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17-year-old daughter of Sarah Palin is pregnant

ST. PAUL, Minnesota (CNN) -- Bristol Palin, the 17-year-old daughter of Sarah Palin, is pregnant and will keep the baby and marry the baby's father, the Republican vice presidential candidate said Monday.

John McCain was aware of Bristol Palin's pregnancy before he chose her mother for his running mate, a top adviser to the Republican presidential candidate said.

The adviser, Doug Holtz-Eakin, said Monday that Palin "was completely vetted by the campaign" before she was chosen.

"Sen. McCain knew this and felt in no way did it disqualify her from being vice president," said an aide who asked not to be named. "Families have difficulties sometimes and lucky for her she has a supportive family."

The McCain aide emphasized that Bristol decided to keep the baby, a decision "supported by her parents."

Senior McCain advisers said Palin told McCain about her daughter's pregnancy in one of their "private conversations" last week before he officially asked her to run with her.
I applaud Obama for his statements regarding this matter... it is a family matter and has no place in this campaign....

Read his comments here:
Well I don't see this as a big deal............................A girl that age oughta have 3 or 4 youngins Big Grin
letthebighogroot Wrote:Well I don't see this as a big deal............................A girl that age oughta have 3 or 4 youngins Big Grin

Where's Coach_Owens??? Doesn't he want to touch on this and why the liberal news media put this story ahead of the RNC coverage last night or even in some instances, put the story ahead of Gustav aftermath coverage just last night, less than 12 hours after the storms landfall?

As for the story. It's a family matter and private. Obama's response was very honorable. This will make attacking Palin even tougher on Biden and others.

Can you imagine the left response if Palin's daughter had decided to have an abortion and made it public? Just a thought.
jammin' jamey Wrote:Where's Coach_Owens??? Doesn't he want to touch on this and why the liberal news media put this story ahead of the RNC coverage last night or even in some instances, put the story ahead of Gustav aftermath coverage just last night, less than 12 hours after the storms landfall?

As for the story. It's a family matter and private. Obama's response was very honorable. This will make attacking Palin even tougher on Biden and others.

Can you imagine the left response if Palin's daughter had decided to have an abortion and made it public? Just a thought.

Coach Owens is home and doing well.

I feel this really isnt a big story, as I have stood up for the privacy of families in situations like this.

As far as the "Liberal" news media goes, I keep telling you guys, day after day that I DO NOT WATCH cable news! What dont you understand?

I have seen the story being headlined as a flip through the channels, or listen to the radio on the way to school. I find it a non issue, so I dont pay attention.

As for the why the media is playing this above the RNC, or Gustav, it could be because the RNC was cut short yesterday, and that Gustav was not as strong as expected, but I dunno, im just guessing.
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:As far as the "Liberal" news media goes, I keep telling you guys, day after day that I DO NOT WATCH cable news! What dont you understand?

I guess I don't understand why you make threads about network news and you say you don't watch it, while you turn a blinded eye to this story that MSNBC and others are slandering in the same manner you accuse FOX news of doing from the other end of the spectrum.

Care to take this further and clarify?
I dont think anyone cares, the news just need a story.
My thoughts on the "liberal news" you guys speak of.

When this story first broke I looked on CNN, MSNBC, CSPAN, and Fox News.

The ONLY station at the time that was doing any sort of coverage (and I mean discussing the matter, not just stating facts) was FOX NEWS.

That's hardly liberal media. Again, let me say, Fox News, was the only one at the time doing any coverage on the matter.

Currently, I did just see a discussion panel about it on CNN, but they all poo-poo'd it and said it's a personal matter and that's that.

So maybe I'm watching the wrong channels, but I have not heard very much discussion or coverage on this at all from the "liberal media." In fact, I have heard more discussion, coverage, and defensive arguments on CONSERVATIVE media outlets, such as Fox News and Sean Hannity's radio show - where he talked about it for a good 30 minutes - only to turn around, be a hypocrite, and say that the "liberal media" shoudn't be covering this. (Yes, I have to admit, I was driving today, and broke down and listened to Hannity's radio show...... *bleck*)

Well Sean, they're not covering it, but YOU ARE, you freakin' idiot!

IMO, it's the conservatives that are blowing this story out of the water by being overly defensive.

Sorry for the rant.

BTW, the "liberal media" did not expose this story. The McCain/Palin camp released this news in the first place.
jammin' jamey Wrote:I guess I don't understand why you make threads about network news and you say you don't watch it, while you turn a blinded eye to this story that MSNBC and others are slandering in the same manner you accuse FOX news of doing from the other end of the spectrum.

