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JBS 68 LCC 59 in overtime
Letcher lead most if the first three quarters, Collins got his eye scratched and didn't play for a while. When he did get back, he made the play of the game with the prettiest dunk you ever saw. Cox didn't play due to an injury and they managed to foul Clark Stepp out. But just to show you what a good team they really have , the rest of the team stepped up and won the game in an over time. Seth Hall, Brent Hall Clint Stepp Garrison Collins Trey Short and all the rest who put forth a real effort.
Wow!!! OT! I didn't expect this! way to play LCC! Congrats JBS! I hate to see T. Cox out for JBS. IMO he is one of the better players in the mountains. R. Justice and LCC had the right game plan tonight. LCC is better than I thought!
It is so funny to see Letcher Central's attitude after the game. Everyone please take into consideration that one of JBS GOOD players if not best did not even play. Garrison Collins was out for most of the 1st half with a scratched eye. Trey Short got into foul trouble with 5 minutes to go in the first quarter. And he sat the pine. Letcher Central did come out fired up and played pretty good. But the best team prevailed. They fouled Clark Stepp out. So many things gone wrong for JBS this game. AND THEY STILL WIN

It was also nice of Letcher Central's team to refuse to pray with June Buchanan after the game as they just walked off. Very very poor sportsmanship.

And a lady came down to JBS's bench after the game calling them cheaters? When nearly all calls went in the favor of LCC? Can someone tell me what would lead to some ignorant lady making this statement?
Oh yeah... Garrison Collins two handed tip slam............was wicked.:notworthy
pickandroll Wrote:It is so funny to see Letcher Central's attitude after the game. Everyone please take into consideration that one of JBS GOOD players if not best did not even play. Garrison Collins was out for most of the 1st half with a scratched eye. Trey Short got into foul trouble with 5 minutes to go in the first quarter. And he sat the pine. Letcher Central did come out fired up and played pretty good. But the best team prevailed. They fouled Clark Stepp out. So many things gone wrong for JBS this game. AND THEY STILL WIN

It was also nice of Letcher Central's team to refuse to pray with June Buchanan after the game as they just walked off. Very very poor sportsmanship.

And a lady came down to JBS's bench after the game calling them cheaters? When nearly all calls went in the favor of LCC? Can someone tell me what would lead to some ignorant lady making this statement?

IMO, I don't think it should be mandatory to pray after the game. Shake hands and get off the court. Just my opinion.

There is always someone who is going to be making somekind of crazy statement after any game --- has nothing to do with the effort on the court. JMO.
LCC is capable of winning the 14th....dont count them out
LCC should have won the none! But they didn't and was up 12 again just like the first meeting! Really does show you how good this JBS team is when there backs were up against the wall once again! The district and Region IS WIDE OPEN! Congrats JBS and your time will come LCC!
I have never seen so many things go against a team and them still win the game. They played without possibly their best player in Tate Cox. Collins got accidentally poked in the eye a couple of minutes into the game and sat out the first half. A ref who has ties to another school and is not even supposed to be calling JBS games called 2 horrible calls on Short and took him out of the game 5 minutes in. He sat out the first half . CLark Stepp got intentionally fouled in the first half. Letcher played really hard and deserved to win the game also but I just hate to see these type of games. JBS played most of the first half with 3 jv players who never get in the varsity game. Zach Davis an eighth grader played most of the game and he did an unbelievable job in the most important game of his young career. Shane SLone played alot of the first half with JBS starters either hurt or in foul trouble and hit a big jumper at a crucial time. Garrison COllins made the dunk of the year in the 14th on a missed shot and went high above the rim and dunked the ball at a crucial time with JBS up 2 at the time.I was impressed with JBS when COx and Clark Stepp was not playing in the 4th and OT and how the other kids stepped up. HAts off to both teams on a hard fought game and I think that LC is the team that is peaking at the right time and can be dangerous for teams in the regional tourney.
Junk Yard Dog Wrote:IMO, I don't think it should be mandatory to pray after the game. Shake hands and get off the court. Just my opinion.

There is always someone who is going to be making somekind of crazy statement after any game --- has nothing to do with the effort on the court. JMO.

I attended the game tonight at Letcher Central and if someone thought JB cheated they are crazy. How could they have cheated when most of their players had four fouls? Me personally saw a lot of "iffy" calls on LCC. I think prayer after a gameis very good sportsmanship and a very good thing to do! I would also be ashame of not excepting an offer to pray after the game. But it dont matter now the game is over and JB got the W just would have been nice to see them be involved in it. Congrats!
pickandroll Wrote:It is so funny to see Letcher Central's attitude after the game. Everyone please take into consideration that one of JBS GOOD players if not best did not even play. Garrison Collins was out for most of the 1st half with a scratched eye. Trey Short got into foul trouble with 5 minutes to go in the first quarter. And he sat the pine. Letcher Central did come out fired up and played pretty good. But the best team prevailed. They fouled Clark Stepp out. So many things gone wrong for JBS this game. AND THEY STILL WIN

It was also nice of Letcher Central's team to refuse to pray with June Buchanan after the game as they just walked off. Very very poor sportsmanship.

