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Matney Suspended, JCHS on Probation
brotherinarms Wrote:Ive put in 7 seasons under Coach Matney...4 football and 3 wrestling...I thought you were making a derrogatory comment

as a coach or player???
THOMCAT Wrote:The sad part is that we live in a society of double standards. A transfer could be declared ineligible because of an invalid address (turning in an address on paperwork and deciding to live elsewhere within the county) while another transfer could get a house within a school district and never move and drive to their new school from their old address and be eligible. We have heard horror stories all our life that a player, coach or school did this or that. The sad part is that most of us never know the whole story and probably never will.

very true
JCfootballfan Wrote:Matney is not arrogant. He would never purposely do something to jeapordize the school, players, or his own coaching postion.

Please. I'm a JC fan, and he is arrogant. I'm just thankful that the boys are not being punished for something they had no control over.
OMG Wrote:well he knew what he was saying...and he knew the whole time it was wrong and he still did it...he's just too arrogant to stop doing it, and he'll probably continue to do it...khsaa just sent a real good message to all the schools that do everything right huh? this is really a shame thats all that happened to them..

Give me a few schools that actually do everything right that YOU know oF???Cool
20/20 Wrote:Give me a few schools that actually do everything right that YOU know oF???Cool
I can garauntee you that Paintsville did when coach David LeMaster was at the helm. He is the most honest guy you will ever meet, he does everything by the book no matter what it is. Since then I couldn't tell ya, ain't been around the program enough to know anything bout it.
Redneck Wrote:I can garauntee you that Paintsville did when coach David LeMaster was at the helm. He is the most honest guy you will ever meet, he does everything by the book no matter what it is. Since then I couldn't tell ya, ain't been around the program enough to know anything bout it.

paintsville hasn't made any recruitment infractions, with the reputation billy goldsmith has i doubt lawrence has either..i dont know much on belfry i think sometimes they get some boys from wv, most of the pike county schools go by the book, i mean i dont understand what he wants me to say, i mean they got caught and most schools that do this sooner or later will...and i really think its sad that high school sports has become a chess match with residency
I believe that most of you are walking around with rose colored glasses on if you think that all the other schools play exactly by the rules. Not all are as perfect as you think your schools are. People make mistakes. People appear to be on the up and up. It is not wise to judge coaches and players when all the facts are not known.
OMG Wrote:as a coach or player???
as a plyer and i have also coached with him in elem wrestling for 2 years and coached his summer camp for 2 years
JCfootballfan Wrote:Matney is not arrogant. He would never purposely do something to jeapordize the school, players, or his own coaching postion.

Matney is the most arrogant man east of Lexington...
OMG Wrote:he's very arrogant, ive been around enough to know that...and when did i ever say it was a bad thing..most coaches are very arrogant, its just apart of their personality...i was simply implying that him being as arrogant as he is, whatever happened i think imo he will continue to do...maybe your definition of arrogant and mine are different but if you played for him than you know him better than i do....

Amen, brother!!!!
brotherinarms Wrote:as a plyer and i have also coached with him in elem wrestling for 2 years and coached his summer camp for 2 years

okay thanks
Redneck Wrote:Matney is the most arrogant man east of Lexington...
There is a difference in arrogance and confidence. Coach Matney is a very "Confident" man and a great coach. I also know that Coach Matney would not intentionally do any harm to a program that he has built to be what it is today. Anyone that says otherwise doesn't know him very well. Johnson Central is one of the best school districts in the state of Kentucky...academically and athletically. This is just fat to chew for those who want to keep the "black cloud" over Johnson Central.
Redneck Wrote:Matney is the most arrogant man east of Lexington...
With the definition of what some are calling arrogant as being, is it not safe to say that there is one across the creek that fits that description identically?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:With the definition of what some are calling arrogant as being, is it not safe to say that there is one across the creek that fits that description identically?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:With the definition of what some are calling arrogant as being, is it not safe to say that there is one across the creek that fits that description identically?

Come on now Kimball. You know me personally and you know I know alot of people. I have heard plenty of JC fans and parents say the same thing about Matney. You know he is arrogant. Coach Runyon don't laugh at other teams players or coaches when he is beatin em. Coach Runyon has never called one his games a "practice game" like Matney said about the Apple Bowl this past year. Why did you even bring coach Runyon into this, this thread is about Matney and JCHS football team.
Redneck Wrote:Come on now Kimball. You know me personally and you know I know alot of people. I have heard plenty of JC fans and parents say the same thing about Matney. You know he is arrogant. Coach Runyon don't laugh at other teams players or coaches when he is beatin em. Coach Runyon has never called one his games a "practice game" like Matney said about the Apple Bowl this past year. Why did you even bring coach Runyon into this, this thread is about Matney and JCHS football team.

Maybe you should challenge this arrogant young man to a wrestling match. LOL:ChairHit:
THOMCAT Wrote:Yes, just about everyone knows who reported them.
This is the part that just cracks me up!
If nobody reported it, would JCHS think that they had done nothing wrong?
Or are you all mad that you got caught, more than you had Coaches and Administrators that "cheated" for lack of a better word(or maybe not)?

either way, JC gets off almost scott free. And that is the real injustice.
The Guru Wrote:This is the part that just cracks me up!
If nobody reported it, would JCHS think that they had done nothing wrong?
Or are you all mad that you got caught, more than you had Coaches and Administrators that "cheated" for lack of a better word(or maybe not)?

either way, JC gets off almost scott free. And that is the real injustice.

nicely put guru
Redneck Wrote:Come on now Kimball. You know me personally and you know I know alot of people. I have heard plenty of JC fans and parents say the same thing about Matney. You know he is arrogant. Coach Runyon don't laugh at other teams players or coaches when he is beatin em. Coach Runyon has never called one his games a "practice game" like Matney said about the Apple Bowl this past year. Why did you even bring coach Runyon into this, this thread is about Matney and JCHS football team.
For one thing I dont believe that I brought anyone's name into anything.Smile But since you want to bring up some names, we'll use the one you brought up as an example. People were describing someone that is athetically arrogant as being a "confident winner". That is all I was implying. Nothing more, nothing less.

