03-27-2008, 12:59 AM
line backer club Wrote:Give the ---D--- some props on here. I hear about Gross and Clark. A lot of the games were won on D side. Just the last few years Matt Thompson, Jeremiah Nunley, Matt Campbell and Tyler Jones were all great athletes. Thompson blocked for Gross and Nunley blocked for Gross and Clark. Dedicated in the weight room Nunley was fastest linebacker I have seen from side line to side line.You have to include Josh Wills on that list as well.
03-27-2008, 03:00 AM
Blevins was back today. Hard snaps with A.J. looked good.
03-27-2008, 09:34 AM
I saw Adam Bates last night and he is absolutely huge too. Man I have a good feeling about this year. Everything else has to fall into place too but I feel good about it. So far everybody I have seen has looked bigger and stronger since the last time I ran into them. I hope it is a sign of good times to come.
Romans 14:11
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
03-27-2008, 03:07 PM
yes your right wills and nunley both could of played in the backfield and had big numbers but played guard the glory position in the wing t they learned that from 2002 team watching matt thompson, nick collins work hard in the off season weight room running encourageing the under classmen they pass it to nunley, gross mullins blain they pass it to wills clark timberlake they pass it to jones foster now thats tradition so abrams baily cordel you got the torch DEFEND THE R WORK HARD BE LEADERS DEMAND RESPECT
03-27-2008, 03:55 PM
line backer club Wrote:yes your right wills and nunley both could of played in the backfield and had big numbers but played guard the glory position in the wing t they learned that from 2002 team watching matt thompson, nick collins work hard in the off season weight room running encourageing the under classmen they pass it to nunley, gross mullins blain they pass it to wills clark timberlake they pass it to jones foster now thats tradition so abrams baily cordel you got the torch DEFEND THE R WORK HARD BE LEADERS DEMAND RESPECTWell said LBC! As long as Russell has players ready and willing to fill those leadership roles they will continue to execute the wing-t to perfection.:devilflam
03-27-2008, 04:28 PM
The amount of kids inthe weightroom right now is amazing. I am talking about kids in 6th grade and some younger who are doing CORE work outs, stairs and running the stadiums, isometric workouts and even watching what they eat. I would say that the recent showing of the football team has increased the drive of the younger kids. I also heard that there are about 25 7th and 8th graders in the weight room after school right now.. This is great to hear and lets help our players along.
No matter what you think in high school, there are kids in the wings watching and copying your behavior, so watch out....
No matter what you think in high school, there are kids in the wings watching and copying your behavior, so watch out....
Romans 14:11
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
03-30-2008, 07:42 PM
DEVILOLOGIST Wrote:just know that the offer always stands. Anyway how many looks is Seth getting now, Please tell of good news and I wish you guys the best. I hope that all are doing okay in the distant land they call Louisville, I hear tales of buildings with more than 4 floors!!!!,, Is it really like 2 Walmarts stacked on each other or are the stories about the big cities just stories?????
LOL, hope you guys have a great year and I hope to hear news of him sometime.
So far everything is preliminary. We've attended several junior day's and had alot of corespondence from Big Ten, SEC, Big East, Conf USA, Sun Belt, & MAC schools. We'll just have to wait and see. The transition from D to O last year cost him some playing time (he rotated every 2 series with the incumbent senior). This year he'll be an every down player. He's improving a lot. His bench has gone from 180 at Russell to 315. His max is closer to 330. He's squating over 400. still need to work on his clean technique so he can improve in that area. We'll just have to wait and see.... I'll keep you posted.
03-31-2008, 12:16 AM
RedDevilStXIUFan Wrote:So far everything is preliminary. We've attended several junior day's and had alot of corespondence from Big Ten, SEC, Big East, Conf USA, Sun Belt, & MAC schools. We'll just have to wait and see. The transition from D to O last year cost him some playing time (he rotated every 2 series with the incumbent senior). This year he'll be an every down player. He's improving a lot. His bench has gone from 180 at Russell to 315. His max is closer to 330. He's squating over 400. still need to work on his clean technique so he can improve in that area. We'll just have to wait and see.... I'll keep you posted.For a boy his size those numbers are awful. We have kids half his size at Russell doing that.
