we had rookies playing both ends of the ball so we could see what they can do but calling it a laughing stock i believe is disrespectful
we came out flat, didnt play real hamilton football

But to end I want to say good luck to JC on the rest of their season, hope you guys do great it was nice talking to a few players after the game

good luck in the future and congratulations again
Nice post.

I will certainly say that by no means did I consider your teams performance a laughing stock performance. People need to think about what kind of performance their own teams that they root for would be like with only a week's practice under their belts. Trust me, the comments that are being posted on the negative theme are not posters that are JC fans. They are fans that support other area teams.. I think your team is full of quality athletes, and I heard nothing but good things from people that got the opportunity to be around your fellow teammates and the coaching staff. You've gained everyone's respect.

Hope you enjoyed your trip to Kentucky and best of luck to you and your team the rest of the season, and thanks for venturing this way.
Roy Wrote:ok well
im not going to come on here and complain or make any excuses about the game
im just on here to say a few things
first off
amazing game JC you guys are a great team and should do well in your future games
we didnt play our best football
that is for sure
the people that you saw on the links that people posted in the other threads was of last years team
this year is different
we had a week of practice before this game i am not using that as an excuse but that is a big disadvantage we were not gelled together yet
i was the only returning starter on the offensive line so as a unit we were not prepared on that end and made some cruical mistakes

and for the select few on here saying it was a laughing stock is disrespectful really
we played our hearts out yes you might have put your JV in, but we did also the backup QB scored the TD and we had rookies playing both ends of the ball so we could see what they can do but calling it a laughing stock i believe is disrespectful
we came out flat, didnt play real hamilton football

But to end I want to say good luck to JC on the rest of their season, hope you guys do great it was nice talking to a few players after the game

good luck in the future and congratulations again

Nice post! Sorry for all the negative posts, including mine. I hope that you stay around and keep us eastern Kentuckians updated on how you guys do up north.
Sounds like you young men are very proffesional and respectfull. Do not take the negative post to heart. There is alot of smack talk and it just does not hold water. JC is a Kentucky Mountain power and you guys held your own. Aside from all the adversity you faced you left here with your heads up and alot learned. All lessons in life worth learning are never easy. You guys are Champions and do not forget that. You came here to take it to the next level and that is something alot of other programs avoid. In the mountains of eastern Ky we take football very seriously. I have traveled all over the world and seen many things and still mountain football holds the special place in my heart. JC has a top notch program and great traditon. Many teams avoid them for this reason. You men showed up to work on your game and you are a better team now. You also brought something unique and special to this place and made history in the books of South Eastern Ky football. JC and there fan base will never forget it and the mountain natives will neither. Thank you for this oppourtunity we are greatful.
Roy, as a fan of JC I appreciate you guys coming down here and playing. I think you guys did an exceptional job considering the facts. I dont know any team from this area that could practice one week, travel to canada, play under your rules and do as well as you did! I hope this was a great experience for you guys, because I know it was for us. Good luck this season, and I hope you guys win the championship again.
Roy Wrote:ok well
im not going to come on here and complain or make any excuses about the game
im just on here to say a few things
first off
amazing game JC you guys are a great team and should do well in your future games
we didnt play our best football
that is for sure
the people that you saw on the links that people posted in the other threads was of last years team
this year is different
we had a week of practice before this game i am not using that as an excuse but that is a big disadvantage we were not gelled together yet
i was the only returning starter on the offensive line so as a unit we were not prepared on that end and made some cruical mistakes

and for the select few on here saying it was a laughing stock is disrespectful really
we played our hearts out yes you might have put your JV in, but we did also the backup QB scored the TD and we had rookies playing both ends of the ball so we could see what they can do but calling it a laughing stock i believe is disrespectful
we came out flat, didnt play real hamilton football

But to end I want to say good luck to JC on the rest of their season, hope you guys do great it was nice talking to a few players after the game

good luck in the future and congratulations again

I know what you mean in 06 JCHS lost 4 offensive line men and just now recovering from that, it takes time to gell. I'm sure you guys know this, with the program that you guys have . You guys are a class act, and this is coming from a former JCHS football player who bleeds BLACK and GOLD. I wish and im sure that everyone else wish's you guys have the best football season. I know I will be following your program this year enjoyed having you guys down here.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Nice post.

