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We Should See More of This...
I don't know if there was a particular thread for little league baseball or not, but I figured it'd be okay to post this here.

The other night, I was at a little league baseball game watching my younger brother. It was a game that would determine 2nd place for the league tournament, and it was only a 1-run game. The losing team was playing defense, and the pitcher had just loaded the bases. A new pitcher was brought in and the first batter he faces hits a grand slam to right center field to widen the lead. As the batter rounded 3rd base, the pitcher walked over and gave the kid a high five congratulating him on what he just did!

I love seeing things like this. A game that could determine a 2nd place finish in the league, coaches & parents yelling and screaming for their team, a kid hits a grand slam, and the opposing pitcher congratulates him with a high five! This is why I love watching little league. The kids play for all the right reasons. They (for the most part) don't care who they're playing or what's at stake, they just go out and give it their all and have a blast doing it.
Completely agree.
StrikeoutKing Wrote:I don't know if there was a particular thread for little league baseball or not, but I figured it'd be okay to post this here.

The other night, I was at a little league baseball game watching my younger brother. It was a game that would determine 2nd place for the league tournament, and it was only a 1-run game. The losing team was playing defense, and the pitcher had just loaded the bases. A new pitcher was brought in and the first batter he faces hits a grand slam to right center field to widen the lead. As the batter rounded 3rd base, the pitcher walked over and gave the kid a high five congratulating him on what he just did!

I love seeing things like this. A game that could determine a 2nd place finish in the league, coaches & parents yelling and screaming for their team, a kid hits a grand slam, and the opposing pitcher congratulates him with a high five! This is why I love watching little league. The kids play for all the right reasons. They (for the most part) don't care who they're playing or what's at stake, they just go out and give it their all and have a blast doing it.

I have a love/Hate relationship for things like this.... my first high school home run the pitcher shook my hand on home plate... I like the sportsmanship part of this... However I think that it should be done after the game at a higher level...In Little league thats great it shows the kind of respect for the other players that the teams should have... but in high school/college it needs to be done after the game is over... but it does need to be done
Bosox Fan Wrote:I have a love/Hate relationship for things like this.... my first high school home run the pitcher shook my hand on home plate... I like the sportsmanship part of this... However I think that it should be done after the game at a higher level...In Little league thats great it shows the kind of respect for the other players that the teams should have... but in high school/college it needs to be done after the game is over... but it does need to be done
I agree with the high school/college part. I just think that sometimes we all get caught up in the winning part of sports, we forget how fun it is/was to play. Watching little leaguers play, it reminds me that the most important part of sport is having fun, while growing and improving as a player/person.
Back in the day i always told my pitchers to tip thier hat if a guy hit a HR. Then the next time up at bat put one in thier ribs. And tip their hat again just to let them know that the HR comes with a price.
kybaseball Wrote:Back in the day i always told my pitchers to tip thier hat if a guy hit a HR. Then the next time up at bat put one in thier ribs. And tip their hat again just to let them know that the HR comes with a price.

I disagree with that....why punish a guy for you making a bad pitch? If the dude hits a jack and then show boats it then by all means send him a message but not just because you made a dumb pitch
Bosox Fan Wrote:I disagree with that....why punish a guy for you making a bad pitch? If the dude hits a jack and then show boats it then by all means send him a message but not just because you made a dumb pitch

Of course coaching styles have changed since my day.But it was kind of funny to see a kid rubbing his ribs knowing that he had paid the price for the homerun.But I NEVER ordered my pitchers to head hunt though.

Sometimes a kid lucks out and hits a good pitch out.Then they have to pay.
Bosox Fan Wrote:I disagree with that....why punish a guy for you making a bad pitch? If the dude hits a jack and then show boats it then by all means send him a message but not just because you made a dumb pitch

I agree normally in a competitive game something like that(ego) could cost you the game. More baserunners only means more runs in the end.
Your right JRS. But most 9-12 yr olds will start backing out after that happens.
kybaseball Wrote:Your right JRS. But most 9-12 yr olds will start backing out after that happens.

Yea they will, I was more talking on the lines of the older kids.
I know now that might have been wrong. But at the time it seemed like a good idea and really worked well.
kybaseball Wrote:I know now that might have been wrong. But at the time it seemed like a good idea and really worked well.

