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Matney Suspended, JCHS on Probation
The Guru Wrote:Actually, when I spilled the beans it was in regards to mine personally. I really don't care so much about all the small stuff like this. Just that if you get caught just take it and go on.
Quit whining about how you got caught!

Never said the first word that could be considered whining.

It's just been a week or two since I last had the opportunity to pick on you a little. Ah, the spice of life. Smile

All is well!!! Wink
Well it looks like justice was served here.
I am a JCHS fan and am very close to the people in question. None of what happened was intentional. The administration at JCHS work very hard to run a top notch school and will not tolerate cheating. If they even thought this was the case they would be cleaning house. Coach Matney is supported and will weather this storm. He made a mistake. If the KHSAA had even a hint that this was cheating they would have hammered the program like they did Lex. Cath. This was a very small slap on the wrist, which leads me to beleive they didn't have much and it probably was just a mistake. But mistake or not I guess the rule was broken.

If you get caught for speeding and try to tell the cop "I didn't know what the speed limit was" you still get a ticket....... I tried!
cougar14 Wrote:There is a difference in arrogance and confidence. Coach Matney is a very "Confident" man and a great coach. I also know that Coach Matney would not intentionally do any harm to a program that he has built to be what it is today. Anyone that says otherwise doesn't know him very well. Johnson Central is one of the best school districts in the state of Kentucky...academically and athletically. This is just fat to chew for those who want to keep the "black cloud" over Johnson Central.

I Agree.
jetpilot Wrote:JC should just do like Prestonsburg and get one of their judges to strike down the KHSAA ruling.

The ruling from "their" judge was upheld all the way up to and including the State Supreme Court. Rolleyes

It also has NOTHING to do with this thread's subject matter.
As a former player under Coach Matney, I can and will honestly say that he would and will not ever do something intentional to hurt the JCHS program. As mentioned before it takes a rocket scientist to completely understand the KHSAA rule book anyway. Most of the posters who are on here bashing Matney and the JC program are people who have no idea of the whole story, have been humiliated by losing to one of JC's sports departments, or are afraid that they are going to get humiliated in the future. I will say that Matney can be arrogant at times, but who wouldn't be with the success he has had at JC and and past programs. I would bet money that if Coach Matney had had 4 straight losing seasons at JC this would not be such a big deal to anyone. Unfortunatly many of the town folk from across the creek from JC are in fear of losing any recognition that have ever had due to the recent announcment of BMR's retirement next year which is the only person or coach that has kept them on the map and not allowed them to be cast completely aside since the arrival of Matney at JC. We should all respect the decision of the KHSAA to put the program on probation because all this really was, was a misunderstanding.
Who are the first two games?
RedGreen Wrote:As a former player under Coach Matney, I can and will honestly say that he would and will not ever do something intentional to hurt the JCHS program. As mentioned before it takes a rocket scientist to completely understand the KHSAA rule book anyway. Most of the posters who are on here bashing Matney and the JC program are people who have no idea of the whole story, have been humiliated by losing to one of JC's sports departments, or are afraid that they are going to get humiliated in the future. I will say that Matney can be arrogant at times, but who wouldn't be with the success he has had at JC and and past programs. I would bet money that if Coach Matney had had 4 straight losing seasons at JC this would not be such a big deal to anyone. Unfortunatly many of the town folk from across the creek from JC are in fear of losing any recognition that have ever had due to the recent announcment of BMR's retirement next year which is the only person or coach that has kept them on the map and not allowed them to be cast completely aside since the arrival of Matney at JC. We should all respect the decision of the KHSAA to put the program on probation because all this really was, was a misunderstanding.

I agree 100%!
SpyDa Wrote:Maybe you should challenge this arrogant young man to a wrestling match. LOL:ChairHit:

I may be 300+ but I know better then to wrestle someone with his experience against my ZERO experience. I was born at night, but not lastnight.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:For one thing I dont believe that I brought anyone's name into anything.Smile But since you want to bring up some names, we'll use the one you brought up as an example. People were describing someone that is athetically arrogant as being a "confident winner". That is all I was implying. Nothing more, nothing less.

Do disagree with that?

I'm not stupid Kimball, I know who you were talkin about. I don't consider a "confident winner" bein arrogant. Matney goes beyond bein a confident winner. His own former players even say he's arrogant, but they still love him.
RedGreen Wrote:As a former player under Coach Matney, I can and will honestly say that he would and will not ever do something intentional to hurt the JCHS program. As mentioned before it takes a rocket scientist to completely understand the KHSAA rule book anyway. Most of the posters who are on here bashing Matney and the JC program are people who have no idea of the whole story, have been humiliated by losing to one of JC's sports departments, or are afraid that they are going to get humiliated in the future. I will say that Matney can be arrogant at times, but who wouldn't be with the success he has had at JC and and past programs. I would bet money that if Coach Matney had had 4 straight losing seasons at JC this would not be such a big deal to anyone. Unfortunatly many of the town folk from across the creek from JC are in fear of losing any recognition that have ever had due to the recent announcment of BMR's retirement next year which is the only person or coach that has kept them on the map and not allowed them to be cast completely aside since the arrival of Matney at JC. We should all respect the decision of the KHSAA to put the program on probation because all this really was, was a misunderstanding.