Care to take this further and clarify?

I guess he is not going to take it any further.
it's no big deal to me. It happens, the important thing is that this young girl has made the right decision to keep the child and that her baby daddy is taking responsibility as well and marrying her. This happens all the time in this state. I know a girl this happened to and she has three kids now and her and her husband are the better for it.
launchpad4 Wrote:it's no big deal to me. It happens, the important thing is that this young girl has made the right decision to keep the child and that her baby daddy is taking responsibility as well and marrying her. This happens all the time in this state. I know a girl this happened to and she has three kids now and her and her husband are the better for it.
Sounds like a shotgun wedding headed for divorce/disaster to me. I read in the NT Times today that the boyfriend answered a survey on his myspace(which has since been removed) stating that he was a "redneck" and that if anyone tried anything he would "Kick ***".
He also stated that he did not want kids nor did he want to get married any time soon.

I hope for the child it doesn't work out this way.
ComfortEagle Wrote:My thoughts on the "liberal news" you guys speak of.

When this story first broke I looked on CNN, MSNBC, CSPAN, and Fox News.

The ONLY station at the time that was doing any sort of coverage (and I mean discussing the matter, not just stating facts) was FOX NEWS.

That's hardly liberal media. Again, let me say, Fox News, was the only one at the time doing any coverage on the matter.

Currently, I did just see a discussion panel about it on CNN, but they all poo-poo'd it and said it's a personal matter and that's that.

So maybe I'm watching the wrong channels, but I have not heard very much discussion or coverage on this at all from the "liberal media." In fact, I have heard more discussion, coverage, and defensive arguments on CONSERVATIVE media outlets, such as Fox News and Sean Hannity's radio show - where he talked about it for a good 30 minutes - only to turn around, be a hypocrite, and say that the "liberal media" shoudn't be covering this. (Yes, I have to admit, I was driving today, and broke down and listened to Hannity's radio show...... *bleck*)

Well Sean, they're not covering it, but YOU ARE, you freakin' idiot!

IMO, it's the conservatives that are blowing this story out of the water by being overly defensive.

Sorry for the rant.

BTW, the "liberal media" did not expose this story. The McCain/Palin camp released this news in the first place.

I just know that yesterday evening this was THE story on CNN and MSNBC. FOX was also focusing on the story and as you said, they were discussing the story further, yet in my opinion (and I didn't make this clear in my earlier post) FOX was deflecting this story and supporting Palin, which took more of a focused effort. FOX was not leading with this story on Bill O'Reilly last night they first went to LA for hurricane coverage and Shepherd Smith didn't focus much time on it earlier at 7pm when I began watching the news. CNN and others were discussing this story in a different tone and treating it like it was something of critical attention in my opinion in the 7pm and 8pm hours last night at the start of primetime.

Of course Sean Hannity or Bill O'Reilly are going to focus on it because they have to "spin it" and deflect it. In Sean or O'Reilly's defense, they use their shows as a comeback against attacks lfrom hate websites like dailykos and huffingtonpost.

I have never said that one network has all the answers. I simply want to point out that each network has an agenda and for the most part, the television news media's agenda is supporting anything liberal.
jammin' jamey Wrote:I just know that yesterday evening this was THE story on CNN and MSNBC. FOX was also focusing on the story and as you said, they were discussing the story further, yet in my opinion (and I didn't make this clear in my earlier post) FOX was deflecting this story and supporting Palin, which took more of a focused effort. FOX was not leading with this story on Bill O'Reilly last night they first went to LA for hurricane coverage and Shepherd Smith didn't focus much time on it earlier at 7pm when I began watching the news. CNN and others were discussing this story in a different tone and treating it like it was something of critical attention in my opinion in the 7pm and 8pm hours last night at the start of primetime.

Of course Sean Hannity or Bill O'Reilly are going to focus on it because they have to "spin it" and deflect it. In Sean or O'Reilly's defense, they use their shows as a comeback against attacks lfrom hate websites like dailykos and huffingtonpost.

I have never said that one network has all the answers. I simply want to point out that each network has an agenda and for the most part, the television news media's agenda is supporting anything liberal.
As far as Bias goes I'll admit that MSNBC is in love with Obama and at the same time I have to say FOX News is in love with McCain.

CNN is less biased as a whole but they too have staffers that pull for one side or the other. It is the most balanced of the 3 IMO.

