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Shelby Valley '09
I can see their downfall being their fans and players attitude. I saw them play once this summer and couldnt believe how they acted in a summer game, not to mention the coach, to me they just act like they are too good to be playing in the mountains when there are a lot of Mt teams that can beat them, refusing to play in the WYMT is an insult, I think. There coach doesnt show very much class, which the example is followed by players and then fans. Just my opinion.
TheMasterpiece Wrote:I can see their downfall being their fans and players attitude. I saw them play once this summer and couldnt believe how they acted in a summer game, not to mention the coach, to me they just act like they are too good to be playing in the mountains when there are a lot of Mt teams that can beat them, refusing to play in the WYMT is an insult, I think. There coach doesnt show very much class, which the example is followed by players and then fans. Just my opinion.

Pretty sure they're in a bigger tournament at that time.
SV should play in the WYMT tourney but it is a coaches call where he wants to play. This is not a lack of class by not playing in it but a coaches call to go elsewhere. I do agree with the poor attitude of some(not all) fans and players being a negative for SV. Justice is a great example of how one should handle himself on and off the floor
crazyfan4 Wrote:I am not a SV fan. Far from it, but dude give them credit. They are going to have a sweet team this year and should go undefeated in the region, and should make some good noise down at state. Look all around the state, no one can guard Elisha Justice, and the addition of Adams will make them a more complete team. Not only will they rely on speed but now they have the outside and inside game. The only real problem I see with SV is the attitude of Logan Bryant, and hopefully he will be mature enough to control it in a big game situation.

If by good noise you mean depending on their draw win one game, then yeah. I can agree to that. If you think for one minute nobody in the state can guard Justice you are way past gone.
More Cowbell Wrote:Not hardly. To say I drink from SV "kool-aid" couldn't be farther from the truth. Check my past posts, I have always been objective when assessing Valley's strengths and weaknesses. Yes, that's right, I admit they have faults. Their overall size is lacking, and they are still prone to shooting too many three's. But one thing they do is play well together, both on offense and defense. And yes, most of them do have quick hands.

And please don't tell me you are trying to base your criticisms on the fact that they didn't win either of the two big tournaments they played in last year. You're right, how dare they not beat a nationally top-5 ranked team (Holy Cross) in that New York tourney (where they only finished third out of eight, how embarassing). And shame on them for not beating Jeffersontown (on J-town's own court) in that Louisville tourney, having to settle for runner-up. Valley must really be terrible.

Nice try, unfortunately I was merely meaning the 15th Region and all "A" tournaments. Lets go one step at a time...
PC_You_Know Wrote:No one else on this team has ever gotten an attitude toward someone during a ball game so what are you talking about?
Nothing has happened yet, I'm just saying that in the heat of the moment with all the expectations placed on this team, it wouldn't be shocking if one bad attitude started something.
SV is very deep and one player will not keep them from winning the region but in the sweet 16 weaknesses are magnified and one bad egg can really hurt. It is still early though so they may gel and come together before March.
letthebighogroot Wrote:Nice try, unfortunately I was merely meaning the 15th Region and all "A" tournaments. Lets go one step at a time...

Nice try? Not sure what you mean by that, but ok...

Anyway, the discussion started when you suggested SV needed to see some good competition outside the 15th region. I was showing you some examples of tournaments where SV had played some "pretty good" competition from outside the mountains, and did very well for themselves.

As for the 15th tournaments, SV did lose in the regional (in overtime) to a Paintsville team that made it to the second round of the state tournament. They and Paintsville were neck-and-neck all season, but the Tigers' talented senior class was not to be denied. No shame in being second-best in the region to a team like that.

However, I think Shelby Valley has nothing to prove to you or anyone else regarding their ability to win the regional tournament. They just won it in '07, and have captured the crown 4 of the last 7 years. They will be favored to win the region again this year, and we shall see how well they wear the mantle of being the heavy favorite.

More Cowbell Wrote:Nice try? Not sure what you mean by that, but ok...

Anyway, the discussion started when you suggested SV needed to see some good competition outside the 15th region. I was showing you some examples of tournaments where SV had played some "pretty good" competition from outside the mountains, and did very well for themselves.