And a lady came down to JBS's bench after the game calling them cheaters? When nearly all calls went in the favor of LCC? Can someone tell me what would lead to some ignorant lady making this statement?

Sounds like things I have seen from JBS last year. Playes running of the court and not giving congrats to the other team. Coaches running after refs after games. Very poor sportsmanship. You better watch who you are calling ignorant. By the way. Keep up the hard work LCC.
globetrotter12 Wrote:I attended the game tonight at Letcher Central and if someone thought JB cheated they are crazy. How could they have cheated when most of their players had four fouls? Me personally saw a lot of "iffy" calls on LCC. I think prayer after a gameis very good sportsmanship and a very good thing to do! I would also be ashame of not excepting an offer to pray after the game. But it dont matter now the game is over and JB got the W just would have been nice to see them be involved in it. Congrats!

LCC was already off the floor before JBS started praying. You want to talk about poor sportsmanship, how about a coach coming out on the floor and yelling at a player from another team.
Junk Yard Dog Wrote:IMO, I don't think it should be mandatory to pray after the game. Shake hands and get off the court. Just my opinion.

There is always someone who is going to be making somekind of crazy statement after any game --- has nothing to do with the effort on the court. JMO.
I like prayer after a game because it shows that even though both teams have played hard there are more important things in life than basketball. With that being said I can understand the reason that LC declined the invitation. It was a hard fought and emotional game for both teams and after the hard foul on Stepp some words were exchanged during and after the game between some coaches. Security had to keep order during the handshake when some words were said and a assistant coach had to be held back by some deputies. It was probably not the best time to meet at center court and I can say that LC did meet and pray after the first meeting this year. JBS always invites teams to pray after each game and of course including the games they have lost this year.
all i have to say is life goes on. There are plenty more important things in life than basketball. Congrats June Buchanan!
globetrotter12 Wrote:I think prayer after a game is very good sportsmanship and a very good thing to do!

I agree 100%!
I heard that Clark Stepp's dad came out on the floor on Charlie Banks and then Steve set him straight. Is there any truth to that? If so it just goes to show you how people react to things done to their children. Everyone cut me down and made fun of me on here because of things I said I would do if someone hurt my kid, but in my case I would never go after anouther kid I would go after the refs for letting it happen. But that just goes to show you that you can't mess with other peoples kids.
pickandroll Wrote:It is so funny to see Letcher Central's attitude after the game. Everyone please take into consideration that one of JBS GOOD players if not best did not even play. Garrison Collins was out for most of the 1st half with a scratched eye. Trey Short got into foul trouble with 5 minutes to go in the first quarter. And he sat the pine. Letcher Central did come out fired up and played pretty good. But the best team prevailed. They fouled Clark Stepp out. So many things gone wrong for JBS this game. AND THEY STILL WIN

It was also nice of Letcher Central's team to refuse to pray with June Buchanan after the game as they just walked off. Very very poor sportsmanship.

And a lady came down to JBS's bench after the game calling them cheaters? When nearly all calls went in the favor of LCC? Can someone tell me what would lead to some ignorant lady making this statement?

