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Breathitt County Coach Steve Banks Resigns
Anyone else heard that Breathitt County's Head Coach, Steve Banks has resign.
I have heard from several sources that Banks resigned. The rumors floating around are that current Owsley County Coach Doug Noble and Powell County Coach Kyle Lively are the top candidates for the position.
Lucky7 Wrote:I have heard from several sources that Banks resigned. The rumors floating around are that current Owsley County Coach Doug Noble and Powell County Coach Kyle Lively are the top candidates for the position.
Both good choices. And both are breathitt natives. But if the political situation doesn't change, then either may not last long. I mean, when a superintentent comes into a locker room after a loss and says to the Breathitt team, "You don't deserve to wear that uniform", that's pretty bad. I'm not sure that story is true, but it was told and made the rumor mill. there was a lot of turmoil at Breathitt last year and a lot of wild storys out there. It sounds like after hiring his coaches the Breathitt super is too involved with the team. That's stressful on a coach.
LOOKAYANNER Wrote:Both good choices. And both are breathitt natives. But if the political situation doesn't change, then either may not last long. I mean, when a superintentent comes into a locker room after a loss and says to the Breathitt team, "You don't deserve to wear that uniform", that's pretty bad. I'm not sure that story is true, but it was told and made the rumor mill. there was a lot of turmoil at Breathitt last year and a lot of wild storys out there. It sounds like after hiring his coaches the Breathitt super is too involved with the team. That's stressful on a coach.

If that story is true about the locker room, then it will be hard to get a coach to take the job at Breathitt. Is, the Turner guy still the superintendent at Breathitt.
Lucky7 Wrote:If that story is true about the locker room, then it will be hard to get a coach to take the job at Breathitt. Is, the Turner guy still the superintendent at Breathitt.

Yes, Arch Turner is still the superintendent.
I Dont Think This Would Be A Good Move For Coach Noble . Just To Many Politics There. Noble Has Applied Several Times To Breathitt And They Never Considered Him Before. So Why Now?? I Think He Is Off To A Really Good Start At Owsley And Without All The Politics!! If He Is A Wise Man He Will Stay Where He Is For Now!!!! Why Go And Take A Risk Of Being Out The Door The Very Next Year!!!! Breathitt Sup. Doesnt Except Any Rebuilding Years, With That Said There Is No Coach That Will Stay Long.
Any Program You Will Have Rebuilding Years Thats Just How It Is On Any Level.
Noble would really be doing them a huge favor by taking the job. But he shouldn't. They have turned their back on him time after time in the past. For some reason now they seem to be a little desperate and it's all suddenly lovey-dovey. Maybe it has more to do with getting Noble's nephew back, a very good pg who has already sat out one year after transferring to Owsley(a big sacrifice on this young man's part because he didn't like the way things were done in Breathitt school politics and the way his uncle had been treated), and Coach Noble's sons, who are very good middle school players. Plus ,Noble's friend, Mr. Hensley, who has a middle school kid at Owsley that's pretty good himself. It may not be so much about Coach Noble as it is what he can bring to the table for some desperate people who are struggling with basketball success right now. It could be more about what Noble can offer in talented players than respect for Noble.

Be careful Mr. Noble. They shunned you in the past. Don't let them use you now. You don't owe them a dang thing.
If Coach Noble is going to take the job if offered, then I think he should go ahead a tell his team and the school officals at Owsley so they can be looking for someone that would want the job. It is very hard on a team to think your coach may leave. This has been something that this team has had to deal with every year for the past several years. I would hope that Coach Noble will think about these kids in making his decision!!!! It really is not fair to these kids.
uk hoops Wrote:If Coach Noble is going to take the job if offered, then I think he should go ahead a tell his team and the school officals at Owsley so they can be looking for someone that would want the job. It is very hard on a team to think your coach may leave. This has been something that this team has had to deal with every year for the past several years. I would hope that Coach Noble will think about these kids in making his decision!!!! It really is not fair to these kids.

Well said!!!!
Be very aware Coach Noble the grass is not always greener on the other side!!!!Arch is using you to get to your nephew!!!If you look throgh the smoke screen you will see he dont want you he just wants what you can bring with you!!!! Also be aware that you may burn the bridges at Owsley and all could just be one big desaster for you!!!Wink
The rumor here in Perry County is that a former MC Napier player Mike Smith, has became a front runner also for the job. I know he missed work today to go and interview again for the position.
thetruth98 Wrote:The rumor here in Perry County is that a former MC Napier player Mike Smith, has became a front runner also for the job. I know he missed work today to go and interview again for the position.