As for the 15th tournaments, SV did lose in the regional (in overtime) to a Paintsville team that made it to the second round of the state tournament. They and Paintsville were neck-and-neck all season, but the Tigers' talented senior class was not to be denied. No shame in being second-best in the region to a team like that.

However, I think Shelby Valley has nothing to prove to you or anyone else regarding their ability to win the regional tournament. They just won it in '07, and have captured the crown 4 of the last 7 years. They will be favored to win the region again this year, and we shall see how well they wear the mantle of being the heavy favorite.

No offense, but I never said anything about the team needing to see good competition, just some of the fans that post outrageous things on this site. Don't get me wrong. I think Valley does have a good team....It just seems to me that a lot of the pro Valley posters on here really have no clue. I just, (in good fun, not trying to offend anyone) attempt to bring to light that, while they are a good team, there is a big diff. between Christmas Tourneys and State Tourneys and that there are several teams at least at Valley's level and several more above it. Case in point, 4 outta 7 with how many sweet 16 wins?? Again, not hating, just wish some posters would come down to earth.
letthebighogroot Wrote:No offense, but I never said anything about the team needing to see good competition, just some of the fans that post outrageous things on this site. Don't get me wrong. I think Valley does have a good team....It just seems to me that a lot of the pro Valley posters on here really have no clue. I just, (in good fun, not trying to offend anyone) attempt to bring to light that, while they are a good team, there is a big diff. between Christmas Tourneys and State Tourneys and that there are several teams at least at Valley's level and several more above it. Case in point, 4 outta 7 with how many sweet 16 wins?? Again, not hating, just wish some posters would come down to earth.

The all mighty two time all state team Landon Slone won how many state sweet 16 games? 1.
letthebighogroot Wrote:No offense, but I never said anything about the team needing to see good competition, just some of the fans that post outrageous things on this site. Don't get me wrong. I think Valley does have a good team....It just seems to me that a lot of the pro Valley posters on here really have no clue. I just, (in good fun, not trying to offend anyone) attempt to bring to light that, while they are a good team, there is a big diff. between Christmas Tourneys and State Tourneys and that there are several teams at least at Valley's level and several more above it. Case in point, 4 outta 7 with how many sweet 16 wins?? Again, not hating, just wish some posters would come down to earth.

I may or may not agree with that assertion, depending on what pool of teams you are talking about. If you mean the 15th region, then no, there aren't any teams at Shelby Valley's level this year, the Wildcats should be heavy favorites come March.

If you mean mountain teams in general, I will agree with the first half of the statement but not the second. There are several strong mountain teams around SV's level, such as Hazard, Elliott Co., and probably Knott (with Tate Cox). But I wouldn't say SV is below any of them.

If you mean statewide such as at the Sweet Sixteen, then of course I agree with you. There are numerous teams at Valley's level statewide, with many of them being substantially more talented. I'm sure if SV made it to Rupp, they would enter as one of the lowest-rated teams in the field, as do many of our mountain teams. I just hope that if they do make it, that they can represent our area as well as Paintsville did last year.

letthebighogroot Wrote:No offense, but I never said anything about the team needing to see good competition, just some of the fans that post outrageous things on this site. Again, not hating, just wish some posters would come down to earth.

Exactly what outrageous statement(s) is it that you are referring to?
They have all the potential in the world, but the games are played on the court...they have to have the heart and not let their heads get big (which i really dont think this group of kids will let happen), they should steam roll over their opponets.
PC_You_Know Wrote:The all mighty two time all state team Landon Slone won how many state sweet 16 games? 1.

Well, sorry, I'm not a Paintsville fan.....But, since you brought it up, exactly, a team from the 15th with a two time all state selection has a total of one Sweet Sixteen victory..................Refresh my memory, how many all state selections does SV have???????????????????????????????????????????????????
More Cowbell Wrote:I may or may not agree with that assertion, depending on what pool of teams you are talking about. If you mean the 15th region, then no, there aren't any teams at Shelby Valley's level this year, the Wildcats should be heavy favorites come March.

