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Love it? Hate it? Pros and Cons?

The ticket prices are alright. They have 2 decent rollercoasters, but that's a problem, they have TWO!!!! decent rollercoasters. They need to have like 50.
one of there roller coasters is ight..its called tornado, twister, sumthin like that
tennesse tornado is the one you are talking about.

thunderhead is the new one and it is decent.

that is the only two though.
Awww I love the place, it's so familyish and stuff! 8)
yea its a little tooooo familyish though, they need more fun rides to get the young adult crowd in there.
I don't really like it that much. I love rollercoasters. Theres arent that good. I absolutely LOVE Cedar Point. Everyone needs to check that place out.
i would if it wasnt almost all the way up in MICHIGAN! that is a long way to drive. cinncinnati is far enough into ohio for me. lol i would really love to go there though, they have some kick ass coasters.
Its my favorite place ever. I go there everytime I visit my aunts. They have the best coasters ever. They have a new ride called Max Air. Its fun.

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