I will certainly say that by no means did I consider your teams performance a laughing stock performance. People need to think about what kind of performance their own teams that they root for would be like with only a week's practice under their belts. Trust me, the comments that are being posted on the negative theme are not posters that are JC fans. They are fans that support other area teams.. I think your team is full of quality athletes, and I heard nothing but good things from people that got the opportunity to be around your fellow teammates and the coaching staff. You've gained everyone's respect.

Hope you enjoyed your trip to Kentucky and best of luck to you and your team the rest of the season, and thanks for venturing this way.

Same here. Most people realize that many factors were involved in your team's performance. The comment about "a laughing stock" was way out of line. Your team has the respect from the people at Johnson Central that you would hope to have it. Ignore the rest of them. Hope you enjoyed your visit.
thank you for all the positive comments that came out of this
i realize it is not the JC fans or players that write that but I still find it disrespectful to us even if other people write it but thats enough of that
I will keep you guys updated on our season if you want me to
we have our first league game this friday against Bishop Ryan the team we beat 3 times last year the 3rd being for the OFSAA championship so it should be a go game with feuds bruing. But thanks to everyone for the positive comments
the game and atmosphere wa amazing, you are very kind and nice people that welcomed us with open arms and we appricate that. We enjoyed ourselves immesly even though we lost we lost with class, hopefully you guys will do great with your season, I only see good things with you
hopefully this year we can bring home anotherchampionship we have a good group of guys and I think we will tough it out and have a great season
we usually play 4 down ball like you but now were changing to canadian rules and going with 3 downs, so it will be a tough season but with the veterns we have I believe we will do fine
Roy Wrote:thank you for all the positive comments that came out of this
i realize it is not the JC fans or players that write that but I still find it disrespectful to us even if other people write it but thats enough of that
I will keep you guys updated on our season if you want me to
we have our first league game this friday against Bishop Ryan the team we beat 3 times last year the 3rd being for the OFSAA championship so it should be a go game with feuds bruing. But thanks to everyone for the positive comments
the game and atmosphere wa amazing, you are very kind and nice people that welcomed us with open arms and we appricate that. We enjoyed ourselves immesly even though we lost we lost with class, hopefully you guys will do great with your season, I only see good things with you
hopefully this year we can bring home anotherchampionship we have a good group of guys and I think we will tough it out and have a great season
we usually play 4 down ball like you but now were changing to canadian rules and going with 3 downs, so it will be a tough season but with the veterns we have I believe we will do fine

Yes, keep us updated on how you guys to throughout the season.

Your welcomed to post here any time you would like!
This is kind of off topic, but was anyone else impressed with JC's new facilities. In one word "WOW"! Definately top notch. Not hardly complete, but one of if not the best high school facilities in the state. On par with Belfry! There are a lot of colleges that would love to have it.
Roy Wrote:thank you for all the positive comments that came out of this
i realize it is not the JC fans or players that write that but I still find it disrespectful to us even if other people write it but thats enough of that
I will keep you guys updated on our season if you want me to
we have our first league game this friday against Bishop Ryan the team we beat 3 times last year the 3rd being for the OFSAA championship so it should be a go game with feuds bruing. But thanks to everyone for the positive comments
the game and atmosphere wa amazing, you are very kind and nice people that welcomed us with open arms and we appricate that. We enjoyed ourselves immesly even though we lost we lost with class, hopefully you guys will do great with your season, I only see good things with you
hopefully this year we can bring home anotherchampionship we have a good group of guys and I think we will tough it out and have a great season
we usually play 4 down ball like you but now were changing to canadian rules and going with 3 downs, so it will be a tough season but with the veterns we have I believe we will do fine

I considered it an honor to have your team come to our community to play this game. Your coaching staff and players were truely class personified, very friendly and respectful. I wish your team all of the luck this season and hope you once again win your championship. You never gave up and played until the horn sounded and for that you have my respect. I hope we have the opportunity to meet you again some day on the field.

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