If you mean mountain teams in general, I will agree with the first half of the statement but not the second. There are several strong mountain teams around SV's level, such as Hazard, Elliott Co., and probably Knott (with Tate Cox). But I wouldn't say SV is below any of them.

If you mean statewide such as at the Sweet Sixteen, then of course I agree with you. There are numerous teams at Valley's level statewide, with many of them being substantially more talented. I'm sure if SV made it to Rupp, they would enter as one of the lowest-rated teams in the field, as do many of our mountain teams. I just hope that if they do make it, that they can represent our area as well as Paintsville did last year.

Yes, I was refering to statewide and the Sweet Sixteen. This is a website that is available to anyone and everyone and when I make references unless specified it is a statewide reference. I agree, SV will easily be the best team in the 15th. And I, as a fan of and resident of the mountains, I wish them the best at Rupp.
The King Wrote:Exactly what outrageous statement(s) is it that you are referring to?

Click on any SV thread............If you don't find any that are over the top, then well, your one of them. Some things I've seen recently, (Sorry ain't gonna go back and list threads or posters.) One poster saying that there was NOBODY in the STATE that could guard Elisha Justice. At least one more saying that they would be playing Saturday morning at Rupp. Again, I'm not taking anything away from them boys, or hating on them, I am an alumnist of a small mountain school myself. And there is nothing I like better than to see a mountain school go to Lexington and whip some _ _ _ . I just wish some of the over zealous fans would accept them (as of now) for what they are. Which is a good mountain team that hasn't made any noise to speak of at the state level. If that upsets some of their diehard fans, then I'm sorry. But it don't make it any less true.
It is time for this thread to stay on topic SV 2009...This is not a thread about how much of a homer a poster is or how much another is a hater....Please show a little respect for other members and their opinions or infractions will be issued and the thread will be shut down.
letthebighogroot Wrote:Yes, I was refering to statewide and the Sweet Sixteen. This is a website that is available to anyone and everyone and when I make references unless specified it is a statewide reference. I agree, SV will easily be the best team in the 15th. And I, as a fan of and resident of the mountains, I wish them the best at Rupp.

You may have meant statewide, but your statement was not so clear about that, and it could have been interpreted multiple ways. Yes, this site is open to anyone, but the majority of the members are from the mountains, and most H.S. basketball discussions involve how good said team will be in their own region, or possibly amongst all the mountain regions.

And we appreciate that you will be rooting for SV should they make it to Rupp. I am also a resident of the mountains, and I always root for all the mountain teams to do well at state. I was extremely proud of how well Paintsville represented our area last year.

Getting back to discussing SV in '08/09, this will be an interesting year. Not often is there such a heavy favorite to win region at the beginning of the year, so I wonder how well they will handle that responsibility? They will be the target of every team in the 15th, taking everyone's best shot at knocking off the favorite. SV has faltered in this role before (in '03/04), when turmoil within the team led to a huge, first round, upset loss in a regional they were favored to win.

TheMasterpiece Wrote:I can see their downfall being their fans and players attitude. I saw them play once this summer and couldnt believe how they acted in a summer game, not to mention the coach, to me they just act like they are too good to be playing in the mountains when there are a lot of Mt teams that can beat them, refusing to play in the WYMT is an insult, I think. There coach doesnt show very much class, which the example is followed by players and then fans. Just my opinion.

Don't judge a team on summer ball. Games can get out of hand. It is hard to get veteran refs during this time.

Coach Booher is a class act.

Shelby Valley is not playing in the WYMT because they are traveling to play in other tournaments. Coach Booher is doing what is best to expose his players
TheMasterpiece Wrote:There coach doesnt show very much class, which the example is followed by players and then fans. Just my opinion.
If you are going to make a statement that the SV coach "doesn't show much class" Please provide an example.

I have watched him coach for four years and have never seen anything out of line.

Jason Booher is a man of integrity and class. Unwarranted "opinions" on this site are really getting old.

Do you even know the man?

