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Russell/Cabell-Midland, more air time?
I would think Mcglone will try to throw more since he has nothing to loose. Do you think Russell will depend on the air attack this year more than ever?
jgrubby Wrote:I would think Mcglone will try to throw more since he has nothing to loose. Do you think Russell will depend on the air attack this year more than ever?

Did you not see the game at spring valley? i dont think russell will be passing much this year. Aj doesnt do real well when he is being rushed...if you were there you would have noticed...and not very good pass protection sooo you be the judge.
highschoolfootballfan Wrote:Did you not see the game at spring valley? i dont think russell will be passing much this year. Aj doesnt do real well when he is being rushed...if you were there you would have noticed...and not very good pass protection sooo you be the judge.
Yeah I saw it but what makes you think its going to be all AJ? I thought Fossen did a great job throwing.
I think McGlone will give it a shot at passing. SV was blitzing heavy so there was no chance for pass protection. That's why the reverse's and quick passes went for so many yards. Everyone needs to remember that was AJ's first time in live action with the Varsity team. Let him get some experience before we jump all over him. If everyone remembers Russell did not look good at all in their scrimmages last year. Russell controlled every facet of the scrimmage with SV. For the passing game to be effective however, you are gonna have to throw on some 1st and 10's. Not just on 3rd and longs. I think AJ will do fine if he just goes out throws how he knows how and plays his game.
Beetle01 Wrote:I think McGlone will give it a shot at passing. SV was blitzing heavy so there was no chance for pass protection. That's why the reverse's and quick passes went for so many yards. Everyone needs to remember that was AJ's first time in live action with the Varsity team. Let him get some experience before we jump all over him. If everyone remembers Russell did not look good at all in their scrimmages last year. Russell controlled every facet of the scrimmage with SV. For the passing game to be effective however, you are gonna have to throw on some 1st and 10's. Not just on 3rd and longs. I think AJ will do fine if he just goes out throws how he knows how and plays his game.
I agree with you on this. He did run alot on the scrimmage against SV that is why I was wondering if he would try to pass more this time to see if we have any gain by passing. Russell and passing usually doesn't go in the same sentence. With mickey, justin and david bailey(notable recievers) I think it wouldn't hurt to see if it is our best intrest. I can see Mickey Dillion with the screen in the middle really working this year. Yes 5 to 10 each time wins games.
MIkey Dillon......
Romans 14:11
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
They may pass a little more. Not sure how much you will see the Varsity in vs CM. From what I remember of CM, and from what Ive been told. They should not be as strong a team as SV. They had a great team last year, but most of it graduated. I think you will see a mix of both early, but then going strongly to the run. You have to try and get AJ reps, but also the line needs a lot of reps together too. They need to find some depth for those positions, and the starters need to build some chemistry together. Jones from what Ive seen has really stepped up this year in his move to guard. I'm sure he will see some action in the backfield, but I truly was impressed with most of his play Saturday morning. It was his first time live at the guard position I believe. (other than maroon&white, which is not the same)
DEVILOLOGIST Wrote:MIkey Dillon......
thank you deilologist.....
This is in response about AJ with the first team, if my memory serves me right he got alot of playing time at QB last year after the injury with Jones so to say that this is his first time seeing action with the 1st team you are wrong. Now it is still early so yeah there are going to be alot of mistakes.
jgrubby Wrote:thank you deilologist.....

You are welcome,
Romans 14:11
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
Is this scrimmage home or away?
DevilsWin Wrote:Is this scrimmage home or away?
@ Cabell Midland.
More air time in this one! But the format was very different. But the DEVILS still prevailed. Cant start a new thread yet, but we are very much ahead of last year at this time. Not to say we look invincible or anything like it, but not bad for this time of year at Russell!
SmackDaddy Wrote:More air time in this one! But the format was very different. But the DEVILS still prevailed. Cant start a new thread yet, but we are very much ahead of last year at this time. Not to say we look invincible or anything like it, but not bad for this time of year at Russell!
What was the formant and who stood out on offense and defense?
FBALL Wrote:What was the formant and who stood out on offense and defense?
The first string went in for 10 plays on offense than the second string went in for quite awhile on o and d! I guess because of the heat they were alternating! Mostly all the seniors looked good and both junior linebackers looked good for the most part. Cant sya anything really bad about anyone! The only problems we seemed to have is CM throwing over the middle and at the corners while in zone coverage, they completed those pretty easily. But that is to be expected, while in zone!
Anyone there have any thoughts?
The format was different than what I'm used to seeing. The varsity would go for 10 plays. Then the non-starters/JV for 20. then back to the varsity for 10 plays. Russell scored easily on all their possesions except their first one they had to take a FG due to play limit from what I was told, I missed the first series due to the change in scrimmage time.

CM is going to be a very tough team this year, very big and physical, even more so than SV which was a surprise. Also, very multidimensional with the pass and run.
The D-Line did a very good job today, with Mike Dillon and Drew Miller performing very well. I don't forsee anyone on Russell's schedule having a better o-line since one of them has already committed to WVU. Cole Bowers I believe is his name, OT. 6'5.5" 280lbs and runs a 4.9. Their Oline was evenly sized, so that gives ya an idea on how big they were.
Jesse White also has played very well, a sophmore, and may earn himself some PT, especially on the defensive side of the ball.
Cordle was a 1000% improvement yesterday, compared to Saturday. He was quick out of the pocket, made good decisions and crisp passes. He still has improving to do, but if he keeps up the hard work and focus I believe he can step up and take command of this offense.
Justin Mitchell made some nice catches, I don't see very many kids, if any, guarding him 1on1. He will go for 100 a night recieveing if they try him 1on1.
The O-line was improved also in the pass protection department. I think they made some strides yesterday. Same as with CM's O-line, I don't see a better D-line on their schedule.
Will Rice and Kam Smith both played well yesterday, they seem to feed off eachother. Both seem to improve every game, and they play full throttle from start to finish.
Abrams is starting to come into full form. Even had a 60yd TD reception, something that last year may not have been in his arsenal, his hands seem to have really softened up. If he continues to run hard, I don't see teams stopping him without completely keying on him.
David Bailey-Dave's really playing much better to start this season off. Continuing where he ended last season. I think him and Abrams, along with Rice will offer a balanced attack this fall. All 3 can go the distance on any play and in more ways than one.

I do look for Russell to pass it more this season, hopefully. They have a load of sure handed recievers and TE's. They have a quarterback who improves every time I see him out. I'm sure there will be plenty of first game jitters come next Friday, but I believe after they are settled in Russell is going to be a very tough team to keep out of the endzone. I know of only one drive this pre-season that they were kept out of the endzone
The only real downfall I saw last night was our defense and the run up the middle. We needed some BEEF there! The linebackers were getting sucked in to quick and the CM_ FB ran the ball a couple of times untouched. But the passing game will be a big factor with us this year....IMO
There were times when they got through the middle. which is gonna happen when your sending 4 wide every play, its going to spread you out. However, on a majority of those runs, the starting D-Line was not in the game. They have really been searching for some depth at that position in these scrimmages.
Well most of these post cant be stated any better! But the one thing that will be key to the DEVILS overall success is [staying healthy] There is not the depth that Russell is used to having most years! But there quality players could rival any in there Class

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