Well I will say this...Any coach that throws at a kid at that age and on that level has no business being around kids or the game of baseball. Now days Little League has turned into a place for overwieght daddy's to keep living the dream, and it has turned away from being in the best interest for the kids. Dad's have no business coaching little league, and I understand they sometimes are the only ones who will do it, but when it starts becoming more about their ego, and less about the kids, then someone needs to step in and turn things around. Throwing at a kid in little league for hitting a homerun is the bushest thing I have heard in awhile.
JackRabbitSlim Wrote:Well I will say this...Any coach that throws at a kid at that age and on that level has no business being around kids or the game of baseball. Now days Little League has turned into a place for overwieght daddy's to keep living the dream, and it has turned away from being in the best interest for the kids. Dad's have no business coaching little league, and I understand they sometimes are the only ones who will do it, but when it starts becoming more about their ego, and less about the kids, then someone needs to step in and turn things around. Throwing at a kid in little league for hitting a homerun is the bushest thing I have heard in awhile.

I Couldn't agree with you more on all points.

At the time long ago that was common practice.Kids were a lot tougher back then. But it was a different time and it does not make it right.
JackRabbitSlim Wrote:Well I will say this...Any coach that throws at a kid at that age and on that level has no business being around kids or the game of baseball. Now days Little League has turned into a place for overwieght daddy's to keep living the dream, and it has turned away from being in the best interest for the kids. Dad's have no business coaching little league, and I understand they sometimes are the only ones who will do it, but when it starts becoming more about their ego, and less about the kids, then someone needs to step in and turn things around. Throwing at a kid in little league for hitting a homerun is the bushest thing I have heard in awhile.


However, not to many people that are not dads do not want to coach... also it is a good way to get little johnny who can not even hit the ball some playing time
Bosox Fan Wrote:Kudos

However, not to many people that are not dads do not want to coach... also it is a good way to get little johnny who can not even hit the ball some playing time

I agree 100%
JackRabbitSlim Wrote:Well I will say this...Any coach that throws at a kid at that age and on that level has no business being around kids or the game of baseball. Now days Little League has turned into a place for overwieght daddy's to keep living the dream, and it has turned away from being in the best interest for the kids. Dad's have no business coaching little league, and I understand they sometimes are the only ones who will do it, but when it starts becoming more about their ego, and less about the kids, then someone needs to step in and turn things around. Throwing at a kid in little league for hitting a homerun is the bushest thing I have heard in awhile.

I agree 110% with this statement as I have seen it FIRST HAND!!! LOL.....

I say let the kids play!!! Let's teach fundamentals and the rules of the game and see how it turns out!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
If it wasnt for the fathers coaching there would not be t-ball, Minor or little leauge. The parents need to talk to the president of the LL program If they have complaints.
phs1986 Wrote:I agree 110% with this statement as I have seen it FIRST HAND!!! LOL.....

I say let the kids play!!! Let's teach fundamentals and the rules of the game and see how it turns out!
I couldn't agree more! I saw a team lose in their league tournament last night because not one player knew how to bunt the ball to advance the runners, and on defense, the opposing coaches would continually have a runner go down the 3rd base line about halfway, and end up scoring because the defense had no idea what to do. This was an 11-12 year old team! Kids should be taught these things from day one, IMO, but I feel around that age you should start really emphasizing on baserunning, defensive situations, bunting, among the usual hitting and routine defense. Is this age group too young to learn the "5 tools" of baseball? I was told it's ludacris to expect kids this young to learn things like this! :confused:
StrikeoutKing Wrote:I don't know if there was a particular thread for little league baseball or not, but I figured it'd be okay to post this here.

The other night, I was at a little league baseball game watching my younger brother. It was a game that would determine 2nd place for the league tournament, and it was only a 1-run game. The losing team was playing defense, and the pitcher had just loaded the bases. A new pitcher was brought in and the first batter he faces hits a grand slam to right center field to widen the lead. As the batter rounded 3rd base, the pitcher walked over and gave the kid a high five congratulating him on what he just did!

