01-05-2008, 05:13 PM
Patterson misses, UL ball.
Layup by UL.
UK - 3
UL - 2
Coury misses. UL ball.
3 by Williams.
UK - 3
UL - 5
Patterson dunks it.
UK - 5
UL - 5
Layup by UL.
UK - 3
UL - 2
Coury misses. UL ball.
3 by Williams.
UK - 3
UL - 5
Patterson dunks it.
UK - 5
UL - 5
01-05-2008, 05:14 PM
3 by UL
UK - 5
UL - 8
Patterson drives and called with the charge. UL ball.
UK - 5
UL - 8
Patterson drives and called with the charge. UL ball.
01-05-2008, 05:16 PM
Coury is out of the game.
UL ball. 3 missed by UL. Jasper rebounds. Meeks is in. Patterson misses a jumper.
Jodie Meeks rebounds. Meeks misses a 3.
UL ball. 3 missed by UL. Jasper rebounds. Meeks is in. Patterson misses a jumper.
Jodie Meeks rebounds. Meeks misses a 3.
01-05-2008, 05:24 PM
15:49 to go in the first half.
UL at the line. Misses.
Bradley rebounds the ball. Patterson's shot blocked. Meeks still it, his shot blocked.
UL ball. UL misses a 3.
UK ball. Padgett blocks Patterson, UK ball. Foul on Jasper. Jasper misses a 3.
UL ball. Jumper made by UL.
UK - 5
UL - 12
UL steals the ball. Layup by Sosa.
UL - 14
UK - 5
Timeout UK.
UL at the line. Misses.
Bradley rebounds the ball. Patterson's shot blocked. Meeks still it, his shot blocked.
UL ball. UL misses a 3.
UK ball. Padgett blocks Patterson, UK ball. Foul on Jasper. Jasper misses a 3.
UL ball. Jumper made by UL.
UK - 5
UL - 12
UL steals the ball. Layup by Sosa.
UL - 14
UK - 5
Timeout UK.
01-05-2008, 05:27 PM
13:05 to play.
UK ball. Patterson misses again. UL ball.
Missed 3. Patterson rebounds. Patterson blocked by Williams.
UL ball. Padgett lays it in.
UK - 5
UL - 16
11:45 to play.
Jasper hits a 3.
UK - 8
UL - 16
UK ball. Patterson misses again. UL ball.
Missed 3. Patterson rebounds. Patterson blocked by Williams.
UL ball. Padgett lays it in.
UK - 5
UL - 16
11:45 to play.
Jasper hits a 3.
UK - 8
UL - 16
01-05-2008, 05:32 PM
UL ball.
Sosa loses the ball. UK ball.
Patterson lays it in.
UK - 10
UL - 16
UL ball. Layup by Smith.
UK - 10
UL - 18
UK ball. Crawford misses a 3. Sosa misses at the other end.
Patterson misses another.
Patterson blocks Williams. UK ball.
Sosa loses the ball. UK ball.
Patterson lays it in.
UK - 10
UL - 16
UL ball. Layup by Smith.
UK - 10
UL - 18
UK ball. Crawford misses a 3. Sosa misses at the other end.
Patterson misses another.
Patterson blocks Williams. UK ball.
01-05-2008, 05:34 PM
Coury is back in.
Jasper out.
Crawford hits a jumper.
UK - 12
UL - 18
Crowd is livening up. Missed 3 by UL, Coury fouls Caracter.
Jasper out.
Crawford hits a jumper.
UK - 12
UL - 18
Crowd is livening up. Missed 3 by UL, Coury fouls Caracter.
01-05-2008, 05:36 PM
Caracter misses the first. Makes the second.
UK ball.
UK - 12
UL - 19
8:12 to play in the first half.
Crawford looked like he was travelling, but fouled.
Crawford lays it in.
UK - 14
UL - 19
UL lays it in.
UK - 14
UL - 21
UL steals it. Coury blocks the shot, but a BS foul called. I believe that's Coury's 3rd foul.
UK ball.
UK - 12
UL - 19
8:12 to play in the first half.
Crawford looked like he was travelling, but fouled.
Crawford lays it in.
UK - 14
UL - 19
UL lays it in.
UK - 14
UL - 21
UL steals it. Coury blocks the shot, but a BS foul called. I believe that's Coury's 3rd foul.
01-05-2008, 05:42 PM
7:30 to play in the first half.
Caracter at the line. Makes the first. Misses the second.
UK - 14
UL - 22
UK ball. Crawford lays it in.
UK - 16
UL - 22
UL ball. Offensive foul on UL.
UK ball. Meeks shoots an airball. UL misses.
Meeks hits a 3.
UK - 19
UL - 22
Caracter at the line. Makes the first. Misses the second.
UK - 14
UL - 22
UK ball. Crawford lays it in.
UK - 16
UL - 22
UL ball. Offensive foul on UL.
UK ball. Meeks shoots an airball. UL misses.
Meeks hits a 3.
UK - 19
UL - 22
01-05-2008, 05:51 PM
Gillispie is chewing out Bradley.
5:55 to play in the first half.
UL ball. Steal by Meeks, Bradley goes for the layup...is HAMMERED and makes the 2.
UK - 21
UL - 22
Bradley at the line. Makes it.
UK - 22
UL - 22
17-6 run by the Wildcats.