03-31-2008, 10:41 AM
Devil09- You are corret about the amount of weights our kids are lifting, but the truth in the matter is Seth will be playing college ball at a Div-1 school. He has the size and mass to be a player there. if you look at Kasey Clark in hs, he was big and solid. He was told in college to gain 30 pounds of muscle and then he can play. Kasey will probably get to play this year in the rotation. Josh Gross was one of the fastest RB's I have ever seen. At 5'8" he went to Georgetown- NAIA. Hopefully he will get to play alot more this year, Hope no injuries!!!!!
Now Seth on the other hand will go to a Div-1 school and will be monitored by coaches every waking and unwaking hour just like Kasey is right now.
The bottom line is that you can work with a kid on lifting and making him stronger but I have yet to find a way to make a kid grow 8-9 inches to make him huge.
Seth is huge and when he is forced to work out 8 hours a day he will mature into a beast just like those who belive in him now have seen in the making.
Now Seth on the other hand will go to a Div-1 school and will be monitored by coaches every waking and unwaking hour just like Kasey is right now.
The bottom line is that you can work with a kid on lifting and making him stronger but I have yet to find a way to make a kid grow 8-9 inches to make him huge.
Seth is huge and when he is forced to work out 8 hours a day he will mature into a beast just like those who belive in him now have seen in the making.
Romans 14:11
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
03-31-2008, 07:26 PM
DEVILOLOGIST Wrote:Devil09- You are corret about the amount of weights our kids are lifting, but the truth in the matter is Seth will be playing college ball at a Div-1 school. He has the size and mass to be a player there. if you look at Kasey Clark in hs, he was big and solid. He was told in college to gain 30 pounds of muscle and then he can play. Kasey will probably get to play this year in the rotation. Josh Gross was one of the fastest RB's I have ever seen. At 5'8" he went to Georgetown- NAIA. Hopefully he will get to play alot more this year, Hope no injuries!!!!!I hope only the best for Seth. I hope he makes it and makes it big.
Now Seth on the other hand will go to a Div-1 school and will be monitored by coaches every waking and unwaking hour just like Kasey is right now.
The bottom line is that you can work with a kid on lifting and making him stronger but I have yet to find a way to make a kid grow 8-9 inches to make him huge.
Seth is huge and when he is forced to work out 8 hours a day he will mature into a beast just like those who belive in him now have seen in the making.
03-31-2008, 07:37 PM
Devil09 Wrote:For a boy his size those numbers are awful. We have kids half his size at Russell doing that.
Did you stop to look at the amount of gains he has made.
Plus I don't see where those numbers are awful. I have seen many a young football player that only lifted to see numbers with no regards for proper form and safety. All those are are just numbers. As long as he keeps progressing then he will be fine.
I have witnessed trap bar deads which are much easier than conventional, I have seen them do quarter squats with huge number just to say they could and you wouldn't believe the amount of bouncing off the chest I have seen during benching. I have a teenage son that used to do all of those things and they do nothing for you but help you get hurt.
I would like to see Russell implement a weight program that was concerned with proper form and mass gains instead of just numbers.
03-31-2008, 09:34 PM
Midee1 Wrote:Did you stop to look at the amount of gains he has made.
Plus I don't see where those numbers are awful. I have seen many a young football player that only lifted to see numbers with no regards for proper form and safety. All those are are just numbers. As long as he keeps progressing then he will be fine.
I have witnessed trap bar deads which are much easier than conventional, I have seen them do quarter squats with huge number just to say they could and you wouldn't believe the amount of bouncing off the chest I have seen during benching. I have a teenage son that used to do all of those things and they do nothing for you but help you get hurt.
I would like to see Russell implement a weight program that was concerned with proper form and mass gains instead of just numbers.
As I said, I only wish the best for Seth. Your correct numbers mean little.
04-01-2008, 02:43 AM
Devil09 Wrote:As I said, I only wish the best for Seth. Your correct numbers mean little.
