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Answers in Genesis
BaseballMan Wrote:My posts refer to a truth which is the same and has been the same since the beginning of time. There is no views that have invalidated it and therefore it sticks as the answer. If you wish to try, then go ahead. Investigate for yourself the truth of God, and I can assuredly tell you that you will discover it's true validity in the end under close examination.

As for my words, all have been my own. If I use something from somewhere else, I put it in quotes or site a reference.

Scripture has far more weight than any words I could come up with. They are the inspired, God-breathed, words of the Creator. It is very effective and has been affecting people's lives since the beginning.

Nothing I say makes you look like a fool. You do that all by yourself.

So the Bible that is written by mortal men is actually written by God? People that are under his influence I assume. Such people as Charles Manson and the Klu Klux Klan (that also claim to to God's will). So why is it ok to assume that long ago when people talked to God it was ok, and now when someone does it they are crazy? Who is to say that Moses, David, or anyone else in the Bible was not a nut-job?

Fact of the matter is the Bible since written by men is flawed since humans are flawed creatures. Bible's don't fall from heaven. God dosn't Fed-Ex them to people they are mass produced by the lowest bidder. They are just as fiction as The Davinci Code or Forrest Gump.
BaseballMan Wrote:My posts refer to a truth which is the same and has been the same since the beginning of time. There is no views that have invalidated it and therefore it sticks as the answer. If you wish to try, then go ahead. Investigate for yourself the truth of God, and I can assuredly tell you that you will discover it's true validity in the end under close examination.

As for my words, all have been my own. If I use something from somewhere else, I put it in quotes or site a reference.

Scripture has far more weight than any words I could come up with. They are the inspired, God-breathed, words of the Creator. It is very effective and has been affecting people's lives since the beginning.

Nothing I say makes you look like a fool. You do that all by yourself.
Getting mad? That's not very Christian like. What did you expect when you came on an open forum and started discussing religion? Some people are going to have different views than you. Accept that. But you don't. You try preaching. And it starts an internet fight. And I think it is funny because you did exactly what I said you would do. You don't listen to anyone else's opinion and when they post their's, you immediatley try to shoot it down by saying disprove God. Are you serious? Who can do that? But at the sametime when someone tells you to disprove what science has explained, you do that by posting things that are faith based. All that is, is an opinion man. Not everybody believes what you you believe. And when they don't, obviously you get angry. I can see you now, at your computer seething.
The only thing that I got aggrevated at was that you use the same methods in every argument. It is like you use the same answers for different topics. I dunno. It just got funny.
And by the way, I believe in God. And I believe He is my saviour. i just don't see things the way that you do. And that isn't open to discussion because I don't have to come on here and prove my faith to you. Because that would be useless.
Super-Card Wrote:So the Bible that is written by mortal men is actually written by God? People that are under his influence I assume. Such people as Charles Manson and the Klu Klux Klan (that also claim to to God's will). So why is it ok to assume that long ago when people talked to God it was ok, and now when someone does it they are crazy? Who is to say that Moses, David, or anyone else in the Bible was not a nut-job?

Fact of the matter is the Bible since written by men is flawed since humans are flawed creatures. Bible's don't fall from heaven. God dosn't Fed-Ex them to people they are mass produced by the lowest bidder. They are just as fiction as The Davinci Code or Forrest Gump.

The Bible itself declares this - not me. I simply put my faith in the Words because they have shown through the ages to be infallible and true. There are always people who claim God did this or God did that, but that does not make them credible. You can tell this because of their fruit, or the way their lives were lived. Moses and other inspired writers of the OT and NT were great leaders. Also, all of their writings can be backed up with historical evidences and holds true against the closest examination.

2 Timothy 3:16-17
16All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Amun-Ra Wrote:Getting mad? That's not very Christian like. What did you expect when you came on an open forum and started discussing religion? Some people are going to have different views than you. Accept that. But you don't. You try preaching. And it starts an internet fight. And I think it is funny because you did exactly what I said you would do. You don't listen to anyone else's opinion and when they post their's, you immediatley try to shoot it down by saying disprove God. Are you serious? Who can do that? But at the sametime when someone tells you to disprove what science has explained, you do that by posting things that are faith based. All that is, is an opinion man. Not everybody believes what you you believe. And when they don't, obviously you get angry. I can see you now, at your computer seething.
The only thing that I got aggrevated at was that you use the same methods in every argument. It is like you use the same answers for different topics. I dunno. It just got funny.
And by the way, I believe in God. And I believe He is my saviour. i just don't see things the way that you do. And that isn't open to discussion because I don't have to come on here and prove my faith to you. Because that would be useless.