But if you want unbiased reporting and not a bunch of talking heads with "Opinions" you must watch Newshour w/ Jim Lehrer on PBS.
jammin' jamey Wrote:I guess I don't understand why you make threads about network news and you say you don't watch it, while you turn a blinded eye to this story that MSNBC and others are slandering in the same manner you accuse FOX news of doing from the other end of the spectrum.

Care to take this further and clarify?

There's a difference between covering a story, and lying about commonly known facts. I post threads about fox because a lot of people like to whine about liberal media bias, and use that as an excuse for liberal success. I just like to point out that that isnt exactly true.

I haven't turned a blind eye to anything, Ive admitted that bias does exist, so I don't see what your issue is.
Pretty pitiful state of affairs in our country when something like this makes the national news...

ComfortEagle Wrote:My thoughts on the "liberal news" you guys speak of.

When this story first broke I looked on CNN, MSNBC, CSPAN, and Fox News.

The ONLY station at the time that was doing any sort of coverage (and I mean discussing the matter, not just stating facts) was FOX NEWS.

That's hardly liberal media. Again, let me say, Fox News, was the only one at the time doing any coverage on the matter.

Currently, I did just see a discussion panel about it on CNN, but they all poo-poo'd it and said it's a personal matter and that's that.

So maybe I'm watching the wrong channels, but I have not heard very much discussion or coverage on this at all from the "liberal media." In fact, I have heard more discussion, coverage, and defensive arguments on CONSERVATIVE media outlets, such as Fox News and Sean Hannity's radio show - where he talked about it for a good 30 minutes - only to turn around, be a hypocrite, and say that the "liberal media" shoudn't be covering this. (Yes, I have to admit, I was driving today, and broke down and listened to Hannity's radio show...... *bleck*)

Well Sean, they're not covering it, but YOU ARE, you freakin' idiot!

IMO, it's the conservatives that are blowing this story out of the water by being overly defensive.

Sorry for the rant.

BTW, the "liberal media" did not expose this story. The McCain/Palin camp released this news in the first place.

Yeah it seems the right wing is in emergency mode to protect their candidate, and fox is doing their bidding.

Sean is always hypocritical, no matter what he's covering. And it's always the same thing, just blame the liberals.

It's also funny that He and other right wing pundits heavily criticized Edwards for his affair, but now that a right wing candidate is having family issues, it's suddenly off limits, unless of course, your a republican.
It seems that there is more info coming out on her daughter as some photos of her, with alcohol in hand have appeared. This could get ugly for Palin and family.
Palin is no different than about 20 million other moms across the U.S. This stuff happens..It is called life!
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:Palin is no different than about 20 million other moms across the U.S. This stuff happens..It is called life!

Except she is the potential Vice President, and she runs on an agenda that doesn't always look too mercifully upon people who make mistakes. With that said, minor children should be off limits. The coverage is way over the top.
The lib media is going to focus on the pregnant daughter, instead of the son leaving for Iraq soon. Fox wants to focus on it, and try to play it down.

Edwards and his affair were between 2 adults. He was also running for the Dem nom. for president.

This girl is a minor who is not running for anything, her mom is.

She's 17 and she's obviously had sex and drank alcohol. (90% of the girls I know did the same when I was in HS)

If this is all the libs have on Palin, November is going to be a great month for conservatives.
People will get tired of listening to Olberman and that other man chick he has on his show bash a 17 yr old very soon.
Beetle01 Wrote:The lib media is going to focus on the pregnant daughter, instead of the son leaving for Iraq soon. Fox wants to focus on it, and try to play it down.

Edwards and his affair were between 2 adults. He was also running for the Dem nom. for president.

This girl is a minor who is not running for anything, her mom is.

She's 17 and she's obviously had sex and drank alcohol. (90% of the girls I know did the same when I was in HS)

If this is all the libs have on Palin, November is going to be a great month for conservatives.
People will get tired of listening to Olberman and that other man chick he has on his show bash a 17 yr old very soon.

Beetle01 Wrote:The lib media is going to focus on the pregnant daughter, instead of the son leaving for Iraq soon. Fox wants to focus on it, and try to play it down.

Edwards and his affair were between 2 adults. He was also running for the Dem nom. for president.

This girl is a minor who is not running for anything, her mom is.

She's 17 and she's obviously had sex and drank alcohol. (90% of the girls I know did the same when I was in HS)

If this is all the libs have on Palin, November is going to be a great month for conservatives.
People will get tired of listening to Olberman and that other man chick he has on his show bash a 17 yr old very soon.

Awesome post...:Thumbs:

Olberman is the same newsanchor that chastized a 17-year old Allen Central High School student last year on his newscast about the use of the word "colored" when referring to black americans. He's terrible and working at MSNBC because no other network will touch him.