I love seeing things like this. A game that could determine a 2nd place finish in the league, coaches & parents yelling and screaming for their team, a kid hits a grand slam, and the opposing pitcher congratulates him with a high five! This is why I love watching little league. The kids play for all the right reasons. They (for the most part) don't care who they're playing or what's at stake, they just go out and give it their all and have a blast doing it.

in little league that is ok..
any age after that it is not ... maybe after the game if at all.
Impressive Wrote:in little league that is ok..
any age after that it is not ... maybe after the game if at all.

I am never going to congratulate a guy for rocking my pitch. DURING THE GAME.. I have many friends that played on other teams and I was friends with them off the field but on it I hated them...
Bosox Fan Wrote:I am never going to congratulate a guy for rocking my pitch. DURING THE GAME.. I have many friends that played on other teams and I was friends with them off the field but on it I hated them...

i agree,i was goofing around about drilling 12yr olds,but if i were 12 or 30 and a cat lit me up for a tater i wouldn't go shake is hand. i might nod or something but i would let him know thier next time at bat.i wouldn't hit them on purpose but there would be a close pitch or 2.

and that is baseball and if you can't live with that then don't watch,play or coach the game.
kybaseball Wrote:i agree,i was goofing around about drilling 12yr olds,but if i were 12 or 30 and a cat lit me up for a tater i wouldn't go shake is hand. i might nod or something but i would let him know thier next time at bat.i wouldn't hit them on purpose but there would be a close pitch or 2.

and that is baseball and if you can't live with that then don't watch,play or coach the game.

That is baseball, once you get to a certain level. I do not believe they should do that on a little league level though, that is just rediculus.
JackRabbitSlim Wrote:That is baseball, once you get to a certain level. I do not believe they should do that on a little league level though, that is just rediculus.

opinons varySmile then don't play coach or watch.
JackRabbitSlim Wrote:That is baseball, once you get to a certain level. I do not believe they should do that on a little league level though, that is just rediculus.

Yes.... Like Kyle Farnsworth going after Manny earlier this year was uncalled for because he went at the head.... Now the other day when the rays threw at Coco Crisp (I hate that guy... hes my least favorite Red Sox player EVER) They hit him in the leg and he should have just taken it and went on to first but he had to act all big and bad and charge the mound.... it was a "Classy" bush league move if you will.... Do not throw at the head... but he needed to be plugged for taking out the shortstop the way he did...
Bosox Fan Wrote:Yes.... Like Kyle Farnsworth going after Manny earlier this year was uncalled for because he went at the head.... Now the other day when the rays threw at Coco Crisp (I hate that guy... hes my least favorite Red Sox player EVER) They hit him in the leg and he should have just taken it and went on to first but he had to act all big and bad and charge the mound.... it was a "Classy" bush league move if you will.... Do not throw at the head... but he needed to be plugged for taking out the shortstop the way he did...

didnt he take out the 2nd baseman
Back on topic please.

This started as a very positive thread, let's try to keep it that way.
This season, I watched a pitcher (after he hit the batter) call time and walk off the mound and over to 1st base and ask the young man was he okay and shook his hand and gave him an apology. THIS was during a Jr. League game..... IMHO there are totally differeent attitudes when they "move up" to Jr. League but this was a very very nice attempt to make it right by the young man.

I love to see good sportmanship among the kids. YES... games do get heated... YES... mom, dad, uncle Tom, and sister Betty get frustrated and are yelling in the stands, YES, .... coaches at times tend to get out of hand... BUT.... we all have to STOP and remember that the kids are the reason the game is played at these levels of play....... Make them happy and let them have fun and the wins will come!!! Smile

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
phs1986 Wrote:This season, I watched a pitcher (after he hit the batter) call time and walk off the mound and over to 1st base and ask the young man was he okay and shook his hand and gave him an apology. THIS was during a Jr. League game..... IMHO there are totally differeent attitudes when they "move up" to Jr. League but this was a very very nice attempt to make it right by the young man.

I love to see good sportmanship among the kids. YES... games do get heated... YES... mom, dad, uncle Tom, and sister Betty get frustrated and are yelling in the stands, YES, .... coaches at times tend to get out of hand... BUT.... we all have to STOP and remember that the kids are the reason the game is played at these levels of play....... Make them happy and let them have fun and the wins will come!!! Smile

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