Devil09, I know you only wish the best for Seth as I know Seth only wishes the best for you and the rest of the Devils. I didn't take your comment to be anything more than, we all have such high expectations for Seth sometimes we need to think whether they're realistic/fair. :thumpsup: What we have learned while at St X and during our visits to Michigan, Louisville, and several other schools is that there is strength and then there is football strength. Only if benching 500lbs makes you a better football player does it truely mean something (other than you're massively strong). Can you move, maintain your flexibility in awkward positions, & do your job while in space? That means you're a more effective player/teammate and football player. When we wathched several of the Michigan player (they were having a competition) lift they started at 315 to 400+ on bench and rep'ed 4 to 9 times. Seth's at 315-325 with 4-6 reps and they were 2-3 years older at a minimum then Seth. I feel as if he's holding his own.
We've decided to focus on those thing along with technique to insure (hopefully) a long career in college. We don't know how it's all going to turn out. There are a lot of things to improve upon but so far it's been a fun ride. Hopefully, in a year we'll be talking about Seth increasing all his lifts by another 100+ lbs, an improved 40 time, & God willing a D1 offer(s). We'll just have to see how it all comes together.
To all my friends in Russll and all the boys in Seth's class thank you and I'm still watching you. Make me, your community, & yourselves proud. :devilflam
I hope Seth is working on his footwork, and quickness, not to mention he already has a good head on his shoulders. Those are things that will get him somewhere big time. While strength is important, most college coaches look for a solid frame with a good football base, and good feet. (in linemen) any decent program will put major muscle on Seth.
Example: Aaron Miller from EC. The kid got a full ride to UK, even though I watched players like Joe Palmer and Jeremy Jones put him on his tail all night long because he was so weak.. The kid goes to UK and turns out to be an All-SEC freshman??? Too bad he got homesick, would have liked to of watched him play.
Example: Aaron Miller from EC. The kid got a full ride to UK, even though I watched players like Joe Palmer and Jeremy Jones put him on his tail all night long because he was so weak.. The kid goes to UK and turns out to be an All-SEC freshman??? Too bad he got homesick, would have liked to of watched him play.
04-11-2008, 09:05 PM
I still feel this year, if they are gonna go any farther than they did last year, they will have no choice but to air it out. It still makes me sick to watch teams put 10 and 11 in the box, and us run off tackle for 1 yard on almost every first down. I don't know how many games I watched last year where teams didn't have a player deeper than 5yds off the line of scrimmage, I know there were a ton, especially Breathitt. If a team is doing that, you send out Mitchell or Bailey, or even Dillon will burn them. However, Ill not expect more, Ivan will be happy with a 9-3 season.
04-11-2008, 09:14 PM
Oh and btw, whats up with the coaches holding onto letters from colleges from the kids. Inviting them to camps and requesting videos and such. this has went on forever at Russell.
I personally, and guys I played with have ran into college coaches, and they asked us how come we never sent in tapes or responded to the letters they sent us. The only thing any of us could ever say was, "What letters?"
I'm glad Seth is where he is at now, he'll have a chance to go somewhere great I feel. Which probably would not have happened here at Russell, which is sad to say. Ive seen a lot of good football players go through Russell who could have went at least somewhere small and got a free education, but I feel that the staff is not concerned with the players bettering their lives through football.
I love the staff at Russell, They are just a few decades behind the times. Need to get in the 21st Century.
I personally, and guys I played with have ran into college coaches, and they asked us how come we never sent in tapes or responded to the letters they sent us. The only thing any of us could ever say was, "What letters?"
I'm glad Seth is where he is at now, he'll have a chance to go somewhere great I feel. Which probably would not have happened here at Russell, which is sad to say. Ive seen a lot of good football players go through Russell who could have went at least somewhere small and got a free education, but I feel that the staff is not concerned with the players bettering their lives through football.
I love the staff at Russell, They are just a few decades behind the times. Need to get in the 21st Century.
04-12-2008, 11:40 AM
EkyLb Wrote:I hope Seth is working on his footwork, and quickness, not to mention he already has a good head on his shoulders. Those are things that will get him somewhere big time. While strength is important, most college coaches look for a solid frame with a good football base, and good feet. (in linemen) any decent program will put major muscle on Seth.
Example: Aaron Miller from EC. The kid got a full ride to UK, even though I watched players like Joe Palmer and Jeremy Jones put him on his tail all night long because he was so weak.. The kid goes to UK and turns out to be an All-SEC freshman??? Too bad he got homesick, would have liked to of watched him play.
