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New Jenkins Coach Arrested Tuesday
PER WYMT new JENKINS football coach was arrested TUESDAY for misconduct. IF the reports are true what will JENKINS do with about those allegations?.
I don't know if he is guilty or not, but I think it is a shame that a man's face and name are posted across the news and the papers, when it is her word against his. He should go through due process first. Now, if he is innocent, his name is ruined. If he is guilty, I'm not condoning that, but with kids nowadays, all it takes is for one to get mad at someone and that is the first thing they cry. If he is guilty he should pay. If he is innocent, well it is too late, he has already paid.
Need a link.
It's on the front page of today's news express.
Lady_Warrior Wrote:It's on the front page of today's news express.

Ok, as long as there's a source behind it.
Per News Express:

By Russ Cassady
Staff Writer

A teacher at East Ridge High School pleaded not guilty to official misconduct charges Wednesday after his arrest for allegedly soliciting an underage student to show him her breasts in exchange for a grade.

Lincoln Shane Bentley, 32, of Neon, a teacher and assistant football coach at East Ridge, was arrested following an investigation by Kentucky State Police Trooper Johnny Slone and charged with two counts of official misconduct — a Class A misdemeanor.

According to the warrant, on March 27 and 28, Bentley, as a teacher, committed official misconduct when he asked the minor student to expose her breasts to enhance her grade.

Pike County Schools Superintendent Roger Wagner said yesterday the allegations were brought before board officials, who immediately notified social services and the Kentucky State Police.

“He has been suspended with pay until we get a conviction or he is cleared,” Wagner said, adding Bentley has also been ordered to not be on East Ridge school grounds and not to have contact with any students.

This case was dealt with according to policy.

“Anything that comes to our attention, we’re obligated and want to report,” Wagner said.

Bentley was arraigned and pleaded not guilty to the charges before Pike District Judge Darrel Mullins on Wednesday.

Robbie Wright, the attorney representing Bentley, said yesterday he asks for people to wait before passing judgment against his client.

“From what I understand, at this point, it’s one person’s word against another,” Wright said. “He is innocent until proven guilty.

“At this point it’s awful early to make any judgment.”

Wright said Bentley, an English teacher, has been teaching for about 10 years and from what he has been told is a “good teacher.”

Bentley’s coaching was about to take him into a head coach’s position.

Jenkins Independent Schools Superintendent John Shook confirmed Wednesday that Bentley had been hired to be head football coach at Jenkins High School, a position he was to have begun on July 1.

“Our contract can be made null and void without any problem pending the outcome,” Shook said.

At this point, Shook said, he would await the outcome of the case against Bentley before making any decision.

Mullins set a $5,000/10 percent bond for Bentley during his arraignment Wednesday, citing a lack of any previous record.

“I’ve had a talk with the officers and they have no problem with the bond being set,” Mullins said. “There’s very little (criminal) history and nothing in (Bentley’s) background.”

Chief Assistant Pike County Attorney Roger Varney said Wednesday that his office looks closely at any case that involves something as serious as a teacher possibly violating the trust of their students.

“Obviously, we’ll take this case very seriously,” he said.

Bentley is scheduled to appear back in court on June 16.
ballcrazy Wrote:PER WYMT new JENKINS football coach was arrested TUESDAY for misconduct. IF the reports are true what will JENKINS do with about those allegations?.

He's gone for sure if found guilty.
Very shocking news.
Looks like they may need a new coach if he is found guilty.
Its a shame for a guy to(ADMIN NOTE: ALLEGEDLY) do that. He just got his first head coaching job, let it get to his head and either done this horrible crime or this girl is lying.

If he is innocent, I wish him the best in trying to recover and move forward. If he is guilty, where does Jenkins turn now - Brandon Ratliff the East Ridge kid mentioned in the other thread to be the front runner for the job?
Stay on topic...this thread is being watched closely,
I have received reports on this thread asking that it be closed.

While I personally believe it is not appropriate for anonymous members to offer their "opinion" on this particular topic, I also do not believe it should be removed.

It is what it is, It is a verified news story.

While charges are just that and one side to a story, they are charges.

I am a firm believer that ALL persons are Innocent until PROVEN guilty and deserve due process.

I am asking nicely. Please do not cross the line on this thread.

This is a man's life, job, and reputation on the line.
FOX SPORTS Wrote:I have received reports on this thread asking that it be closed.

While I personally believe it is not appropriate for anonymous members to offer their "opinion" on this particular topic, I also do not believe it should be removed.

It is what it is, It is a verified news story.

While charges are just that and one side to a story, they are charges.

I am a firm believer that ALL persons are Innocent until PROVEN guilty and deserve due process.

I am asking nicely. Please do not cross the line on this thread.

This is a man's life, job, and reputation on the line.

