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How many of you belong to other kinds of forums?
What are some of your other favorite forums other than sports related forums that was recently discussed?

Mine would be my site and 2 other mommy forums because I am a mommy to 2 little guys!
I've signed up for a cell phone help forum, a computer help forum, a music forum, and a few forums of other sites, but i can't really remember any of them lol..
sounds like some entertaining forums. It doesn't get any better than cell phone help! Smile
I was trying to figure out how to dl. ringtones.. lol
I don't belong to any other forums.
Can't find anything that would hold my interest like this one has. Thought about joining a couple but they were just like funny sites and well, no need.
I read Its a tech type of forum. With interesting news about computer technologies.
I am a member on BGP but as soon as my time runs out im outta there. The only reason I get on there and post is b/c of the nascar thingy they have every week. Ivee been a member on there for like 2 years and i have like 125 posts. I love this site more tho.
i am on 2 car forums and on a UK forum.
I belong to a few other forums
Slashdot.. Im not a member of any other forums. However, I do read several tech forums..

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