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Should the All A State Tournament be moved to Pikeville's Expo Center?
Hotels wouldnt be a problem. You have P-burg 20 minutes away, Hotels between Pikeville and there. A lot of high school posters cant remember how Hillbilly Days used to be. There would be 50,000 people here in Pikeville during those three days. Hotels were not a problem then if people were willing to drive for a half an hour. But the Expo is way to far East for most of the state to even be able to find on a map not to mention getting here. The biggest part of the state thinks the state line is at I-75
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
If I'm not mistaken in the 1st couple years of the all A state tournament where at Memorial Coliseum before it was moved to Richmond. I think one year it was even at Rupp, but I'm not for sure so don't hold me to that.

Anyway, personally I would love to see it come to the Expo, but I don't think it will happen and I'm not sure it would be good for all the class a teams across the state. Pikeville is not centrally located and it's way too far east for some teams. Also, I don't know if the city of Pikeville could accomodate all the people that come to the all a. I don't know if there are enough quality hotels. If you included the surronding area like Prestonsburg their might be, but it would be a problem. JMO and like I said I would love to see it come to Pikeville Smile
People do not want to pay $80+ for a room then drive 30+ miles to an event with gas around $3 a gallon. I don't know that I would want to stay at some of those motels/hotels either. All the people at Hillbiily Days do not stay in a hotel/motel. Fast Food makes up 80% of the food source in Pikeville. My post is not negative toward Pikeville, I think Pikeville has tried to develop more opportunities for visitors, but they can not host an event of this size and provide needs for the people attending.
Pikeville has a lot to offer, BUT they can't compete with Richmond (especially with Lexington only about a 20-30 minute drive away.

BUT THE BIG REASON IT SHOULDN'T BE AT THE EXPO IS THAT IT IS TOO FAR EAST. MY GOSH, PIKE CO. IS AT THE STATE LINE. And if they ever let Pikeville host it, then the west would want their turn too and that is too hard on all of the other teams in the tourney. It needs to stay centrally located, but I would prefer to see it in Lexington though.

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