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Tolsia (WV) 69 Lawrence 50
Really wasn't a close game at all. LCHS went up 10-2 early in the 1st quarter, but then Tolsia just laid it to them. At one point it was a 30 point lead for Tolsia. I don't know what is going on with LCHS. They are too good to lose like this.

Shocking to me.
Congrats Tolsia
lc played horrible
Unbelievable. Tolsia is a very physical team but Paintsville literally blew them out. If they had kept their starters in they would have won by 75 or more points. I wouldn't think that Lawrence Co. would play that bad even on their worst night.
I have said it all year that LC has alot of talent on that team. But what good is talent if the coach dont know how to use it. He needs to stick with his older players and keep the big kid in the middle more involved.He has a couple of kids who wants to shoot to much and not pass enough. To much politics on that team for them to win much.
Well a good coach will get the most out of his team and play his best players. If he doesn't then it only hurts the players, the school, and the coach too. So I don't know anything about what goes on a LC, but politics, if allowed into a team sport will hurt all involved and the coach pays too.
threeball42 Wrote:I have said it all year that LC has alot of talent on that team. But what good is talent if the coach dont know how to use it. He needs to stick with his older players and keep the big kid in the middle more involved.He has a couple of kids who wants to shoot to much and not pass enough. To much politics on that team for them to win much.

Yea this very true and by going to the games all year I was wondering why he decides to sub in the younger kids at pivotal points in the games, but I do think that Politics at Lawrence County are very noticeable and its getting to the point where it needs to stop, but thats just my opinion
its not the younger kids......... actually against johnson central we were down by 9 in the fourth quarter three sophmores a freshmen and a junior was in the game and ended up regaining the lead and it went back in forth and lc sunk the foul shots to win it
I guess you could say I'm someone "in the know" at LCHS, and I don't know what "politics" are going on up there. Could you inform me? Sometimes the substituting methods of any coach are questioned, but I know for a fact that Randy Anderson doesn't play "politics". The fact is that while losing to Tolsia twice in the same season isn't great, it doesn't kill LCHS at all considering the district wasn't harmed. I wouldn't be bothered too much about this loss to Tolsia. Focus on district games. I'd still like to know about politics in LC.
Well im pretty sure when we play Tolsia no matter what sports it is, we wanna win that game no matter what! And the last time I checked I think every team plays to win not to lose! Yea i do agree its important to care about the distict games but come on now if you are a true DAWGS fan you wanna see us beat Tolsia as bad as we possibly can
lc was tired from a big district game the night before.. and they blowed sheldon clark all over the floor..i know wat it means to lc people to beat tolsia but tolsia was just more physical.. i think if lc was fully rested it would have been a different story just my opinion
Well you have a point there but IMO no matter how tired you are and your a true DAWG you would get yourself ready to play the team across the river that ever TRUE BULLDAWG loves to hate
Well Paintsville played a completely different Tolsia team the 3rd game of Tolsia's season. They would probably still beat them but no 40 point blowout. Don't feel bad Lawrence Cty, you played a completely different Tolsia team. We are finally starting to come together and living up to our potential. We worked together as a team, shot the ball in rhythm, played good defense, and our coach kept his composure and talked to us in a manner we appreciated instead of yelling at us. He kept us calm and we kept ourselves calm. But Lawrence Cty will bounce back, they are a good team, it's just Tolsia finally came out of their shell last night.
I don't know what you guys are claiming is going on in LC, but it still starts and stops with the coach! I would be very surprised to learn that Randy Anderson would choose politics over winning, JMO.

As for Tolsia, they are a big physical team but have little talent. Unless they got a couple of transfers I wouldn't know why they aren't the same team that played Paintsville. They may have improved, but then so has everyone else. I still say they are way below LC's level unless it was just the perfect storm night which doesn't seem to be the case. LC should have won this one!
EKY Sportster Wrote:I don't know what you guys are claiming is going on in LC, but it still starts and stops with the coach! I would be very surprised to learn that Randy Anderson would choose politics over winning, JMO.

As for Tolsia, they are a big physical team but have little talent. Unless they got a couple of transfers I wouldn't know why they aren't the same team that played Paintsville. They may have improved, but then so has everyone else. I still say they are way below LC's level unless it was just the perfect storm night which doesn't seem to be the case. LC should have won this one!

Ok I'm going top agree that we aren't the most talented team, but we could take it to about anyone around this area with our big men if we work the ball to them right and we have some pretty good shooters when they are gettin in rhythm. But it's another thing to say they are way below LC's level? We beat them 2 times. 1st time would've been worse but the 13-30 Freethrows made that one close and the 2nd time we rocked you all at your own court? How can you say that we are way below your level. I could see you saying we aren't as talented, but WAY BELOW your level. Come on! A team gets beat like LC did when you have them playing the 1 on 1 game and us playing as a team.

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