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What do you hate?
I hate:

People that crawl up to a light, then shoot through when it's yellow, leaving you to run the light or slam on the brakes.

People that are waiting in line to pull out, wait for traffic to get close, then pull out.

People that pull out in front of you on a 2-lane road at the last second then go 10 miles under the speed limit.

People that are going 10 miles/hour slower cut you off and stay in your lane while cars zoom by on the other side.

People that don't run out ground balls.

People who talk trash while playing basketball.

People that talk big/act like smart asses on a computer and then claim they can back it up.

I'm sure there's a lot more.

Cheating people.

The people that drive soooo slow and block lane changes because they swerve and cannot drive in general.

People that talk smack and can't back it up.

People that butt into conversations and are like "oh my god did u just say...."

Noisy people or people that ask too many questions.

My sister.

People that cannot make up their minds.

There are too many more to name.
I hate one certain dude
I hate people who drive under the speed limit in the fast lane
I hate smart ass police officers
I hate my car
I hate most green foods
I hate nosy people
I hate people who talk to much
I hate riding 4 wheelers with my cousin
I hate not being able to ride fast
I hate when someone calls me and i don't answer, but when i call back they don't answer
I hate working
I hate traffic lights, be it red green or yellow
I hate pikeville (not just the school, but the town in general)
I hate jail
I hate school

I can't think of anything else right now. But i'll add more later
I hate people who pass you on a 2 lane only to pull off a quarter mile down the road causing you to almost rear-end them.

I hate ex-gf's that try starting shit between you and your current girl.

I hate Pizza Hut

I hate fishing on the lake only to have a person come flying by on a ski boat washing you onto the bank.

I hate when people come into my work (Appalachian Wireless) and talk about how much better the competition is (Cingular) but for some reason stays with us. If you don't like us then switch over.

I hate work.

I also hate when someone calls me and I don't answer, but when I call back they dont answer.

I hate Prestonsburg.

I hate condoms.

I hate about 1,000,000 people.

I hate scronny ass under age punks that get on the net saying they can cuss at you if they want because they know I'm overage and can't do anything about it.

I'm sure there's more. I should be back with an update.
1.You hate Prestonsburg ? can just move over to Pond Creek and be a Belfry Fan....."The Darkside" will gladly accept you as one of our own !!!

2. Unless you want 25 kids or a nasty STD you better use Condoms....Be responsible and use them !
Condoms are just aggravating. But I use em.

And I hate the town, not the teams. But I applaud your efforts. :!: :!: Smile
Condoms do suck.. :|
They are aggrevating, but they save your life.....

I'll stop preaching now................

And I thought I'd give another shot at trying to convert you to the darkside :lol:
Re-makes of old threads.

(just joking by the way)
CNN Wrote:Re-makes of old threads.

(just joking by the way)

I thought there was another thread about this somewhere. I just didn't feel like looking because I wanted to vent.

BTW, another thing made my list... going to lunch the other day, I am coming upon a light in the right lane. I'm going to turn right at the intersection. So some lady decides she wants to be the 1st person in line rather than 3rd in the left lane. She cuts me off and stops at the red light, causing me to wait a whole cycle before I can turn right. It's not that important that I make that turn that quickly, and it's (probably) not going to kill me to wait that extra time. However, it just aggravates the hell out of me that someone would do that.

Also, driving through a packed parking lot the other day looking for a spot, I come upon someone ready to pull out. Or so I thought... The car was sitting there in reverse, so we sit in the lane, waiting... and waiting... and waiting... After what seemed like hours, we figure they're just waiting on someone, or idiots. So we move along. As SOON as we pass the damn car, they start backing out. WTF! They had plenty of room to back out in either direction.

Oh yeah, and I hate Barry Bonds.
CNN Wrote:Re-makes of old threads.

(just joking by the way)

I see nothing wrong with someone staring this thread......The one you pulled up is really, really old.
I know, see the "(just joking by the way)" I put at the bottom?
I hate people who use you

I hate hangovers!!

I hate work

I hate not being able to sleep in late

I hate drying my hair

I hate people who call me 1,000,000 times a day

I hate CMS 100

I hate talking in front of people

I hate people who get on my Xanga chatterbox anonomously :?

I hate Appalachian Wireless Smile

I hate parents who don't take care of their kids!!!

I hate parents who don't pay child support

I hate that my dad won't call me back and put new tires on my car

I hate spinach, but love spinach dip! :o
I hate alot of things in life, I hate liars and most of all I hate this feeling of loving someone so much and not being with them

I hate people that drive slow in the fast lane
I hate nosey people
I hate people that do shit that just try to make me mad
There is really about 1,000 people that I truley hate
I hate being mad
I hate my car
I hate flatgap

Ill be back with
Cali Wrote:I hate Appalachian Wireless Smile
I have one more to add car related... man, I have some issues.

I hate people that pull into a turn lane several hundred feet back and go flying toward the light. Especially when I'm trying to be courteous and let the people in front of me have a chance to pull into the turn lane. The lines are on the road for a reason people! Argh!
I hate Mondays.
I hate front-runners. (Especially people who now all of the sudden are fans of the Red Sox since they won the World Series and people who now are Pistons fans since they won the NBA Finals last year eventhough they say they like them because they play as a "team")
I hate Yankee fans (thats just like being a constant front runner)
I hate overpaid athletes who wont take the time to sign a few autographs.
I hate people who ask the same question ten times in a row eventhough u answered the question the first time.
I hate Bill Belichick and the Patriots.
I hate people who dissed Michael Jordan when he made a second comeback.
I hate jingle-jangles.
I really hate people who ask you to do something and you wait around for them, and then they decide to let you know they're doing something else. :? Eff that

I hate this girl I work with who steals my commission

I hate people who say they will room with you for 6 months and then decide they can't go to Richmond for some STUPID reason

I hate puking in my car and then having to shampoo it the next day Smile

I'm really sick and tired of my friends taking advantage of me! I hate it!

I hate when rude people come to buy shoes

I hate when my roots grow out and I have to color my hair again

I hate that I always break my diets

I hate that my computer is a piece of poo!

I hate that my 'best friend' is a pathalogical liar

I also hate that I really don't know my 'best friend' because she lies so damn much
I hate Mondays
I hate waking up early
I hate school
I hate people who think they are better than everyone else
I hate dial-up
I hate my uncle
I HATE my dad
I hate how my dad never attempts to call me or see me and then asks me why I don't call or go visit him.
I hate not having my car
I hate my stupid insurance company for being so slow
I hate people who abuse other people
I hate parents that don't care about their kids
I hate hangovers
I hate my step-dad's attitude
I hate living with my parents
I hate how there's never anything on tv
I hate how my computer freezes up all the time
I hate how people call my line for my parenst when they have their OWN line
I hate being used
I hate being lied to
I hate cheating
I hate not being able to be there for my best friend the way I want to be
I hate that my best friend doesn't have anyone but me
I hate Mud Creek
I hate spiders
I hate snakes
I hate stupid people at school
I hate how people will say stuff and they can;t back it up
I hate broken promises
I hate certian people
I hate peple telling me what to do
I hate when people are controlling

There's alot more...

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