First, I want it perfectly clear, that I really like Matney, and think he might be the best coach in the business.
Now.....Sure, the KHSAA rules really need a lot of work so that most can comprehend them. But it is very clear....enough if so that even a 3rd grader could understand that a kid and his entire family have to make a legitimate change of adress befor the kid can enroll and become eligible. Is that not clear??? I would think that people with college educations, let alone people in the "Teaching" profession could understand that. If not, how in the **** could they explain math and science to kids.
Now....if they say they had no idea that the kid was not living with his parents because they had not moved yet. But they knew the kid was a transfer and you would think they would do a little homework to make sure everything was on the up and up!
This is not entirely Matney's fault! Not in the least!

At least that's what we do when we recruit!Big Grin Big Grin

Just kidding!!!Smile Big Grin
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Never said the first word that could be considered whining.

It's just been a week or two since I last had the opportunity to pick on you a little. Ah, the spice of life. Smile

All is well!!! Wink

I don't think you are a whiner! Far from it!
You do however pick everything to pieces like an old womam!Smile
Just that some get on here and want to blame the person(s) that ratted them out.
RedGreen Wrote:As a former player under Coach Matney, I can and will honestly say that he would and will not ever do something intentional to hurt the JCHS program. As mentioned before it takes a rocket scientist to completely understand the KHSAA rule book anyway. Most of the posters who are on here bashing Matney and the JC program are people who have no idea of the whole story, have been humiliated by losing to one of JC's sports departments, or are afraid that they are going to get humiliated in the future. I will say that Matney can be arrogant at times, but who wouldn't be with the success he has had at JC and and past programs. I would bet money that if Coach Matney had had 4 straight losing seasons at JC this would not be such a big deal to anyone. Unfortunatly many of the town folk from across the creek from JC are in fear of losing any recognition that have ever had due to the recent announcment of BMR's retirement next year which is the only person or coach that has kept them on the map and not allowed them to be cast completely aside since the arrival of Matney at JC. We should all respect the decision of the KHSAA to put the program on probation because all this really was, was a misunderstanding.

I know you weren't callin me out, but I am from across the creek and I have this to say. I ain't got nothin against Matney, all I said was that he is arrogant, big deal, even you said he can be at times. I'm not bashin the football program either, MANY members on here from both schools can even tell you that I support JC football except for that one week in the season when they play Paintsville. I have went to more JC games in the last twi years than I have Paintsville's. And I'm sure I'll be at quite a few JC games this year cause my best friends lil bro transferred to JC last year but had to sit out, he will be a senior this year. And as for Paintsville losin recognition, I doubt it.
I am a fan of Johnson Central but I do believe that Matney knew what he was doing was wrong from the start. I am not sure if everyone in Johnson Central even knows about the many things that could have been done behind the scenes!
Welcome to the best site in town! If you need anything, just let me know.
RedGreen Wrote:As a former player under Coach Matney, I can and will honestly say that he would and will not ever do something intentional to hurt the JCHS program. As mentioned before it takes a rocket scientist to completely understand the KHSAA rule book anyway. Most of the posters who are on here bashing Matney and the JC program are people who have no idea of the whole story, have been humiliated by losing to one of JC's sports departments, or are afraid that they are going to get humiliated in the future. I will say that Matney can be arrogant at times, but who wouldn't be with the success he has had at JC and and past programs. I would bet money that if Coach Matney had had 4 straight losing seasons at JC this would not be such a big deal to anyone. Unfortunatly many of the town folk from across the creek from JC are in fear of losing any recognition that have ever had due to the recent announcment of BMR's retirement next year which is the only person or coach that has kept them on the map and not allowed them to be cast completely aside since the arrival of Matney at JC. We should all respect the decision of the KHSAA to put the program on probation because all this really was, was a misunderstanding.