Well I am guessing that you was not at the game. LCC played their hearts out and in halftime LCC didn't get any calls. And don't go and give the gilt trip about Clark fouling out, Collins scrached his eye, Cox was out. It happens and LCC still would have been in the game if all of them played the whole game, they played when LCC played at JBS. At the end of the game the refs was one sided and that was to JBS! Also about the praying thing do you blame them? The coaches about go into a fight and o what about the poor sportsman ship that their coach had arguing with our coaches! And about Clark Stepp when Charlie got the intentional the way he acted after that bumping into him and wanting to get him to get another intentional that is not good sportsman ship in my book. JBS was just as bad as LCC.
Congrats. to JBS for a great win. LCC played hard and showed that they can be a tough team to be beat come District tourn. time. Hearing about the incidents and the happens that occurred at this game I hope by make this statement, it can help in something like this or WORSE happen in the future. IMO there are three main controlling factors at a High School Basketball game that should prevent the mentioned from occurring; [1.] The Officials are the first and main factor. They have the authority to control the players, coaches, team's benchs, and also remove some one from the if they get out of control. If they fail to do their job, this is where things usually start to get out of control. [2. ] Teams Coaches should control their own actions, players on the court actions, and control the players on the benchs. [3.] The school Adminstrators attending the game have control over the stands and quickly approach anyone to bring them under control or remove anyone from the Facility. After being around East Ky. High Basketball for over 40 years, every incident that I can remember that happened, I mean from fans and players to fighting breaking folding chairs over each other to games suspended, Team's buses having to have a Ky. State police escort on the road as fans still throwed rocks and bottles at them and others that takes to long to mention. Everyone has probably witnessed something similiar to this. Almost all these started with the Officials not taking control of the game and situation early enough to prevent these happens. Sorry about getting off Post, but for the sake of East Ky. Mountain Basketball, I hope someone with the proper authority, steps up to the plate and stops it. This gives all Moutain Basketball a bad look. JMO................................................................................................
bobcatfan22 Wrote:LCC is capable of winning the 14th....dont count them out
Very true, alot of 14th region teams are capable of beating JBS, once quoted the opera isn't over untill the fat lady sings. But anyway congrats to JBSBig Grin
If the assistant coach that went after a player was Jim Stepp. Please PM me and I will give information about a previous incident involving Mr. Stepp going after a player a couple of years ago and maybe if this is another incident of this type. We can put our info together and see where this leads. Please only if this involves the assistant from JBS and I do not intend to accuse or bash JBS if this is not the parties involoved only looking for the facts and please PM me and not on public boards should these types of discussions be held. Again only trying to get information and facts and not trying to bash anyone.
First and foremost. The game was a much watch game. Had all the drama of a good high school game. Davis (11 minutes)and Slone(9 mins.) played vital roles. JBS just showed the ability to win the close game. Clint backing in a 3 to go ahead. Collins with the dunk off of Clint's missed layup. LCC had an inspired effort that came up short. Jordan Reynolds( 16 pts, 11 rebs) and Banks(21 pts, 9 rebs )had great efforts. Clark Stepp (29 pts)carried the team on his back. Both teams shot poorly and as in my previous post, LCC must shoot well to beat them. FG% JBS 25-56 44%, LCC 20-57 35%. FT% LCC-15-18 83% JBS 11-21 52%

The refs made a correct intentional foul on Charlie Banks. Next, Clark Stepp got into the face of Charlie and should have been assessed a technical. Co-Coach Jim Stepp proceeds to run onto the floor leaving the coaching box, likewise, a technical should have been assesed. Neither was called and , as a result , the game got out of hand.

As a far as prayer, it should be done before the game with all involved, or as a team(locker room) activity.
I think the coach[JBS] was talking to the referee, not Charlie Banks, but some one should have told the boy, it was a basketball game. Not a foot ball game. He tackled Stepp under the basket with both arms around his neck. Any way JBS won by 9 and they got nothing given to them. LCC just seemed to be worn out by the end of regulation.
That is all he did was talk to the refs all night. An intentional foul was called which I stated was correct. Let me tell you that if Charlie meant to hurt him he could have. Never his intention even on the football field. Charlie plays with desire and heart, and never bellyaches about not getting calls.

Nor did LCC get anything given free as well.

Let's play 3 in the district.
JBS will be their on there home court and hopefully with all there players healthy.
Where is the distrct being played at> I thought JBS decided on LCC's gym.
"there" homecourt I guess.
Benchwarmer Wrote:Sounds like things I have seen from JBS last year. Playes running of the court and not giving congrats to the other team. Coaches running after refs after games. Very poor sportsmanship. You better watch who you are calling ignorant. By the way. Keep up the hard work LCC.
I guess this type of conduct may be familiar to the JBS fans. I hope thier memories aren't that short.
Why should JBS give the home court advantage to LCC . I guess because they are such good sports. If they moved it anywhere it would probably be to KCC. Which is closer to home, bigger, great gym, BUT i think it will be at JBS
I dont care if it was one of the Stepp daddies or not, if he, or whoever got in my face as a player or my kids face, theyd be carrying him out on a **** stretcher. And that garbage would stop.
fly on the wall Wrote:Why should JBS give the home court advantage to LCC . I guess because they are such good sports. If they moved it anywhere it would probably be to KCC. Which is closer to home, bigger, great gym, BUT i think it will be at JBS
I am not sure but I think this is already a done deal. JBS gym is not big enough
TidesHoss32 Wrote:I dont care if it was one of the Stepp daddies or not, if he, or whoever got in my face as a player or my kids face, theyd be carrying him out on a **** stretcher. And that garbage would stop.
As for "good sports" ask South Floyd about that or maybe Hazard about last years all-A final when Clark sat down on the floor turned his back to Hazard when trophy presentation was being held and did not clap for anyone. Oh well it is not a big deal but Good Sports is not something that comes to my mind

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