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Sweet Pea Burns got drafted tonite by Indy in the 3rd round. 92 pick overalll. guys covering the draft said it was a smart pick by Tony Dungey and that Sweet Pea will be a good addition to the Colts.
It's good to see someone from UK get drafted.. I'm happy for him
yea. UK seems to have at least one player every year make it pro.
Abney is still playing. James Whalen is stil in the league. Robertson is with the Jets. Mo Williams has been in for years. Marlon McCree is with Jacksonville i think. and now Sweetpea... if theres anymore in the league let me know.
i'm happy for him, i want to see everyone from all kentucky sports go on to bigger and bigger things and do their schools proud.

wut position did he play last year?/ but ne way the kid robertson playing for the jets is a complete stud...hes going to be a great player...expect a lot of pro bowls from this beast on the defensive line
He was a defensive lineman i think,, i bet he would have went earlier if he had been taller..
wait...sweet pea burns was a lineman?
yea tackle. Tony Dungey like small strong fast linemen on D. look at what he had at Tampa Bay... thats how he builds a defense.
well if hes a small strong and fast d lineman than he fits perfectly with the colts..remember they play there home games in that fast carpet of a dome
I'm pretty sure Pakulak is playing somewhere in the NFL.

Is Artose Pinner playing anywhere? I figured he'd be picked up by somebody.

What about Couch? What are his updates for next season? I'd say he's done. I hope not though.
I know he went to camp last year, may have tried LB or CB since he's so quick and powerful, but Im not sure if he is still on a team.
yea i knew about Pakalak i just didnt feel like editing my i am lazy...
Pinner is playin for the Lions i think. i did forget him.
Couch is not in the league right now i dont think.
tim couch is basically done from the nfl...he doesnt handle pressure and criticism very well, so basically nfl europe for him, or arena
first of all let's not be too hard on Couch. he was thrown to the lions his rookie season. had no line, no running game, and Buthc Davis never liked him form the start.
eventually he started gettin hurt form all the damn hits he was takin.

he could have been a decent NFL qb had he went somewhere else i believe. just think if he went second in that draft that year. he would have been throwing to Moss and Carter.

but yea i think Tim prolly has a very slim chance of makin some kind of comeback into the league. took too mych punishment from the start. i dont htink his body can take it now.

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