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Lets rant a little about things we cant stand :evil:
Please no personal attacks against any of our members.

I hate assholes who try to "time" the red light, so they start creeping forward five seconds before they think it's going to to turn green.90 percent of the time, they are wrong and the turn lane goes green or something. There is now a car halfway in the intersection because they just had to try to save a second being a few feet ahead before the light turns green.. :?
I hate allergies, and early classes
I also hate when people smoke around children.
I hate when people come over and piss on the damn toilet seat or even worse the floor, and dont mop or wipe up their damn bodily waste. :evil: Nasty ass SOBs..

I also hate when people visit and they use the shower and thier hair clogs up my shower drain. Then I have break my damn plunger trying to get the water to go out.. Cap_PDT_0: :evil: :twisted:
I hate when people try to get with your girl whenever they know you have been together for a while. Especially friends that you have been aquainted with for a while. Nothing makes me more mad than that.

Also, I hate when I'm fishing in a no wake zone ( idle speed) and someone comes through there doing mach damnit and stirs everything up. When they know damn good and well that you're only supposed to idle through that area.
blackcatfan4life Wrote:I hate when people try to get with your girl whenever they know you have been together for a while. Especially friends that you have been aquainted with for a while. Nothing makes me more mad than that.

Also, I hate when I'm fishing in a no wake zone ( idle speed) and someone comes through there doing mach damnit and stirs everything up. When they know damn good and well that you're only supposed to idle through that area.

I'm sorry.. on both accounts lol...j/k

I hate this one guy, with everything in me.. and that's about it..
I hate it when people say they're going to do something and then not do it. I HATE IT!
What didn't I do???
You didn't love me!! :roll:

Hahahaha not you lol. Just people in general! :!:
I hate it when people call me a baby. Grrrr that pisses me off!!!
Aww baby it's ok lol
I hate tall ppl haha
LOL there's a difference between "awww baby I love you" and "gah you are such a baby"...i hate the second one. :!:
Who are you referring to....and you are such a baby haha
I guess you hate me then 4leaf. Cry
Haha nahh, I'm just short, wished I was taller.
I'm not referring to anyone lol. Shew geez, can't I hate something without talkin about you guys.
Oh, well you just posted that about the same time you were being mean to me.
Haha you were the one who was being mean to me and called me a baby!! :? :?
I dont really hate these things, but there kind of like a pet peeve.

1. When it is allergy or flu season and I am in class at school and its real quite cause everyone is concentraiting on their work and all of the sudden you here some one sniff their runny nose and just sounds like snot. thats NASTY and then 2 more people join in and you have to sit through class listening to that. I feel like just standing up and saying GO BLOW YOUR NOSE.

2. When there is a large group of people going in one direction and everyone in front of me is trying to cram through one doorway when their is another door beside of it and all they have to do is open it.

3. When people tries to use their obesity as a disability.
The other day I was sitting in my car at wallmart a heavy set man and his obese wife and daughter pulls up and doesnt park but takes up a handicap spot (knowing that he cant get a ticket cause he didnt park) when they dont have a handicap sign in their car. It just bothers me cause to think if someone actually handicaped needed the space and they take it up just because the dont wont to walk another 20 feet from another parking space to the entrance of the store.
I realize some people have eating disorders and I do feel sorry for those people because they cant help it but most obesity around here is caused by laziness cause they rather sit on the couch then get out and excersice.
Now im not trying to say im not lazy because I definately am lazy, but only to a ceartain extent. Im sorry if i affended anyone. These are just some things that bother me for some reason or another.
people who always think they are right!!!!! :x
I hate cockiness, stupid people, obnoxious people, CATS testing, being fat, and i also hate love. i also hate when stupid rednecks on my school bus are always cussing and saying how they got into a fight last night, flipped their four wheeler and broke their leg in 13 places. and they are always chewing baccer! they never quit! if i could rid the world of white trash, i would do it. and like 7 people on my bus are pregnant, and drug addicts. Sound like Fun?
I hate people that drive 40 in the slow lane, stupid people ..When I think of more I will post it
I hate CATS testing, people who drive slow in the fast lane, I hate people that think that they know everything, I hate knowing that I am not prepared enough to go to college and it is because I had bad teachers, I hate people that think that they are super cool with their video games, comic books, and Japanese anime but really they are some of the dorkiest people on the earth. I hate guys that are cocky and girls that think that they are better than everyone but do not say anything to anyones face. I hate it when people lie, talk behind people's back, and show just overall stupid people qualities. I hate bad parents that have kids but have no clue what to do with them. I hate child molesters and people that are mean to old people. I hate rude people and people with no heart. I hate Republicans that go on 24 hours a day about how right that they are. I hate people that discriminate against others, because we are all the same. I hate rednecks that give everyone in Kentucky a bad name because they don't know how to talk decent, all they do is smoke, curse, and fight, and have just overall redneck qualities.

I feel like such an awful person but I could sit here all day and think about what people do or could do that makes me mad and makes the world such an awful place.
I like thetribe's list.....

Well.....minus the part about Republicans Big Grin
I hate CATS testing.. its stupid and doesn't mean a thing. I hate teachers who don't teach the entire year, but a week before CATS they try to shove it ALL in your head.

I hate people who act like they are your friend but go and talk about you to EVERYONE even when you are in hearing distance.

And I seriously hate not being able to sleep in in the mornings. What a pain.
I agree with bessie also! I like that list plus my list too. That is pretty much near perfect....
I hate it when people cant keep their damn mouths shut, even when they ask you too. I hate it when people talk about people or tell things about people to other people just to look cool. i hate it when I need some nicitone, and i cant get any because im in school. I dont like stupid people. I hate it when people think their cool just because they have money and drive nice vehicles. i hate poachers, and i especially hate it when US citizens talk bad about the country they live in-if they dont like it, they can get the hell out for all I care. I hate it when people brag about how much pot they smoked, or how fast they went in their brand new sports car. I hate people that have abs, cause I dont, lol.i hate it when your friends move in on a girl your talkin to, or tell them things about you becasue they dont want you to go out with them. I hate women who try to play those freakin mind games with you, Why cant you all be straight forward with a guy for once? I also hate terrorist, child molestors, rapist, and murderers. Whew, I feel alot better now.
I cant stand people who think they know everything but are really complete idiots and they really dont know how dumb it makes them look.
I cant stand people who think money is everything and think that having more money makes them better than others.

Theres a lot more but I dont have the time to list them...

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