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Swag was you keeping up at 5am :evil:

Where you among the football camp crew that was running up and down the lake hill behind my apartment at 5am for the last 3 days. If so I just wanted to let you know that I havent got a good nights sleep in 3 days and your responsible!! :oops: Smile
Get em QQ :twisted:
Lmao! That must suck. I DO know that East Ridge is away at a football camp right now...Lol....Guess we we see later...
Nope, that wasnt me. we had to wake up at 5am one day, and that was the only day. We were staying in Wilson Hall, and went to practice at the game field. So, while it wasnt me, or any other ERHS player at 5 in the morning, i apologoze, cause i know how it feels to not get a good night of sleep in.

Sorry QQ. I tried to track you down while we were there, but noone knew you.

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