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Thank You Veterans
This Memorial Day I'd like to thank each and every Veteran for the sacrifices theyve made for our country. The American Veteran never gets enough praise, never recieves enough attention and thank yous for what theyve done or are doing. And some came home to bitter and hateful homecomings, which was undeserved and nothing short of criminal. Instead of ranting and raving at the injustices they face after coming home, being overlooked and forgotten about by our politicians and government (because I can flat throw a tantrum), I simply want to say, Thank you. Not a night goes by that I dont pray for each and every one of our men and women that has fought, and those that are currently fighting overseas. You are ALL true heroes.
Nice post TH32!
Can't say it any better than that!
Great post man!
TidesHoss32 Wrote:This Memorial Day I'd like to thank each and every Veteran for the sacrifices theyve made for our country. The American Veteran never gets enough praise, never recieves enough attention and thank yous for what theyve done or are doing. And some came home to bitter and hateful homecomings, which was undeserved and nothing short of criminal. Instead of ranting and raving at the injustices they face after coming home, being overlooked and forgotten about by our politicians and government (because I can flat throw a tantrum), I simply want to say, Thank you. Not a night goes by that I dont pray for each and every one of our men and women that has fought, and those that are currently fighting overseas. You are ALL true heroes.

They are turely the most deserving Heroes ever.....Great Post TH32 :thumpsup:
Excellent post TH32:rockon:

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
Could not have said it any better TH32!!

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