You can't compare Edwards and his affair to Palin's daughter. Two totally different animals. Libs are searching for anything right now to drag down Palin. Her speech tonight should cause a "bounce" in the right direction.

And who's leaking photos of her daughter drinking? Who's idea was it to put Sarah Palin's picture on the cover of US Weekly under the headline "Babies, Lies & Scandals"? Libs. Yet, all of this attention has helped the American public become familiar with Palin, leading up to her speech tonight, she will either seize the moment of become the biggest crash-and-burn bust in political history. It's ultimately in her hands tonight and the voters will decide.

If she exceeds expectations, then McCain's agenda of drawing attention away from Obama only to have Palin come through in the clutch worked.
Beetle01 Wrote:The lib media is going to focus on the pregnant daughter, instead of the son leaving for Iraq soon. Fox wants to focus on it, and try to play it down.

Edwards and his affair were between 2 adults. He was also running for the Dem nom. for president.

This girl is a minor who is not running for anything, her mom is.

She's 17 and she's obviously had sex and drank alcohol. (90% of the girls I know did the same when I was in HS)

If this is all the libs have on Palin, November is going to be a great month for conservatives.

People will get tired of listening to Olberman and that other man chick he has on his show bash a 17 yr old very soon.

The thing that kills me is that fox (and most conservatives) plays teen pregnancy up as one of America's main problems, and mostly throws it off on the black community, but now that one of their "people" has come under scrutiny, they don't want to mention it. And then they criticize the liberal media for doing what they do all the time. I don't think it is a big issue, so I don't care either way. What really bothers me is Palin's views, especially on the environment.
jammin' jamey Wrote:Awesome post...:Thumbs:

Olberman is the same newsanchor that chastized a 17-year old Allen Central High School student last year on his newscast about the use of the word "colored" when referring to black americans. He's terrible and working at MSNBC because no other network will touch him.

You can't compare Edwards and his affair to Palin's daughter. Two totally different animals. Libs are searching for anything right now to drag down Palin. Her speech tonight should cause a "bounce" in the right direction.

And who's leaking photos of her daughter drinking? Who's idea was it to put Sarah Palin's picture on the cover of US Weekly under the headline "Babies, Lies & Scandals"? Libs. Yet, all of this attention has helped the American public become familiar with Palin, leading up to her speech tonight, she will either seize the moment of become the biggest crash-and-burn bust in political history. It's ultimately in her hands tonight and the voters will decide.

If she exceeds expectations, then McCain's agenda of drawing attention away from Obama only to have Palin come through in the clutch worked.

Im hoping people do become familiar with her views, because she is to the FAR to the right of most Americans.
jammin' jamey Wrote:Awesome post...:Thumbs:

Olberman is the same newsanchor that chastized a 17-year old Allen Central High School student last year on his newscast about the use of the word "colored" when referring to black americans. He's terrible and working at MSNBC because no other network will touch him.

You can't compare Edwards and his affair to Palin's daughter. Two totally different animals. Libs are searching for anything right now to drag down Palin. Her speech tonight should cause a "bounce" in the right direction.

And who's leaking photos of her daughter drinking? Who's idea was it to put Sarah Palin's picture on the cover of US Weekly under the headline "Babies, Lies & Scandals"? Libs. Yet, all of this attention has helped the American public become familiar with Palin, leading up to her speech tonight, she will either seize the moment of become the biggest crash-and-burn bust in political history. It's ultimately in her hands tonight and the voters will decide.

If she exceeds expectations, then McCain's agenda of drawing attention away from Obama only to have Palin come through in the clutch worked.

As he rightfully should have!!!!
Teen pregnancy is a major issue in this country. As most of those teen mothers end up sucking up the peoples money to pay for their irresponsible actions. I doubt Palin's daughter will be drawing a welfare check. Whether or not her mom was the VP candidate.

Just because your having sex doesn't mean you have to get pregnant, their's plenty of contraception options.
This is why politics suck lol.
Why all the ta-doo?

If you all remember , Americans voted Bill Clinton into office twice knowing all of the stuff he did.

Examples----- draft dodging, extramarital affairs, not inhaling.Smile

GW's daughters were in the news about every week for their excessive party life too, if you all remember that as well.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Why all the ta-doo?

If you all remember , Americans voted Bill Clinton into office twice knowing all of the stuff he did.

Examples----- draft dodging, extramarital affairs, not inhaling.Smile

GW's daughters were in the news about every week for their excessive party life too, if you all remember that as well.


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