Actually, you are completely wrong. Jesus showed his anger a few times. Have you ever read about the den of thieves? The Bible speaks a righteous anger; however, I am not angry with you. I just gave you a stern explanation.

I don't try to ask anyone to disprove God. I ask them to disprove the things we have - such as the Bible and the evidences that support it. If you have a belief, you should be able to defend it under close examination.

The book of Timothy tells us to study to show ourselves approved. Can you tell me why you believe Jesus to be your savior? Also, if that is the case, then great for you. But I am not mad at you, so don't think just because someone gives you a stern answer with confidence that it is the truth means they are seething or angry.
BaseballMan Wrote:The Bible itself declares this - not me. I simply put my faith in the Words because they have shown through the ages to be infallible and true. There are always people who claim God did this or God did that, but that does not make them credible. You can tell this because of their fruit, or the way their lives were lived. Moses and other inspired writers of the OT and NT were great leaders. Also, all of their writings can be backed up with historical evidences and holds true against the closest examination.

2 Timothy 3:16-17
16All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Ok. So all of the writings can be backed up by historical evidences. Show me some real proof that Jesus rose from the grave. Show me some real proof that there is a god or heaven. Show it to me. Get out photo's of Jesus rising. Give me heaven's address. Something more than your little book written by people no more qualifed to write than JK Rowling. There is no proof. You throw around all this junk like you have all the answers, but you are just a person standing there looking for someone to solve all your problems for you. You look to the sky and hope everything you want will fall right out for you to take. Some of the Cardinals and other high ranking Catholic officals (some even claim the Pope) who have lived by God's words are nothing more than pedophiles. So does that mean they lived fruitfully lives. Who is to say Moses wasn't a pedophile? You wern't there so you can't a-test to the fruitfulness of his life. The only thing fruity here is you and your posts.

Moses may have inspired, but so did Hitler, Manson, Bundy, and even Bin Laden. So I guess they deserve their own passages as well.
Super-Card Wrote:Ok. So all of the writings can be backed up by historical evidences. Show me some real proof that Jesus rose from the grave. Show me some real proof that there is a god or heaven. Show it to me. Get out photo's of Jesus rising. Give me heaven's address. Something more than your little book written by people no more qualifed to write than JK Rowling. There is no proof. You throw around all this junk like you have all the answers, but you are just a person standing there looking for someone to solve all your problems for you. You look to the sky and hope everything you want will fall right out for you to take. Some of the Cardinals and other high ranking Catholic officals (some even claim the Pope) who have lived by God's words are nothing more than pedophiles. So does that mean they lived fruitfully lives. Who is to say Moses wasn't a pedophile? You wern't there so you can't a-test to the fruitfulness of his life. The only thing fruity here is you and your posts.

Moses may have inspired, but so did Hitler, Manson, Bundy, and even Bin Laden. So I guess they deserve their own passages as well.

If you wish to buy yourself a copy of The Case for the Real Jesus by Lee Strobel, it will save me a lot of time. In this book you can find out the historical evidence that convincingly supports the eyewitness accounts for Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. There are no pictures or addresses for you, but you can see clearly that based on historical documents Jesus lived and did what the Scriptures say He did.

I don't look to the sky and hope something falls for me. I don't act like I have all the answers. I am stating that the inspired Word of God does have the answers. Another book for you to look into, Why I Still Believe by Joe Boot, will intrigue your mind about why the world just makes sense through faith in the God of the Bible.

You make claims about the fallibility of humans. We all know that humans are not perfect. But you see, I don't claim in the perfection of any ordinary humans. I claim in the perfection of God and His Son, Jesus.

