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Rick Warren not so open minded.
jammin' jamey Wrote:Creating a daisy-chain from Robertson to McCain through Hagee is a stretch.

BTW, Jerry Falwell has passed away. I don't think he has a vote this time. Smile

I know that he passed away, but that doesn't excuse what he said, or McCain criticizing him, and then seeking his endorsement.
One vote doesnt matter, but by pandering to the people who take what tv evangelicals say very seriously will garner you a lot of votes.
OK, I've had enough of it. It's time right now to stop these childish attacks on one another, and I'm mainly talking to CoachOwens, jetpilot, and cavemaster. This is getting ridiculous.

I am sick of reading posts attacking one another. And need I remind you guys that calling another member "closed-minded" could be considered a personal attack? It's getting pathetic, and I'm seeing it from both sides of the argument. If the other person doesn't believe the way you do, then that person must be closed-minded, right? :confused: That makes no sense.

Once again, here are some ground rules:

1) Debate the issue at hand. Argue your point, refute another member's point. Show evidence backing up your position. All this is well and good.

2) Calling the other person closed-minded is no longer allowed.

3) Saying the other person isn't well-educated, or is stupid for believing a certain way, or is either a liberal wacko or a conservative nutjob, has got to stop.

4) And finally, stop making comments like, "Cute cartoon", or "Cute bold". This is garbage and adds nothing to the discussion.

Now you guys can get upset and say I'm biased or whatever, but I don't really care. My concern is that this thread stays on topic and doesn't get closed because some people can't behave.

If Jim Wallis hosted a forum and asked McCain about the Keating scandal, conservatives would howl about bias. Jim Wallis is a pastor and leader in the religious community.
jammin' jamey Wrote:It stops when folks like Obama choose to support abortion.

As for McCain and sins, let the first person who hasn't sinned cast the first stone. I posted earlier that I believe both candidates are not practicing Christians. Yet, McCain gave answers to Warren and the crowd that supported his religion, Obama did not.

McCain is entertaining the thoughts of Joe Lieberman as a smoke screen. It's getting headlines and that's all that matters. No way will Maverick McCain pick Lieberman, because he will lose what backing he has with the far right and lose everything he gained from the Saddleback meeting. Talking about Joe Lieberman is more airtime for McCain and less for BHO.

I find it funny the democrats I've talked to in east Kentucky that say, "I'm not going to vote." They're too ashamed to admit that they don't like Obama, but they can't go against the party line because they're afraid of "4 more years of Bush" which is the only attack Obama has on McCain, plus they don't know how to vote for individual candidates because all they've ever done in a general election is push the party button in the booth. Be a free thinker.

I want a candidate that represents what I believe. I will not vote for a candidate that in my mind is on a higher level than myself or my beliefs. McCain didn't come off self-righteous in the Saddleback meeting. That's why Obama will lose the election. His celebrity that the press loves will be his Achillies Heel in the end. If Obama doesn't appeal to Hillary voters (like myself) then states will go red all over again in the middle half of this country. People in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Indiana, Michigan and the heartland pick presidents, not Hollywood or NBC News.

Of the bolded, the problem most people in Eastern KY have with Obama can be put into two categories. One is from the lies that emails have spread falsely accusing Obama of being Muslim, but the right wing had nothing to do with that right? The other is because the man is black. I know some may find it hard to believe, but I have heard people say themselves how they cannot vote for a black man. These people also cannot stand McCain and what he stands for. That is why they are staying home. It has nothing to do with people from EKY being ignorant and not being able to think for themselves.
sportsfan1 Wrote:Of the bolded, the problem most people in Eastern KY have with Obama can be put into two categories. One is from the lies that emails have spread falsely accusing Obama of being Muslim, but the right wing had nothing to do with that right? The other is because the man is black. I know some may find it hard to believe, but I have heard people say themselves how they cannot vote for a black man. These people also cannot stand McCain and what he stands for. That is why they are staying home. It has nothing to do with people from EKY being ignorant and not being able to think for themselves.

I do carpentry/roofing/painting with my father, and Ive run into many people who fit into both of those categories. MOst of these people already had pre-set feelings about the man only becuase he is black, and the lies being spread all throughout the media, have done nothing but spread the ill feelings toward him.
So you've heard a few people say they won't vote for a balck man. So what? There's ignorant people out there. There's plenty of black people who won't vote for a white man.

Also, this concerns the idea of not voting. If you don't like either candidate, write yourself in. Surely you agree with all your own political stances. Of course if you keep frequenting Left-Wing blogs that might not be true for much longer.

When it comes to voting, your probably never going to have someone that agrees with you on every issue. You need to figure out what is important to you, and what issues you feel will have the biggest effect on your life.
These issues can change but you need to look at what is important to you.