Good post!! Too many times nowadays, people are guilty until proven innocent. I agree, he should be treated as innocent until proven guilty. When it is one person's word against another's, how does one prove innocence? The court systems now put the burden on the defense to prove innocence instead of the prosecution to prove guilt. Too many times, people and the press are like vultures. They give no thought to messing with a man's life, career, and reputation. So, you are right Fox Sports, no one needs to cross the line on this.
Too many times it is guilty until proven innocent. But that isn't how it really should be. So we need to let this play out. Many times students and even adults make up things for their own personal gain or sometimes just to harm someone. Every allegation isn't always true. So if it is not true, then I wish him the best and hope that Jenkins moves forward with him. But if it is true, then he will deserve some type of punishment. Not much else can be said at this point.

What is really sad is how our news media go into a whirlwind frenzy over this stuff before they even know it is true. It casts a dark cloud that innocent people sometimes get harmed by.
Whats sad is this: It was on the front page of the newspaper, like Shady said, basically changing his life forever. Now, if it is found that the girl is lying, it will be on page 27 on the bottom of the page. If he is found guilty, then he should be punished for his actions...but time will tell soon enough..
EKY Sportster Wrote:What is really sad is how our news media go into a whirlwind frenzy over this stuff before they even know it is true.
But if you were a parent and it were true, wouldn't you want to know???

This is not the media's fault.
The media is simply reporting the arraignment.
The Superintendent of Pike Co, schools must not think he is innocent.

If you notice the article it says Bentley is suspended (ADMIN EDIT:) "with pay"

I hope the guy is innocent, but nothing surprises me these days.
Leonidas Wrote:The Superintendent of Pike Co, schools must not think he is innocent.

If you notice the article it says Bentley is suspended without(with) pay.

I hope the guy is innocent, but nothing surprises me these days.
If YOU notice, the article says he was suspended WITH PAY!!!!!

Admin note: Correction has been made
I hope this situation gets resolved ASAP for the man to move on in what direction the outcome is. This is a sad story and wish Lincoln Bently the best.
Coach Bentley is INNOCENT until provin GUILTY!
I am not saying that this is true or not true, but I do know as a teacher, that this could happen to anyone. All it takes is you making the wrong people mad at you. I will tell you this, you will never see my door closed or me talking to a female by myself. His name is already ruined, and we do not even know if this happened or not. Scary stuff!
HazzBeen Wrote:I am not saying that this is true or not true, but I do know as a teacher, that this could happen to anyone. All it takes is you making the wrong people mad at you. I will tell you this, you will never see my door closed or me talking to a female by myself. His name is already ruined, and we do not even know if this happened or not. Scary stuff!

It's sad that, if he is innocent, some people will use things like this to try and get their way.

From what I have heard, this isn't the first time this girl has made an accusation like this. I have heard from sources at the school that she tried to pull a stunt like this when she was in Jr. High and it was found to be untrue.

So it does seem that this girl has a history of making false accusations along the same lines. Again, that is just from a source, who will remain anonymous, that goes to that school. Doesn't mean that information is true or untrue, just that if it is true, her credibility may already be shot.
I have wanted to commit on this thread for some time now but I wanted to snoop around a bit to find out some things first.

To the posters on this site, I have no connection to Pike Co. or East Ridge and my commits come from the sad truth of the whole matter.

If the man is guilty than let him be done with. If he committed the crime than let him do his time and if he loses his teaching certificate than so be it. I have no respect for people who act in this way.

The sorry thing about our society is that if this man is found not guilty it don’t matter because chances are he is a had lad anyway. It will be hard for him to get a teaching job anywhere including outside of Kentucky. The majority of society has already claimed this man guilty without hearing from him. HIS life as a teacher could be and probably is officially over because of a false accusation.

My question for society is, if this man is found not guilty what happens in the life the accuser? I will tell you what happens, NOTHING CHANGES!!!!!! The accuser moves on and is allowed by SOCIETY to become whatever they want to become! Everyone forgets about the accuser but nobody forgets the innocent and his life is always going to be affected by a false accusation! Many posters have already said that our society holds him guilty until proven innocent! This is correct but no one has finished the statement….He is guilty until proven innocent but no matter what society holds him accountable for an accusation while the false accuser walks.

I will say this in honesty, most people who are accused of such a thing end up guilty and again they get what the deserve! But if you are held accountable for your actions than when is society going to wake up and start holding those accountable for making false accusations? What is fair from one is fair for another!
This will be interesting,

I also find it interesting that no one seems concerned about the alleged victim.
longball Wrote:This will be interesting,

I also find it interesting that no one seems concerned about the alleged victim.

Because she's still the alleged victim. If the accusations are true, then he was definitely out of place, but if it's not true then I believe there should be some form of repercussion for the accuser.

Also, with the act in question, he was accused of asking her to show her breasts, she was not sexually abused. Yes, if he did it, it was a wrong thing to do, but as far as a psychological standpoint, she probably won't suffer any lasting effects from the event.
anyway it goes he is going to be having it ruff. he's name is ruined, they should have figured out if he was guilty before putting it in the papers.

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