I can test the fruitfulness of Moses' life based on the historical evidence for it. We can know that He was a man of great faith who wrote the Pentateuch, the first 5 books of the Bible. We can know how He led the Hebrew people out of slavery in Egypt. The Bible even speaks of him as a fallible man at times, so he was not perfect. Neither was David perfect, who committed adultery with Bathsheba, which is clearly mentioned in the Bible and we know it to be an abomination to God. You see, you have to look a little deeper to see that God shows us that we have messed up, and that without Him, our lives would be nothing, and only with Him can we see the real picture.

You make irrational insults and think that it accounts for knowledge, and you show that you have no true knowledge of any of the subject at hand based on your posts. You can insult me all you wish, but please at least try to read and understand what the posts are saying before you go on ranting foolishness. With your last statement, you have shown that you hold no real knowledge to this situation.
If you want to know more about the teaching that God has inspired men to write the Bible, go to this website:
BaseballMan Wrote:If you want to know more about the teaching that God has inspired men to write the Bible, go to this website:

It is not those who know exactly what they believe and what they must do who irritate others; it is those who know exactly what others must believe and what others must is the irritant.
BaseballMan Wrote:There are many answers that can be found in the book of Genesis as well as the rest of the Bible. The site has already been posted many times and can be found accurately by seaching the google button. Many of life's questions can be found by searching for the truth in the Bible, and from scholarly men who conduct an exegesis of the Bible.

There are some who think I have broken rules, and I apologize for that. I was only abiding by what an administrator instructed me to do with posting information. However, I hold tight to my findings. Evolution that teaches we evolved from primordial soup is wrong and leads to many things that are not good. There is a difference in this type of evolution I have explained and the fact that animals and populations can adapt. That is observable, but there is no evidence for Darwinian evolution.

I expected to be challenged on these views, and it has been great to discuss, but I didn't expect someone may completely try and wipe out these threads by saying they are false information. None of the information I posted was wrong or misleading. The guys who came up with the posted website did so because they wanted to tell the world that we're being led astray by our own thinking and not following the Word of God. I have found that to be very true among many posts I have seen here.

So I challenge anyone who wants to discuss any of these current events concerning intelligent design vs. evolution to google information about it and be open minded taking in information from all angles. I urge you to think of the basis for your beliefs, and hope you discover the truth.

Evolution is just as Justifiable as Creationism....cause look at both of the answers to the begging of the world

Creationism: God Made Anything and everything and we know cause the bible tells us one saw it but we know this to be true

Evoulution: we Believe that things evolved out of one cell and we have science to back us up...


and i'm not stateing my views on this so nobody won't bash me or anything
thecavemaster Wrote:It is not those who know exactly what they believe and what they must do who irritate others; it is those who know exactly what others must believe and what others must is the irritant.

What? No one on the website is telling you what you must believe and neither am I. You are free to believe whatever you wish. I'm just challenging what you believe for you to examine it a little deeper to find out what is really true. Sorry if that irritaes you, but if one sincerely believes in something and has studied to find it more accurate and undeniable above all else, they should share that with others to challenge them to examine their own way.
RammsteinFan92 Wrote:Evolution is just as Justifiable as Creationism....cause look at both of the answers to the begging of the world

Creationism: God Made Anything and everything and we know cause the bible tells us one saw it but we know this to be true

Evoulution: we Believe that things evolved out of one cell and we have science to back us up...


and i'm not stateing my views on this so nobody won't bash me or anything

Actually, the same science you refer to supports Creationism. What's more is that creationism also has the Bible as the absolute authority to help determine what happens. If you would actually take some time and read about it, you'd understand this better. There is actually no science that supports Darwinian Evolution. There is observable science that animals adapt to their environments, but nothing that ever proves one animal changed into another. However, there is much observable science that shows that animals reproduce after their own kind. There is historical science that supports the great flood being a prime reason for much of the explanations on our earth today.

You already stated your views, and I'm not bashing you. I'm simply challenging you to study a little deeper. Read the book of Genesis, examine the archaeology, and dig into science and biology with an open mind. Then see where the evidence takes you.
^^ Questions to consider:

1. Why is supernatural creation considered to be a “science stopper” and not a “science starter,” considering that most of the founding fathers of science believed in the Bible and a supernatural creation event?

