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NFL to weigh in on hair debate.
It was proposed by an NFL team that players have to either tuck or cut their long hair. The proposel will require players, such as Al Harris to keep the hair from not going beyone the name on the back of his jersey.

I for one don't really care whether a player's hair is long or not. But I will say that if it is long enough to be grabbed then it shall.

There's no reason for this rule. There is already a rule in place that states that hair is considering part of your uniform, same as a jersey, so it can be grabbed and yanked while making a tackle.

I mean seriously, while watching the game have you ever thought to yourself "I wonder who that player is? I can't see their name because of the hair." I certainly haven't. For most people it is most likely that they are more easily able to recognize the player because of their unique hair.

This is a decision that will effect players personal appearance on and OFF the field. The NFL has no right to tell a grown man that his hair is inappropriate.
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Tomcat68 Wrote:There's no reason for this rule. There is already a rule in place that states that hair is considering part of your uniform, same as a jersey, so it can be grabbed and yanked while making a tackle.

I mean seriously, while watching the game have you ever thought to yourself "I wonder who that player is? I can't see their name because of the hair." I certainly haven't. For most people it is most likely that they are more easily able to recognize the player because of their unique hair.

This is a decision that will effect players personal appearance on and OFF the field. The NFL has no right to tell a grown man that his hair is inappropriate.
Tomcat68 Wrote:There's no reason for this rule. There is already a rule in place that states that hair is considering part of your uniform, same as a jersey, so it can be grabbed and yanked while making a tackle.

I mean seriously, while watching the game have you ever thought to yourself "I wonder who that player is? I can't see their name because of the hair." I certainly haven't. For most people it is most likely that they are more easily able to recognize the player because of their unique hair.

This is a decision that will effect players personal appearance on and OFF the field. The NFL has no right to tell a grown man that his hair is inappropriate.

I agree totally. And if they want to wear their hair like that, let them. I mean, its not hurting anybody.
This is a joke, you do whatever your boss tells you. Cutt your **** hair and grow up.
RavenBoy Wrote:This is a joke, you do whatever your boss tells you. Cutt your **** hair and grow up.
So are you saying that they should cut their hair?

See more and more i am leaning towards the player's right to how they want to wear their hair.
Tomcat68 Wrote:There's no reason for this rule. There is already a rule in place that states that hair is considering part of your uniform, same as a jersey, so it can be grabbed and yanked while making a tackle.

I mean seriously, while watching the game have you ever thought to yourself "I wonder who that player is? I can't see their name because of the hair." I certainly haven't. For most people it is most likely that they are more easily able to recognize the player because of their unique hair.

This is a decision that will effect players personal appearance on and OFF the field. The NFL has no right to tell a grown man that his hair is inappropriate.
couldn't agree more Tomcat I think a lot of NFL fans will be bothered by this rule believe it or not. I think it is just dumb. Next they are going to be telling them you can only have one baby boy per house hold, all others will be killed.
Amun-Ra Wrote:So are you saying that they should cut their hair?

See more and more i am leaning towards the player's right to how they want to wear their hair.
dont cutt it, all they have to do is wear a due rag. If you get payed Millions, shut the **** up and do what your told. They get overpaid anyways to catch a stupid ball. No way should 1 player get paid more than the President of this country. Thats sad, a guy works his *** off in the hot sun and gets paid $7.50 an hour, but to throw a ball in a metal circle you get paid millions. Makes alot of sense.
Let em' keep it. It's not hurting the game at all. But if they do decide to make them cut it then they should do it and not make a fuss.
well I know there not trying to get the players to cutt their hair, just put it up in those skulls or due rags or something.
I dont see why its a big deal but if my boss tells me something Im gonna do it.
vundy33 Wrote:Let em' keep it. It's not hurting the game at all. But if they do decide to make them cut it then they should do it and not make a fuss.

Exactly how I look at it. If it isn't hurting other players, why should they have to do it?
RavenBoy Wrote:well I know there not trying to get the players to cutt their hair, just put it up in those skulls or due rags or something.
I dont see why its a big deal but if my boss tells me something Im gonna do it.

I agree, if they have to do it then do it and don't ***** about it.
No Fun League
HawksRule Wrote:No Fun League
thats true. They also get paid Millions. If they dont like it then quit, just like any job.
Just because your famous its no difference.
this really aint fair to the players that cant cut there hair beacuse of there religion
RedSeal Wrote:this really aint fair to the players that cant cut there hair beacuse of there religion
yea they were talking about that if its your culture its fine but other than that it should happen. I dont know, all I know is that if my boss told me that my hair is to long then I would cutt it or get another job.
Let the players do what they want with their hair it's nothing to create a rule about.
i tkink it is just stupid
Whatever floats your boat.
Wow, seems like the NFL is literally "cutting" down on everything.
-STAT- Wrote:Wow, seems like the NFL is literally "cutting" down on everything.

TongueirateSho Smile goodone
but all they would have to do is get a bigger helmet and put all there hair in the helmet and they wouldnt have to cut it
RedSeal Wrote:but all they would have to do is get a bigger helmet and put all there hair in the helmet and they wouldnt have to cut it

It's not that simple. If you just stuff a ton of soft hair into your helmet, then your helmet is no longer doing its job as a safety device and could lead to head trauma because the helmet isn't being used properly.
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Goodell just couldn't find anybody to suspend and he needed his power-trip to get his superiority complex and to make him feel big and powerful.

Stupid rule, it's some people's heritage and religion.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
BFritz Wrote:Goodell just couldn't find anybody to suspend and he needed his power-trip to get his superiority complex and to make him feel big and powerful.

Stupid rule, it's some people's heritage and religion.
Goodell isn't the one who proposed this rule. It was actually started by a NFL team. Though I couldn't find out which when I made this thread.

As for Goodell, I am glad he is the commish. Take the thug out son.
BFritz Wrote:Goodell just couldn't find anybody to suspend and he needed his power-trip to get his superiority complex and to make him feel big and powerful.

Stupid rule, it's some people's heritage and religion.
I guess they will just have to get over it then.
Amun-Ra Wrote:Goodell isn't the one who proposed this rule. It was actually started by a NFL team. Though I couldn't find out which when I made this thread.

As for Goodell, I am glad he is the commish. Take the thug out son.

Kansas City proposed it, which I don't understand because it allowed them to tackle Troy P after an interception.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
It did allow them to tackle him and I see no problem with using hair as part of the uniform. The rule is stating that long hair that obscures the name on the back is a uniform violation. We all know how strict the NFl is over their uniforms.
Amun-Ra Wrote:Goodell isn't the one who proposed this rule. It was actually started by a NFL team. Though I couldn't find out which when I made this thread.

As for Goodell, I am glad he is the commish. Take the thug out son.

Thug? God, having long-hair isn't "thug". You need to get out of the house more.
It dont really matter what the reason is. These players get paid Millions and they work for the Owners of the football teams. If they have a problem about it then quit. Dont hold these players up petastool just because their NFL Players. If you work in a office, that office has standards and if you dont meet them, say goodbye. Its simple, If they as players have a problem with it, then quit. It dont matter who,where,when or what, either do it or start your business so you can have your own rules.

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