National Defense is my numero uno, I felt this way long before 9-11, and preserving our way of life should be everyone's top priority because believe it or not there are people out there who want to destroy it.
Education-being a college student this is up there for me
Enviroment-Living in the Ashland area where we have F- air quality and terrible water this is important to me and why when finished with school I will move away immediately, cancer and disease rate is unreal here.
Immigration-Personally I don't want millions of Mexicans coming into our country, lowering wages and using up tax money in prison and in health care.
Abortion-To me we should try and save every life possible, once mitotic cell division begins, no more abortion, unless mother's life is in jeopardy.
Disease Research- Open up more stem cell research. There are cures out there for MS, Lou Gherig's, Cancer, Heart Disease, and Diabetes, among others. We should be doing everything in our power to try and cure these terrible diseases.

Then I move on to some secondary ones such as supporting unions, doing away with our dependency on foreign energy, health care, increasing wages for military, police, fire, emtp services.

I'm also a huge advocate of states rights. In most cases I feel that the states should be the deciding factor on most of these issues.
And with idiots like Sean Hannity getting on TV and saying that Obama wants to kill babies who survive late term abortions, and chase them out of the hospital to make sure they die; it really makes me wonder how dumb america is, and I worry about our future. It also makes stronger my feelings that conservatives are un-christian, sick people that will do anything for political gain.

link with video

People really buy into any BS they get feed, it's sad.
Beetle01 Wrote:So you've heard a few people say they won't vote for a balck man. So what? There's ignorant people out there. There's plenty of black people who won't vote for a white man.

Also, this concerns the idea of not voting. If you don't like either candidate, write yourself in. Surely you agree with all your own political stances. Of course if you keep frequenting Left-Wing blogs that might not be true for much longer.

When it comes to voting, your probably never going to have someone that agrees with you on every issue. You need to figure out what is important to you, and what issues you feel will have the biggest effect on your life.
These issues can change but you need to look at what is important to you.

National Defense is my numero uno, I felt this way long before 9-11, and preserving our way of life should be everyone's top priority because believe it or not there are people out there who want to destroy it.
Education-being a college student this is up there for me
Enviroment-Living in the Ashland area where we have F- air quality and terrible water this is important to me and why when finished with school I will move away immediately, cancer and disease rate is unreal here.
Immigration-Personally I don't want millions of Mexicans coming into our country, lowering wages and using up tax money in prison and in health care.
Abortion-To me we should try and save every life possible, once mitotic cell division begins, no more abortion, unless mother's life is in jeopardy.
Disease Research- Open up more stem cell research. There are cures out there for MS, Lou Gherig's, Cancer, Heart Disease, and Diabetes, among others. We should be doing everything in our power to try and cure these terrible diseases.

Then I move on to some secondary ones such as supporting unions, doing away with our dependency on foreign energy, health care, increasing wages for military, police, fire, emtp services.

I'm also a huge advocate of states rights. In most cases I feel that the states should be the deciding factor on most of these issues.

Important to me

I have stated several times that energy, and the environment are very important to me, and none of the candidates have a plan that really suits me.

And as far as me reading "liberal-blogs" I rarely do so, I just usually do 5 minutes of searching and post links that have facts to back what im trying to prove.

And by reading your concerns, you sound more liberal than you put yourself off to be.
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:And with idiots like Sean Hannity getting on TV and saying that Obama wants to kill babies who survive late term abortions, and chase them out of the hospital to make sure they die; it really makes me wonder how dumb america is, and I worry about our future. It also makes stronger my feelings that conservatives are un-christian, sick people that will do anything for political gain.

link with video

People really buy into any BS they get feed, it's sad.

Conservatives are against abortion, can't get more Christian than that. Liberals are for abortion.
jetpilot Wrote:Conservatives are against abortion, can't get more Christian than that. Liberals are for abortion.

So you use a broad statement, that proves nothing, and isnt entirely true to show that conseravitives are christian? In case you have forgotten, two of the GOP candidates in this years election were pro-choice (Giuliani, Thompson).

Hannity and his ilk are destorying this country, by spitting out crap that leads to false comments like the ones you make.

I dont really think someone is pro-abortion, and I believe everyone is willing to take steps to reduce the number of abortions. But when the funding, and effort isnt given to teach kids about the dangers and risk of sex, decisions like abortion are made often.

There's more the being a christian than being anti-abortion. Didnt you listen to any of jesus's teaching about loving one another, and helping those in need? Guess not because most of those on the right only care about one thing, money. Thats why they cut federal aid programs, and do everything they can to ensure that big business gets everything they need.
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:So you use a broad statement, that proves nothing, and isnt entirely true to show that conseravitives are christian? In case you have forgotten, two of the GOP candidates in this years election were pro-choice (Giuliani, Thompson).

Hannity and his ilk are destorying this country, by spitting out crap that leads to false comments like the ones you make.

I dont really think someone is pro-abortion, and I believe everyone is willing to take steps to reduce the number of abortions. But when the funding, and effort isnt given to teach kids about the dangers and risk of sex, decisions like abortion are made often.