I don't personally care what JC's football team does. I'm just glad that they have been able to represent Eastern KY well against the central and northern KY teams (which I'm sure do recruit)! BUT your comments about BMR keeping Paintsville on the map are not necessary or accurate! Paintsville's sports teams have more than held their own against JC's in almost every sport (including football until the past few years). In fact, the Tigers still have a winning record over JC in football. Basketball, Baseball, etc. So that sort of comment is not accurate or necessary. Not every Paintsville fan on here is against JC football's success or Matney! No need to start making untrue derogatory comments!
I never said that they weren't recognized. I merely insisted that since the arrival of Matney at JC that their football program has not been a high point in paintsville sports and that many Tiger supporters have a jealous streak showing due to the fact that Matney has created a winning program and the spotlight has shifted sides of the river. The meaning of the BMR comment was me saying that the basketball program has been the spotlight of their athletics for a majority of BMR's career, and since he has announced his retirement for next year mny are concerned that there will be no spotlight left for the Tigers at all.
Maybe JC should study how their neighbors to the South have been able to get transfers approved. Sometimes it takes the local courts to set the mighty KHSAA straight.
After reading this entire thread, I think it should be important to note that it doesn't matter who reported them, and that information should only be shared between the parties involved. I do believe that anyone who has had a complaint filed should have the right to face their accusers. A friend of mine brought back a local paintsville paper tonight and it stated that Grayson Boyd testified before the KHSAA in this matter. I may be wrong but I believe he is the current Principal of Paintsville High School.
livewire220 Wrote:After reading this entire thread, I think it should be important to note that it doesn't matter who reported them, and that information should only be shared between the parties involved. I do believe that anyone who has had a complaint filed should have the right to face their accusers. A friend of mine brought back a local paintsville paper tonight and it stated that Grayson Boyd testified before the KHSAA in this matter. I may be wrong but I believe he is the current Principal of Paintsville High School.

Your post shouldn't imply that it was Paintsville that made a complaint! If you would continue stating the information from the article....the newspaper also stated that Grayson Boyd was required to attend the hearing and testify by the KHSAA as he was the neighbor of the residence in question.

It doesn't really matter who made the complaint anyway, the KHSAA found a minor violation and has dealt with it. JCHS football program will continue on with only a minor inconvenience at the beginning of the year.
EKY Sportster Wrote:the newspaper also stated that Grayson Boyd was required to attend the hearing and testify by the KHSAA as he was the neighbor of the residence in question.

That's kinda ironic.
EKY Sportster Wrote:Your post shouldn't imply that it was Paintsville that made a complaint! If you would continue stating the information from the article....the newspaper also stated that Grayson Boyd was required to attend the hearing and testify by the KHSAA as he was the neighbor of the residence in question.

It doesn't really matter who made the complaint anyway, the KHSAA found a minor violation and has dealt with it. JCHS football program will continue on with only a minor inconvenience at the beginning of the year.

thanks for clearing that looks like they made a new account so nobody would know who wrote that comment anyway...i read the same article and its rediculus that someone would try to turn that around as him being the one who turned them in....
livewire220 Wrote:Maybe JC should study how their neighbors to the South have been able to get transfers approved. Sometimes it takes the local courts to set the mighty KHSAA straight.
Rolleyes Which tranfers are you referrin to?
What is the big deal if it was Paintsville that made the complaint? Everybody involved knows it was Paintsville, why step around it. Like others have said, it doesn't really matter.

Cheating in any form hurts everyone. Getting caught is a good thing for everyone. If people from JC want to be upset about the situation, forget about who turned them in and focus on the mistakes made.

Yes, it was a minor offense, but those involved should know better because it is the AD and Football Coach's jobs to know the KHSAA rules, especially involving transfer students. And contrary to everyone's claims, they aren't that hard to understand.

So instead of looking for somebody to blame, focus that energy on how best to correct the situation so it never happens again.
Bat Masterson Wrote:What is the big deal if it was Paintsville that made the complaint? Everybody involved knows it was Paintsville, why step around it. Like others have said, it doesn't really matter.

It wasn't Paintsville. Unlike JC, Paintsville don't care what the other is doin across the creek, that's the way it's always been and always will be.
Who's at fault? It has to be the person caught up in the mess. How can you twist the blame onto a witness to the infraction? If you murder a person does the accussed turn and say "by god can you belive he told on me"?
It was a simple violation of a rule that takes Ben Stein to understand. If we were Lexington Chrisitan then we'd really have some issues with the future or the lack of the future of our football program. Use it as a building experience but don't blame the witness. That's like killing the mail man and not the author of the hate mail.
Redneck Wrote:It wasn't Paintsville. Unlike JC, Paintsville don't care what the other is doin across the creek, that's the way it's always been and always will be.

Come on now; I know you're not stupid.
I didn't imply that. I just stated what I read in the paper.
BballFan63 Wrote:Come on now; I know you're not stupid.

Perhaps just young and very naive.
Redneck Wrote:Rolleyes Which tranfers are you referrin to?

I won't name specifics but there are ways of working through these rules. The districts that have the help of local judges, legislators, or BOC members seem to have fared the best over the years. The local courts is only one way to win.
Redneck Wrote:It wasn't Paintsville.

I've heard 3 different schools: Paintsville, Sheldon Clark, and Lawrence Co. were the ones that reported them. I do not believe that the KHSAA has a written document out there saying who it was or wasn't, so right now it's just pure speculation. It is ironic that the house in question on the transfer was the neighbor to long time Paintsville principal Boyd. The fact is that no school will openly admit who done what and everyone is going on either their pure biased opinion or some he said-she said stuff. The only thing that matters is that JC got caught with their hand in the cookie jar before dinner, got their hand smacked and will move on. JC football definately has brighter days ahead.

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