2. If an all-knowing Creator God exists, wouldn’t it be logical to say that He knows about the scientific laws He created? Why not use what He says as a foundation for scientific thinking?
BaseballMan Wrote:^^ Questions to consider:

1. Why is supernatural creation considered to be a “science stopper” and not a “science starter,” considering that most of the founding fathers of science believed in the Bible and a supernatural creation event?

2. If an all-knowing Creator God exists, wouldn’t it be logical to say that He knows about the scientific laws He created? Why not use what He says as a foundation for scientific thinking?

As I understand it, many of our Founders were Deists, meaning they believed a Creator set things in motion, then stepped out of the equation. Thomas Jefferson re-worked a Gospel in which all things not explainable by reason were removed. I do not think science and faith are mutually exclusive. Nor do I think post-divulian creatures could survive without tremendous adaptations.
thecavemaster Wrote:As I understand it, many of our Founders were Deists, meaning they believed a Creator set things in motion, then stepped out of the equation. Thomas Jefferson re-worked a Gospel in which all things not explainable by reason were removed. I do not think science and faith are mutually exclusive. Nor do I think post-divulian creatures could survive without tremendous adaptations.

Actually, that's not entirely true. Although some have declared themselves deists, there were those who were christians by the apostle's creed. And even though all didn't believe the same, they all believed in the supreme-being of God. The law was taken from biblical principles. And hence, many founding fathers believed in creation and the Bible.

I get that while some had varied beliefs, the central belief was that in the God of the Bible. Here is a good website to find some quotes from our founding fathers:

Adaptations is provable. We know animals adapt and sometimes have tremendous adaptations. The point is they don't adapt so much that they involve from a monkey to a man.
BaseballMan Wrote:Actually, that's not entirely true. Although some have declared themselves deists, there were those who were christians by the apostle's creed. And even though all didn't believe the same, they all believed in the supreme-being of God. The law was taken from biblical principles. And hence, many founding fathers believed in creation and the Bible.

I get that while some had varied beliefs, the central belief was that in the God of the Bible. Here is a good website to find some quotes from our founding fathers:

Adaptations is provable. We know animals adapt and sometimes have tremendous adaptations. The point is they don't adapt so much that they involve from a monkey to a man.

I do not believe a "missing link" will ever be found. However, if there is one creative mind at the core of creation, it would be entirely likely that animals and human beings would share many characteristics (physiological systems, etc.). Also, according to jesus, a tiny sparrow, in our day let us say a 50 cent gold fish given out at a school carnival, cannot be flushed down the commode outside the care of god.
thecavemaster Wrote:I do not believe a "missing link" will ever be found. However, if there is one creative mind at the core of creation, it would be entirely likely that animals and human beings would share many characteristics (physiological systems, etc.). Also, according to jesus, a tiny sparrow, in our day let us say a 50 cent gold fish given out at a school carnival, cannot be flushed down the commode outside the care of god.

If you wish to use the Words of God as your reference then you must know that He also said each will reproduce according to their own kind. Never did He say I will make a monkey and it will soon become a man. That God takes care of the sparrows tells us that if He cares for an animal that insignificant, how much greater does He care for the one He made in His image.

And of course we will share common characteristics. After all, we were made by the same Creator. Normally, when a human creates something he/she deems good, you will see similar characteristics in the way they have created other things. Take for example a car and a boat. They are different, but yet have many similar characteristics because it works. But we'd never say that both were once a train and evolved into cars and boats over time because the train ran in a city or near the water. Nor would we say that all of these things just evolved from a small piece of wood which turned into a wagon wheel soon to be a Lamborghini in today's time.
thecavemaster Wrote:I do not believe a "missing link" will ever be found.

I wonder why there is no "missing link" that has ever been found. You'd think that after billions and billions of years with animals evolving so many times from one to another, there would be so many different bone structures found, especially considering all the "ice ages" that should have preserved them. The fact is there is absolutely no evidence to support the theory and by the scientific method, Darwinian evolution falls apart. I mean, after so much time, and so many archaeological finds of fossils - thousands upon thousands - there should be at least ten or twenty - maybe even one - bone structure of an animal that is half monkey, half man or part whale and part elephant.