Please, I can't wait for your example of "no class conduct"
There are many other tournaments than WYMT. The coaches at SV must do what they think is best for their team. If that is other tournaments than so shall it be. As I have said often you have a lot of good solid coaches taking care of the kids in the 15th. From what I have seen in the mountains it seems the players from different schools get along much better than the fans. They all seem to play hard and leave it on the floor where it should be left........
FOX SPORTS Wrote:If you are going to make a statement that the SV coach "doesn't show much class" Please provide an example.

I have watched him coach for four years and have never seen anything out of line.

Jason Booher is a man of integrity and class. Unwarranted "opinions" on this site are really getting old.

Do you even know the man?

Please, I can't wait for your example of "no class conduct"

Just going on what stories I have been told from other people, heard he took his team off the floor during a game this summer before it was over and wouldnt shake the other team's coach hand or the players hands, that was told to me by another parent, guess I sholdnt speak after other people but just passing it along.
TheMasterpiece Wrote:Just going on what stories I have been told from other people, heard he took his team off the floor during a game this summer before it was over and wouldnt shake the other team's coach hand or the players hands, that was told to me by another parent, guess I sholdnt speak after other people but just passing it along.
well actually the ref stopped the game and told the players not to shake hands, so maybe u should quit listening to people who dont know what theyre talking about.
504 boy Wrote:well actually the ref stopped the game and told the players not to shake hands, so maybe u should quit listening to people who dont know what theyre talking about.

The ref told the players and coaches not to shake hands....hmmm those refs sure had a lot of authority, dont think refs would tell kids and coaches not to shake hands, not their place.
TheMasterpiece Wrote:The ref told the players and coaches not to shake hands....hmmm those refs sure had a lot of authority, dont think refs would tell kids and coaches not to shake hands, not their place.
was you there? no i dont think so, trust me it happened.
TheMasterpiece Wrote:Just going on what stories I have been told from other people

There's your first mistake. Posting it as fact was your second...
PC_You_Know Wrote:If he can't control it, I'm sure others are ready and willing to step right in, Cody Varney and Tyler Newsome will provide great play off the bench this year.

I totally agree. The Logan's attitude has weakened the team a lot. I have watched him play in several games and have witnessed the same attitude mentioned by other posters. This could destroy Valley in a high stakes game.
Does anyone know if Adams has requested from Pikeville the transfer info needed to get eligible?

Why isn't anyone talking about Hatfield? He is one of the best post men in the 15th and has the ability to step out and hit the jumper. I like his attitude, his style and more importanly, his unselfishness.

If I remember correctly, Coach Booher had a tough decision to make when he took the job at SVHS and he allowed a kid to quit the team. I think he has the wherewithall to do the same thing again if the need arises but if I guess correctly, he will have a handle on things and it won't come to that so all this talk about one member of the team being out of control probably won't mean a lot.

Best wishes to the team--and I do mean TEAM.
TheMasterpiece Wrote:The ref told the players and coaches not to shake hands....hmmm those refs sure had a lot of authority, dont think refs would tell kids and coaches not to shake hands, not their place.
The players shook hands at least as many as I could see and I think the coaches did too. It was a little unsettled and hard to see but I know he boys shook hands. Adams [ Devins dad[yelled and would not shut up. It wasn't the boys so much as it was the grown ups. SV left the floor with a over a minute to play and I don't know if the refs stopped it or Booher did.It was real confusion. KCC won by 14.
I was in attendance during this event, and yes the refs did stop the game.

There was a post concerning the SV coach, about arguing with the refs during the game, yes he did. The one ref called a blocking foul on a SV player instead of a charge, and his reason that he expalined to the coach was the fact that the SV player was inside the circle (the NBA circle) underneath the basket (not that he wasn't set or was moving). If any of us was a coach of a high school team and a ref tried to justify a call by using NBA rules instead of high school rules, it would make any of us upset, which he did get upset.

From what I saw, it got very rough on the floor by both teams, and some parents, etc in the stands got pretty heated. Enough so that there were threats to fight one another. Honestly, it just wasn't SV fans but KCC fans as well.

The game was called, in my opinion, because of the altercations in the stands, not because of altercations between players.

After the game, I saw several players shake hands.

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