Aaron Miller did not get home sick, he became acedemicly ineligable, and kicked him off the team...thats what the old rumor was...i never heard he got home sick
04-12-2008, 11:41 AM
EkyLb Wrote:I still feel this year, if they are gonna go any farther than they did last year, they will have no choice but to air it out. It still makes me sick to watch teams put 10 and 11 in the box, and us run off tackle for 1 yard on almost every first down. I don't know how many games I watched last year where teams didn't have a player deeper than 5yds off the line of scrimmage, I know there were a ton, especially Breathitt. If a team is doing that, you send out Mitchell or Bailey, or even Dillon will burn them. However, Ill not expect more, Ivan will be happy with a 9-3 season.
Why start passing the ball when the run has worked for years? i mean last year they didnt make it all the way, but no one could really stop the run? give me a team last year that acutally stopped the run? i cant think of any
04-12-2008, 01:19 PM
highschoolfootballfan Wrote:Aaron Miller did not get home sick, he became acedemicly ineligable, and kicked him off the team...thats what the old rumor was...i never heard he got home sick
Miller became academically ineligible eventually because he left UK in the middle of the semester multiple times to come back come because he was homesick. You are both right. One just led to the other.
He was never actually kicked off the team though. He notified the coaching staff that he would no longer be playing, so they removed his scholarship.
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If you ever have any questions, problems, or comments, contact me at [email=tomcat6868@gmail.com]tomcat6868@gmail.com[/email] or via PM by clicking here [Image: http://www.bluegrassrivals.com/finalnewbanner3.png]
04-12-2008, 03:38 PM
Tomcat68 Wrote:Miller became academically ineligible eventually because he left UK in the middle of the semester multiple times to come back come because he was homesick. You are both right. One just led to the other.
He was never actually kicked off the team though. He notified the coaching staff that he would no longer be playing, so they removed his scholarship.
i knew it was something similar to that.
04-12-2008, 08:34 PM
Is Miller the only guy over 6 foot 6 from East Carter to play Div 1 ball in say the last 15 years?
04-13-2008, 12:33 AM
highschoolfootballfan Wrote:Why start passing the ball when the run has worked for years? i mean last year they didnt make it all the way, but no one could really stop the run? give me a team last year that acutally stopped the run? i cant think of any
The run has worked for years, and will continue this year. This upcoming season we have a QB thats more of a passer in A.J. Cordle. We have some quality recivers that can make big plays. I'd love to see more of a mix in the call's. It's time to mix it up. Russell has become to predictable.
04-18-2008, 12:08 AM
It doesn't matter if Russell has become prodictable or not what matters is that NO ONE has stopped it, so why change it. I know people are stuck in the OPEN style offenses that are out there today, but that doesn't mean you have to stop what has worked for you for year's and change. Will we see more passing this year than in year's past? Who knows, but as far as being too predictable it has been that way for 30+ year's and still works so why change it.
04-18-2008, 08:09 AM
DEVIL89 Wrote:It doesn't matter if Russell has become prodictable or not what matters is that NO ONE has stopped it, so why change it. I know people are stuck in the OPEN style offenses that are out there today, but that doesn't mean you have to stop what has worked for you for year's and change. Will we see more passing this year than in year's past? Who knows, but as far as being too predictable it has been that way for 30+ year's and still works so why change it.
Very true! And this year, i beleive Russell's running game will be even more powerful, with all the lineman getting big and strong to push people around, plus the running backs getting fast and strong, im having some good feelings!

04-18-2008, 10:43 AM
Thats what I like to hear.
Romans 14:11
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
05-15-2008, 01:37 PM
I know everyone was expecting this thread to start so im just going to go ahead and start it... What's the opinions on this season?
05-17-2008, 02:11 AM
RedDevil_TE Wrote:I know everyone was expecting this thread to start so im just going to go ahead and start it... What's the opinions on this season?
State Champs
05-17-2008, 02:17 AM
highschoolfootballfan Wrote:State ChampsThat'd be nice.
05-17-2008, 02:20 AM
DevilsWin Wrote:That'd be nice.
real nice.
05-21-2008, 01:30 PM
ha no doubt that would be incredible....Did Belfry lose anyone?
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