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Should the All A State Tournament be moved to Pikeville's Expo Center?
Do you think that the All A State Tournament should be moved to Pikeville's Expo Center? It's plenty big enough to host it. Alot of the state's All A teams are here in the mountains. It would bring some money into an area of Kentucky that needs it as compared to the Lexington/Richmond area. What do you think?
I dont think any player would get to excited about playing in the expo...
Absolutely Not!!!
The young men and women from Eastern Kentucky that play basketball in this event look forward to going out of the area to prove themselves to strangers eyes. I don't think the dream of making it to the "state tournament" or the "All A" is what drive these young men and women I beleive it's the "state tournamnet" in Rupp Arena in Lexington or the "All A" in Richmond. It's the geographical distance goal that they kids. To show the rest of Kentucky that the Eastern part is as good as the Central, Northern and Western and in some particular years....better!!!!!
Would the expo be able to hold it? YES, most definitely could. But it is too far East for most teams. Even though the Girls state is AT WKU
no they need to have it at a big college or big gym somewhere so the girls and boys will have fun travleing an getting to expierence the thrill because it might not happen again. that is part of the major excitement of winning and going to state. plus it is at a very nuetral court so it is fair
The expo isn't neutral? Heck if Model won their All "A" Region that woudn't be very neutral now would it?
No. As others have already said, the Expo Center is too far east to be a state-wide tourney. I completely disagree with the girls Sweet 16 being at WKU. It should be moved to Lexington as well.
Panther Thunder Wrote:The expo isn't neutral? Heck if Model won their All "A" Region that woudn't be very neutral now would it?

it would be very convienent for teh eastern kentucky people not having to travel, but it some cases its the only way the rest of the state is able to see eastern kentucky kids play...its hard enough as it is for colleges to see our boys play so taking it to them i think really helps their chances at other schools getting to see them mix it up with teams who arent from eastern kentucky....
all-or-nothing Wrote:No. As others have already said, the Expo Center is too far east to be a state-wide tourney. I completely disagree with the girls Sweet 16 being at WKU. It should be moved to Lexington as well.

I agree. Perhaps having the Ladies Sweet 16 in Louisville would be good... or maybe Frankfort... to where most folks could actually get to go take in a game or two....
No. Its plenty big enough but just to far east.
No. The Expo center is suitable as far as size, BUT it is NOT CENTRALLY LOCATED enough! Who would want to have it in Mayfield? Who would want to have it in Pikeville? NO ONE!!
Pikeville could not host the State All "A". Expo Center might be large enough, but where will people lodge and eat? There is more to hosting this large of an event than facility size. Ask some of your school administrators and AD's how schools are treated during and after the regional basketball tourny.
It should be in Lexington in the UK Womens Gym
No. The Expo Center is too far east and is not a marquee stage for such a tournament. If they should move the All "A" anywhere, it should be to Memorial Coliseum in Lexington or to Freedom Hall in Louisville. I don't think any player in the state would be excited to play for a state title in an arena that only holds 5,500 fans.
Blackwater Wrote:Pikeville could not host the State All "A". Expo Center might be large enough, but where will people lodge and eat? There is more to hosting this large of an event than facility size. Ask some of your school administrators and AD's how schools are treated during and after the regional basketball tourny.
Landmark Inn, The new Hampton Inn, Pinson Motel, Days Inn, Holiday Inn Express, The Old Super 8. There are plenty of Hotels. And if You can't find a place to eat in Pikeville I truly feel sorry for you.
Panther Thunder Wrote:The expo isn't neutral? Heck if Model won their All "A" Region that woudn't be very neutral now would it?

Mcbrayer Arena is Neutral for Model. Model doesn't play any of their games there. So yes, it would be pretty neutral for them also.
The One and Only 13 Wrote:No. The Expo Center is too far east and is not a marquee stage for such a tournament. If they should move the All "A" anywhere, it should be to Memorial Coliseum in Lexington or to Freedom Hall in Louisville. I don't think any player in the state would be excited to play for a state title in an arena that only holds 5,500 fans.
Very True. Cool
The One and Only 13 Wrote:No. The Expo Center is too far east and is not a marquee stage for such a tournament. If they should move the All "A" anywhere, it should be to Memorial Coliseum in Lexington or to Freedom Hall in Louisville. I don't think any player in the state would be excited to play for a state title in an arena that only holds 5,500 fans.
Thank you. EKU's Arena only seats 6,500 people, where as the Expo seats up to 7,000. So, should anyone get excited to play there then??? Thank you, for your excuse.
100%SUCCESS Wrote:Mcbrayer Arena is Neutral for Model. Model doesn't play any of their games there. So yes, it would be pretty neutral for them also.
None of the Eastern Ky teams use the Expo as a home floor is what I was saying. Someone was acting if the Expo wasn't a neutral court. If Model can call EKU's Gym a neutral court than the Expo is a neutral court. :ChairHit:
Panther Thunder Wrote:Thank you. EKU's Arena only seats 6,500 people, where as the Expo seats up to 7,000. So, should anyone get excited to play there then??? Thank you, for your excuse.

The Expo Center seats 7,000 for CONCERTS, but only 5,500 for BASKETBALL GAMES. Trust me. Look at it this way though, at least if it did come to Pikeville, it'd for sure outsell the Miners. Even the morning sessions lol.
Blackwater Wrote:Pikeville could not host the State All "A". Expo Center might be large enough, but where will people lodge and eat? There is more to hosting this large of an event than facility size. Ask some of your school administrators and AD's how schools are treated during and after the regional basketball tourny.
There are plenty of hotels and rooms available within a 20 minute drive of the Expo Center. But I dont think it is in the right geographical location to host the All A. I think the facility would be good for it, but the location being this far East is what would stop it.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
Panther Thunder Wrote:None of the Eastern Ky teams use the Expo as a home floor is what I was saying. Someone was acting if the Expo wasn't a neutral court. If Model can call EKU's Gym a neutral court than the Expo is a neutral court. :ChairHit:

No. It should remain centrally located.
Panther Thunder Wrote:Landmark Inn, The new Hampton Inn, Pinson Motel, Days Inn, Holiday Inn Express, The Old Super 8. There are plenty of Hotels. And if You can't find a place to eat in Pikeville I truly feel sorry for you.
Richmond has at least twice the hotels that Pikeville has and people still have trouble getting rooms. Each hotel is filled with at least 1-2 teams, cheerleaders, school officials, parents and fans. That doesn't count the amount of rooms needed for refs, and tourney officials, judges and sponsors people needing rooms. you would need at least 15-16 hotels alone for the tourney, and there are people that need rooms that have nothing to do with the All-A. Plus...put about a thousand vehicles and buses downtown Pikeville and the city would have to shut down for three days.
So having people travel hundreds of miles!!! Plus, yes there are lots of places to eat in Pikeville, but you have to wait even when there isn't anything going on in Pikeville, how would it be if you added a few thousand more wanting to eat.
The One and Only 13 Wrote:The Expo Center seats 7,000 for CONCERTS, but only 5,500 for BASKETBALL GAMES. Trust me. Look at it this way though, at least if it did come to Pikeville, it'd for sure outsell the Miners. Even the morning sessions lol.
It wouldn't be hard.
I hope not...I hate watching basketball in the expo.
Panther Thunder Wrote:It wouldn't be hard.

Haha. Great rebuttal!
I wish they would move it so all of you would quit taking my parking spots when I'm trying to go to class. That's really annoying when I can't park my car to go to class because there's a school bus taking up 15 spots.

Anyways, move it to Memorial Coliseum or something, but the Expo Center is too far East. It should remain somewhat centrally located in the state.

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