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Brianna Castle
Is a junior at Allen Central High School and she was in a very bad 4-wheeler wreck earlier today. She had to be air-lifted to Cabbell-Huntington Hospital. She was bleeding from the ears really bad and her brain is swollen. She is on life support as we speak and has been in the same condition ever since. Although it was said that if she doesn't show any improvement in the next 24 hours then they are going to pull the plug. So everyone please keep her in your thoughts and prayers as she is fighting for her life right now. It would be greatly appreciated. I will try to get more updates on her. Thank you.
Please keep us updated.


If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
Yeah I'll definitely keep her in my thoughts and prayers..
WOW another kid from Allen Central hurt this is unreal. They both are in my thoughts and prayers.
Thoughts and prayers are with Brianna!
at about 12:00 they was sending her to get a Brain Scan and if there was no brain activity they was going to unplug everything...that is the last i heard if i hear more i'll post ..
Raider_Nation09 Wrote:at about 12:00 they was sending her to get a Brain Scan and if there was no brain activity they was going to unplug everything...that is the last i heard if i hear more i'll post ..

Yeah I had heard the same thing. A few people have posted some stuff on myspace saying R.I.P. Brianna Castle, but I don't know if it's true so I am not jumping to any conclusions. But I will try to find out more.
I really don't know how to say this, but Brianna did pass away about 10 to 15 minutes ago. Apparently there was no brain activity when they did they brain scan so they pulled the plug. Please keep her and her family in your prayers as they are going through the roughest of times.
Thats horrible news, I will keep her family in my prayers!
Brianna's family and friends are in my thoughts and prayers
Yeah, I will keep her family and friends in my thoughts and prayers.
Wow...such a tragic loss. I'm very sorry to hear this. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.
This is terrible, my thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends
Very sad news... her family and friends are in my thoughts and prayers.
**Send me a pm if you have any questions or comments**

This is sad...My prayers are with the family. There was also a 12 year old girl from Elkhorn City killed on a Rhino over Memorial Day weekend. From my understanding the funeral for her is today, it is sad hearing about all of these tragic events.
My prayers to her family.

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