Jasper charged with a foul.
Sosa hits a 3.
UK - 22
UL - 25
UK ball. Crawford lays it in.
UK - 24
UL - 25
Padgett makes a free throw. Missses the second.
UK - 24
UL - 26
Bradley lays it in and is FOULED HARD again.
UK - 26
UL - 26
Bradley at the line.
Bradley makes it.
UK - 27
UL - 26. First lead of the game.
Palacios travelled but no call. UK gets the rebound. Bradley called for palming.
UL ball. Noles hits a jumper.
UK - 27
UL - 28
Ball is stolen from Stevenson. Meeks steals it, Bradley lays it up.
UK - 29
UL - 28
Palacios misses a 3.
UK ball. Meeks misses a 3. UL ball.
Caracter loses the ball out of bounds.
Timeout. UK ball.
5:55 to play in the first half.
UL ball. Steal by Meeks, Bradley goes for the layup...is HAMMERED and makes the 2.
UK - 21
UL - 22
Bradley at the line. Makes it.
UK - 22
UL - 22
17-6 run by the Wildcats.
Jasper charged with a foul.
Sosa hits a 3.
UK - 22
UL - 25
UK ball. Crawford lays it in.
UK - 24
UL - 25
Padgett makes a free throw. Missses the second.
UK - 24
UL - 26
Bradley lays it in and is FOULED HARD again.
UK - 26
UL - 26
Bradley at the line.
Bradley makes it.
UK - 27
UL - 26. First lead of the game.
Palacios travelled but no call. UK gets the rebound. Bradley called for palming.
UL ball. Noles hits a jumper.
UK - 27
UL - 28
Ball is stolen from Stevenson. Meeks steals it, Bradley lays it up.
UK - 29
UL - 28
Palacios misses a 3.
UK ball. Meeks misses a 3. UL ball.
Caracter loses the ball out of bounds.
Timeout. UK ball.
01-05-2008, 05:59 PM
UK ball.
Reach in foul by Noles.
Meeks at the line.
Makes the first. Makes the second.
UK - 31
UL - 28
UL ball. 1:40 to play in the first half. UL misses the 3.
UK ball. Elbow by Bradley. UL ball.
1:05 to play.
McGee fouled hard after what looked like a step out of bounds.
McGee gets the first. Jasper back in for Stevenson. McGee makes the second.
UK - 31
UL - 30
UK ball. Crawford loses control out of bounds.
37.6 to play in the first half. Stevenson back in for Jasper.
UL ball. Bradley knocks it out of bounds. UL ball. UL misses a three. Bradley called for travelling, BS call, Bradley was fouled. Crowd lets em know it.
Buzzer-beater missed by UL.
UK - 31
UL - 30
Reach in foul by Noles.
Meeks at the line.
Makes the first. Makes the second.
UK - 31
UL - 28
UL ball. 1:40 to play in the first half. UL misses the 3.
UK ball. Elbow by Bradley. UL ball.
1:05 to play.
McGee fouled hard after what looked like a step out of bounds.
McGee gets the first. Jasper back in for Stevenson. McGee makes the second.
UK - 31
UL - 30
UK ball. Crawford loses control out of bounds.
37.6 to play in the first half. Stevenson back in for Jasper.
UL ball. Bradley knocks it out of bounds. UL ball. UL misses a three. Bradley called for travelling, BS call, Bradley was fouled. Crowd lets em know it.
Buzzer-beater missed by UL.
UK - 31
UL - 30
01-05-2008, 06:07 PM
Bradley had some good plays, and Meeks with some good steals. Patterson isn't hittin much, and Crawford is making some good shots.
01-05-2008, 06:21 PM
Start of the second half.
UK loses the ball.
4th foul called on Coury. He's close to getting the boot.
Caracter scores.
UK - 31
UL - 32
UK ball. Patterson loses the ball.
Williams scores.
UK - 31
UL - 34
Williams hits the free throw.
UK - 31
UL - 35
UK ball. Bradley misses a jumper. Jasper dives trying to get the rebound. UL ball.
Palacios is fouled. Maybe it's just me, but Palacios looks hilarious in his Rec Specs.
Palacios makes the free throws.
UK - 31
UL - 37
UK loses the ball.
4th foul called on Coury. He's close to getting the boot.
Caracter scores.
UK - 31
UL - 32
UK ball. Patterson loses the ball.
Williams scores.
UK - 31
UL - 34
Williams hits the free throw.
UK - 31
UL - 35
UK ball. Bradley misses a jumper. Jasper dives trying to get the rebound. UL ball.
Palacios is fouled. Maybe it's just me, but Palacios looks hilarious in his Rec Specs.
Palacios makes the free throws.
UK - 31
UL - 37
01-05-2008, 06:21 PM
UL steals the ball and lays it up.
UK - 31
UL - 39
Timeout UK.
And I'm gonna take a timeout too. Gotta hard-boil some eggs.
UK - 31
UL - 39
Timeout UK.
And I'm gonna take a timeout too. Gotta hard-boil some eggs.
01-05-2008, 07:03 PM
vundy33 Wrote:What channel?CBS
01-05-2008, 07:04 PM
Thank you Billy G!
01-05-2008, 07:32 PM
Last time I checked UK was trailing 75-60, with around two mins to go.
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