The fact is that there is nothing. The fact is there are so many animals that live today that defy evolution in the fact that if they evolved they would have never made it. A woodpecker and a giraffe are two that would have never existed.

Woodpecker -- If it had to adapt a hard beak, then the first time it tried to peck into the wood it would have shattered it's beak and died.

Giraffe -- Did you know that a giraffe has a small flap at the base of it's skull that keeps the blood from rushing to it's head and killing it instantly every time it gets a drink of water. Had it had to adapt or evolve this function, then the giraffe would have died the instant it got it's first drink of water.

There are so many more, but I've made my point.
BaseballMan Wrote:I wonder why there is no "missing link" that has ever been found. You'd think that after billions and billions of years with animals evolving so many times from one to another, there would be so many different bone structures found, especially considering all the "ice ages" that should have preserved them. The fact is there is absolutely no evidence to support the theory and by the scientific method, Darwinian evolution falls apart. I mean, after so much time, and so many archaeological finds of fossils - thousands upon thousands - there should be at least ten or twenty - maybe even one - bone structure of an animal that is half monkey, half man or part whale and part elephant.

The fact is that there is nothing. The fact is there are so many animals that live today that defy evolution in the fact that if they evolved they would have never made it. A woodpecker and a giraffe are two that would have never existed.

Woodpecker -- If it had to adapt a hard beak, then the first time it tried to peck into the wood it would have shattered it's beak and died.

Giraffe -- Did you know that a giraffe has a small flap at the base of it's skull that keeps the blood from rushing to it's head and killing it instantly every time it gets a drink of water. Had it had to adapt or evolve this function, then the giraffe would have died the instant it got it's first drink of water.

There are so many more, but I've made my point.

The problem here, it seems to me, is that evolution occurs over a huge chunk of time; a slow progression where natural selection begins to favor birds with stiffer beaks or whatever, a slow process which EVENTUALLY ends in an adaptation of a beak that can penetrate the bark and get the food. I don't see this particularly as species change. A friend of mine spent four winters in North Dakota in the Air Force. When he came back to Kentucky, he would go outside in 30 degree weather in shorts and a tank top. His body had made some adjustments. Crude example... he wasn't a different species... he had just adapted.
BaseballMan Wrote:Actually, the same science you refer to supports Creationism. What's more is that creationism also has the Bible as the absolute authority to help determine what happens. If you would actually take some time and read about it, you'd understand this better. There is actually no science that supports Darwinian Evolution. There is observable science that animals adapt to their environments, but nothing that ever proves one animal changed into another. However, there is much observable science that shows that animals reproduce after their own kind. There is historical science that supports the great flood being a prime reason for much of the explanations on our earth today.

You already stated your views, and I'm not bashing you. I'm simply challenging you to study a little deeper. Read the book of Genesis, examine the archaeology, and dig into science and biology with an open mind. Then see where the evidence takes you.

i'm not an evolountionist nor am i a is it possible a man in the sky made everything just cause he wanted to tell me this
RammsteinFan92 Wrote:i'm not an evolountionist nor am i a is it possible a man in the sky made everything just cause he wanted to tell me this

ok that was a ridiculos reply and i am sorry...Big Grin
RammsteinFan92 Wrote:i'm not an evolountionist nor am i a is it possible a man in the sky made everything just cause he wanted to tell me this

I don't think He intended to tell you this because He created everything and gave it an order - a detailed way that things would work, and figured that most of us would see this and be wowed by it. Being God though and all knowing, he knew that some would let him down and believe such things that would lead them away from the truth. Therefore, sometimes, He has to tell us things that surely He had hoped He would never have to do in the beginning. I guess it's God way of dumbing things down for us so that we sometimes might see a smaller part of the big picture. I'm glad He's into the personal business of helping me out, because the Lord knows I am definitely in need of it many times. Sometimes it just takes a little leap of faith with some study to see the clear picture.
Ya know, the way I see it is that God said it that way, and that's the way it is. You can go off spouting other excuses all you want, believe in evolution if you want, but I would rather put my faith entirely in the One who created it all, and the Word He inspired to tell us about it - I mean, claiming to be a christian and representing the faith is big. I wouldn't want to mess it up with crazy alternative beliefs that someone conjured up and then have to be held accountable to the One who made it.

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