There's more the being a christian than being anti-abortion. Didnt you listen to any of jesus's teaching about loving one another, and helping those in need? Guess not because most of those on the right only care about one thing, money. Thats why they cut federal aid programs, and do everything they can to ensure that big business gets everything they need.

Rolleyes I don't really know where to start on this one so I'll just say good luck to you, lol...If you don't think someone is really pro-abortion, there's nothing anyone on here can say to're either for it or against it...

BTW, typical liberal view on funding to teach kids about the dangers and risks of sex??? LOL, liberals think it's the government's (at taxpayers' expense) job, conservatives know it is the parents' job.
better post jetpilot 666 posts right now
^^Thanks man. And I was about to leave for the weekend too.:yikes:
jetpilot Wrote:Conservatives are against abortion, can't get more Christian than that. Liberals are for abortion.

Are you suggesting that the most important thing in being a Christian is to be against abortion? Interesting, though thoroughly unbiblical, take on the matter.
jetpilot Wrote:Rolleyes I don't really know where to start on this one so I'll just say good luck to you, lol...If you don't think someone is really pro-abortion, there's nothing anyone on here can say to're either for it or against it...

BTW, typical liberal view on funding to teach kids about the dangers and risks of sex??? LOL, liberals think it's the government's (at taxpayers' expense) job, conservatives know it is the parents' job.

Ahh the typical black and white approach, it's either right or wrong. To me this is why we have so much trouble in Washington, no one is willing to cooperate. This is also way we cant have any "debates".

If you use this approach, by saying the government shouldn't help to teach kids about sex, then how can you say that the government has any right to choose for a woman who is pregnant? If I didn't teach a child right from wrong, how can I punish them for their actions?

And I was not saying that this is solely the responsibility of the parents, or teachers, but I don't think all kids have parents that will talk to them about these situations. Shouldn't all kids have access to the same information?
Beetle01 Wrote:National Defense is my numero uno, I felt this way long before 9-11, and preserving our way of life should be everyone's top priority because believe it or not there are people out there who want to destroy it.
Education-being a college student this is up there for me
Enviroment-Living in the Ashland area where we have F- air quality and terrible water this is important to me and why when finished with school I will move away immediately, cancer and disease rate is unreal here.
Immigration-Personally I don't want millions of Mexicans coming into our country, lowering wages and using up tax money in prison and in health care.
Abortion-To me we should try and save every life possible, once mitotic cell division begins, no more abortion, unless mother's life is in jeopardy.
Disease Research- Open up more stem cell research. There are cures out there for MS, Lou Gherig's, Cancer, Heart Disease, and Diabetes, among others. We should be doing everything in our power to try and cure these terrible diseases.

Then I move on to some secondary ones such as supporting unions, doing away with our dependency on foreign energy, health care, increasing wages for military, police, fire, emtp services.

I'm also a huge advocate of states rights. In most cases I feel that the states should be the deciding factor on most of these issues.

In looking at your list of the issues that are important to you, I noticed one thing. Your list contains some platforms of the Republican party, and some from the Democratic party. Which means that in your book, neither party has it all right, or all wrong. And that's a good thing.

I am glad to see that you believe in what you think is important, not what some national party tells you is important. We need more of this country's voters to think like that. Not to go in and press the button at the top (for a full party slate), but to actually vote for the candidate in each race who supports what is important to them.

I may not agree with all your positions, Beetle, but I can respect the fact that you aren't just spouting off one party's talking points.

More Cowbell Wrote:In looking at your list of the issues that are important to you, I noticed one thing. Your list contains some platforms of the Republican party, and some from the Democratic party. Which means that in your book, neither party has it all right, or all wrong. And that's a good thing.

I am glad to see that you believe in what you think is important, not what some national party tells you is important. We need more of this country's voters to think like that. Not to go in and press the button at the top (for a full party slate), but to actually vote for the candidate in each race who supports what is important to them.

I may not agree with all your positions, Beetle, but I can respect the fact that you aren't just spouting off one party's talking points.

Spoken like a "great American"...:Thumbs:
jammin' jamey Wrote:You're using the huffingtonpost as a site for a source and claim to be open-minded. Hilarious. Smile

What does Pat Robertson have to do with this? Has McCain allowed Pat Robertson to council his marriage lately? Has McCain asked Robertson to give his opinions about the campaign or issues? What does McCain (or even Rick Warren for that matter) have to do with Pat Robertson? WOW. You are out there brother. Good luck.

Pat Robertson and Rick Warren has everything to do with McCain. McCain had to shift to the ultra right to appeal to the republican base. The religious right ACTIVELY campaigned against McCain in the primaries. If McCain doesn't shift to the ultra right, he loses. McCain was actually appealing in the 2000 election, when he was still the "maverick". Now he is just.....well he is.

BTW.. he owns SEVEN houses.

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