I have heard the same rumors floating around Hazard. Smith would be a good hire for Breathitt County, if that is possible.
Who in the world is Mike Smith, I'd say who would want this job the way they treat coaches is terrible.
I was told today by one of last years seniors at Owsley that Coach Noble told his players last night he was going to Breathitt.
Jobakka, Let Me Guess That Would Have Been The Former Point Guard That Didnt Finish The Season!!!!! That Is Not What Coach Noble Told The Players, What The Coach Told Them Was That He Had Applied For The Position And That He Had Not Yet Interviewed, He Also Told Them He Would Let Them Know As Soon As He Knew.
JOBAKKA Wrote:I was told today by one of last years seniors at Owsley that Coach Noble told his players last night he was going to Breathitt.

leave it to you to stir the pot and try to influence public opionion jo b
uk hoops Wrote:Jobakka, Let Me Guess That Would Have Been The Former Point Guard That Didnt Finish The Season!!!!! That Is Not What Coach Noble Told The Players, What The Coach Told Them Was That He Had Applied For The Position And That He Had Not Yet Interviewed, He Also Told Them He Would Let Them Know As Soon As He Knew.

well i know from a guy well known in owsley county that said coach noble and the superintendent from owsley went to a meeting in breathitt this past week... but why would you even tell your team that u have applied for another job if u werent gonna take it....
HotSauce32 Wrote:well i know from a guy well known in owsley county that said coach noble and the superintendent from owsley went to a meeting in breathitt this past week... but why would you even tell your team that u have applied for another job if u werent gonna take it....

No I wouldnt!!!! Im not taking up for Coach Noble in anyway, personally I have lost some respect for him because he did indeed say that he would never come back to Breathitt and Coach unless it was under a new admin. and we all know that nothing has changed at Breathitt. Iam sure if he gets the offer which he probally will, he will accept. Lively in my opion is more proven than Noble(jmo). If you dont stand by your word then in my opinion your not worth much anyway!!!!!!!!! If he dont want to be at Owsley heart and soul then he does need to go and be Arch's little Peeon
uk hoops Wrote:No I wouldnt!!!! Im not taking up for Coach Noble in anyway, personally I have lost some respect for him because he did indeed say that he would never come back to Breathitt and Coach unless it was under a new admin. and we all know that nothing has changed at Breathitt. Iam sure if he gets the offer which he probally will, he will accept. Lively in my opion is more proven than Noble(jmo). If you dont stand by your word then in my opinion your not worth much anyway!!!!!!!!! If he dont want to be at Owsley heart and soul then he does need to go and be Arch's little Peeon

i dont think u could have said it any better!!!!!!!!
Speaking after an Owsley County player, he said that Coach Cornett (assistant girls coach) would be working with the team the rest of the summer, if Doug Noble were to take the job at Breathitt County. It looks to me like Owsley County is at least preparing for a departure.
Lucky7 Wrote:Speaking after an Owsley County player, he said that Coach Cornett (assistant girls coach) would be working with the team the rest of the summer, if Doug Noble were to take the job at Breathitt County. It looks to me like Owsley County is at least preparing for a departure.

if this statement was true... then who would be coaching the girls... i didnt think that the head coach could coach his team until the season actually started...
From what I have heard is that all Coach Noble is waiting on is a guarantee from Sup. Arch Turner is that he will not be let go after his nephew Nick Noble graduates. Well, Coach Noble if his word is as good as yours then I would say you will have nothing to worry about!!! So dont be upset when they let you go and you are all out of opitions because you made promises at Owsley you didnt keep either, so I guess its like the old saying (PROMISES ARE MADE TO BE BROKEN).
Coach Noble is a fine young coach. Whoever is hired will have talent and will be able to mold the players into a competitive team for the next several years.
HotSauce32 Wrote:well i know from a guy well known in owsley county that said coach noble and the superintendent from owsley went to a meeting in breathitt this past week... but why would you even tell your team that u have applied for another job if u werent gonna take it....

I don't know where you got your information, HotSauce32, but it is absolutely not true about the Owsley Superintendent going with Coach Noble to at meeting at Breathitt. I am positive about this statement and can back it up with proof, if I need to!!!!
Coaching graveyard until the football, basketball, and baseball can find a good balance and work with each other.
TheMasterpiece Wrote:Coaching graveyard until the football, basketball, and baseball can find a good balance and work with each other.
That ain't gonna happen. Holcomb only shares athletes at his discretion. And the Supt. won't /can't do anything to control it. JMO
I'm hearing a rumor, may not be true, that there's a lot more to this than meets the eye. It has a lot to do with a future board race and a move to hire a certain person in order to keep said person's father from running for the board because of the nepotism rule, former players who quit the team last year who are also good football players, a control move by whose family has the most power in a decision such as this one so certain players can be Bobcat Point Guard, ect, etc. Sounds like a script for a movie, a drama at that, lol.
LOOKAYANNER Wrote:I'm hearing a rumor, may not be true, that there's a lot more to this than meets the eye. It has a lot to do with a future board race and a move to hire a certain person in order to keep said person's father from running for the board because of the nepotism rule, former players who quit the team last year who are also good football players, a control move by whose family has the most power in a decision such as this one so certain players can be Bobcat Point Guard, ect, etc. Sounds like a script for a movie, a drama at that, lol.

Totally, sounds like a blockbuster hit. I just wish that people would keep the soapopera crap out of the sports, lol. It's this sorta stuff that can spoil a good thing.
Doug is at is official.About Time!!!!!!!!
Well I guess daddy Noble won't be running for the BOE now.

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