Do disagree with that?
The Guru Wrote:This is the part that just cracks me up!
If nobody reported it, would JCHS think that they had done nothing wrong?
Or are you all mad that you got caught, more than you had Coaches and Administrators that "cheated" for lack of a better word(or maybe not)?

either way, JC gets off almost scott free. And that is the real injustice.

Whoa, here just a minute. I've got my own little secrets that I could tell the world about from personal experiences, and you know danged well that I could. Been around the block on this subject more than once. But I wont, so bottom line here is dont throw rocks when you live in a glass house when it comes to some of the things being discussed on here as having taken place. Perhaps some may just be better at hiding what they do.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Whoa, here just a minute. I've got my own little secrets that I could tell the world about from personal experiences, and you know danged well that I could. Been around the block on this subject more than once. But I wont, so bottom line here is dont throw rocks when you live in a glass house when it comes to some of the things being discussed on here as having taken place. Perhaps some may just be better at hiding what they do.

LMAO!!! Let 'em fly!!! right is right and wrong is wrong! In my book. If the school I support the most does something wrong, then they should be repremanded for it! As matter of fact, I have reported my own school to KHSAA more than once on infractions.
Glass house or not! Big Grin
The Guru Wrote:This is the part that just cracks me up!
If nobody reported it, would JCHS think that they had done nothing wrong?
Or are you all mad that you got caught, more than you had Coaches and Administrators that "cheated" for lack of a better word(or maybe not)?

either way, JC gets off almost scott free. And that is the real injustice.

I love the way that the Tiger faithful gets on here and bashes this subject when in all reality everybody knows what has went on for the past umpteen years in this town. Deny all you want but the truth is the truth. In your opinion guru, what do you consider recruiting? Is it a coach, a booster, a dad of a player speaking with players of another school? Just wanting to know? I am afraid all this has done is open up a can of worms that probably would have never been opened up without this incident. I just don't understand how one school can be on probation from violations when it was unintentionally committed by the family of a kid when in the same year another transfer occurs at another school with intentions that are obvious and nothing is even considered wrong. Give me a break! That is the real INJUSTICE!!!
20/20 Wrote:Give me a few schools that actually do everything right that YOU know oF???Cool
hager at schs does everything exactly by the book never steps out of line
i also heard jchs was fined 2500$
Eagle Eye Wrote:I love the way that the Tiger faithful gets on here and bashes this subject when in all reality everybody knows what has went on for the past umpteen years in this town. Deny all you want but the truth is the truth. In your opinion guru, what do you consider recruiting? Is it a coach, a booster, a dad of a player speaking with players of another school? Just wanting to know? I am afraid all this has done is open up a can of worms that probably would have never been opened up without this incident. I just don't understand how one school can be on probation from violations when it was unintentionally committed by the family of a kid when in the same year another transfer occurs at another school with intentions that are obvious and nothing is even considered wrong. Give me a break! That is the real INJUSTICE!!!
Have I ever said that at PHS everything is done by the book?
You trying to say that Murray's transfer was against the rules? Then say it.
I do know that he moved into the city district befor he enrolled. That is the rule.
Misinterpret or misuse? There is a question for ya. LOL
If you get caught, you get caught. Maybe you should have turned "state's evidence".
Big Grin Wink Smile
The Guru Wrote:LMAO!!! Let 'em fly!!! right is right and wrong is wrong! In my book. If the school I support the most does something wrong, then they should be repremanded for it! As matter of fact, I have reported my own school to KHSAA more than once on infractions.
Glass house or not! Big Grin
Hey you danged well if there is anybody in this town that could spill beans it is me. But you also know danged well I dont operate like that, but I do admire your gallantry.Smile

I'll betcha a dollar to a doughnut you aint spilled the beans on everything you know either. Wanna make that bet?Big Grin
So how many scholarships does Johnson Central lose because of this?????:confused:

Smile Big Grin Confusedhh: :thatsfunn

(No harm intended I just couldn't help myself. Besides you can't say they didn't earn it)
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Hey you danged well if there is anybody in this town that could spill beans it is me. But you also know danged well I dont operate like that, but I do admire your gallantry.Smile

I'll betcha a dollar to a doughnut you aint spilled the beans on everything you know either. Wanna make that bet?Big Grin

Actually, when I spilled the beans it was in regards to mine personally. I really don't care so much about all the small stuff like this. Just that if you get caught just take it and go on.
Quit whining about how you got caught!
WARNING::::::Keep it on topic!!! Personal attacks with result with the thread being closed!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
Redneck Wrote:Matney is the most arrogant man east of Lexington...
I agree with this whole hearteldy. Jim is like family to me and he is very arogant. But because somebody says that doesn't mean a bad thing, his arrogance helps make him the coach he is, he truly believes he can take down anybody and rubs it off onto the coaching staff and kids.

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