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My Adventure
Well guys Im gonna miss ya, Im goin to San Antone of Texas, :lmao:, But seriously wish me luck for my venturing into the state where Everything is BiggerTongueirateSho :yes:. While I'm gone I want somebody to step up and take my place as the sarcasm director.Smile Be Back July 19th, Farewell!!!!
Only steers and *****s come from Texas private cowboy, and you don’t much look like a steer to me so that kinda narrows it down.

Just kidding. Have fun bub and be careful.
Jshort5 Wrote:Well guys Im gonna miss ya, Im goin to San Antone of Texas, :lmao:, But seriously wish me luck for my venturing into the state where Everything is BiggerTongueirateSho :yes:. While I'm gone I want somebody to step up and take my place as the sarcasm director.Smile Be Back July 19th, Farewell!!!!
I always thought of you as the sarcasm apprentice.
OK, I gotta make it short because I payed $6 for 20 minutes, but FOX SPORTS, I hope you your being sarcastic but your not much of a sarcastic person either.
You have learned all from me JSHORT..And remember you are having a blast bro! While there, you should visit Alvin, Tx..Home of Nolan Ryan! Great place!
Well, guys I got back from Texas on Saturday evening and yes everything really is bigger in Texas Smile...And I heard God Blessed Texas over 10 times..LoL...But for the most part I had a ball, if you haven't ever been to Texas you need to go! I will post some pics later, but here are the ones from Graceland on the way down. I also got to see the Cowboys' new stadium in Dallas and LP Field in Nashville on the way back!!
Well, this is waaayy over due, BUT, I have finally gotten the pics developed and scanned... Here they are...Also note my picture taking skills are pitiful as you are about to see, lol. Look at the football stadium I seen on the way back, this is a high school stadium for god's sake, it looks more like a small colleges field. Note:the 4 story pressbox....Also includes pictures of the world famous Riverwalk and The Alamo.

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