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Paintsville JV gets beat on many errors
Paintsvilles outstanding JV team played an awful game last night against the supposed best team in the region MOrgan county. Morgan county did hit the ball during the first 2 innings of pitcher Seth Alex Rice. He had an alright game but just couldn't keep his head. Barker had numerous throw to 1st and 3rd during the game however no one attempted to steal second on the young catcher. he had one throwing erroe to first base and it went in to right field allowing the man on first to advance to second. Although the Tigers did not win on a good night the would of held tight to MOrgan county and maybe pulll it off. Good luck to the JV team on all there other games
I dont think it was just logan's fault i think it was a team effort. there were errors made all over the field and seth alex didnt keep the ball out of the hitters way either :o
Logan make to many bad throws to different bases. He knew that some people on his team couldnt catch the ball and he still threw the ball. He played a good overall game and so did the rest of the team. It was just not there night to play ball. :o
yeah logan sucks go coach lesbo :twisted:
"bench player for life" Wrote:Logan make to many bad throws to different bases. He knew that some people on his team couldnt catch the ball and he still threw the ball. He played a good overall game and so did the rest of the team. It was just not there night to play ball. :o

I WaS At tHe gAmE AnD We mUsT Of wAtChEd a dIfFeReNt oNe. wHaT WoUlD AnY CoAcH TeLl a cAtChEr tO Do iF A GuY WaS LeAdInG OfF? ItS NoT LoGaNs fAuLt aNy aT AlL ThAt tHeY CoUlDn't cAtCh. i sAw hIs tHrOwS AnD AlL Of tHeM BuT 1 WeRe rIgHt oN So iF YoU GuYs dOn't tHiNk yOu cAn dO AnY BeTtEr tHaN ThE ExCeLlEnT FrEsHmAn cAtChEr tHaN WhY DoN'T YoU TrY It yOuR SeLf. tHe wHoLe tEaM PlAyEd bAd aNd nO OnE PeRsOn sHoUlD GeT AnY BlAmE.
Wow.....bold statement. I thought that they didn't play horrible but they didn't play bad. So what is Coach * doing right now? :|
Personally I think that Ice is a little obsessed with this NICHOLS kid.

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