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Mexico 2 USA 1 World Cup Qualifying Round
In the World Cup Qualifying Round, Mexico again defeated USA continuing USA's losing streak at Azteca Stadium. USA record there is a dissmal 0-23-1. Mexico pretty much controlled this one. I dont know if we will ever beat them at the high elevation of Azteca Field.
the mexican fans kept on taunting the american team...they were chanting bin laden, bin laden, bin laden, throughout the whole
Mexico's fans lack class. They disgrace their country with chants like that but I expect no better from Mexico, they have always hated us. The only reason they hate us though is we are way better in everything except soccer.
There might be others.
they do sort of lack class, but what do you expect, every country hates the united states, trust me i
Haha...thats true...especially the Middle East....What compassion they have for us!!! haha....Its not our fault our country is better. Our only ally is Great Britian.

Mexico needs to learn to have a little class though. I hope next year we go down there and kick there butts. That way they have absolutely nothing to brag about or be proud of. Bums....
it is sad for mexico, that we can beat them at there only good
Oh that is a shame.
Sounds to me that Mexico needs to learn a little class...those chants were uncalled for but back to the long has it been since USA last won the World Cup?
i dont think they have ever won the world cup
No I dont think they have either. We never have been a soccer country.
O i see...thanks for clearing things up for me fellas
ypu???is that all you can say VON???haha
not much to say about soccer and the
you got that right...i dont even know why i am talking about
exactly..someone needs to lock this thread
i wish someone would lol
if there are any Mod's out there that happen to read this, PLEASE LOCK THIS THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeh someone lock this junk of a and soccer?? what a joke
no kidding...i dont even care about our soccer team here in the US...will someone second me on that one? :roll:
hell i do....its ur country you should support everything they do, now i dont have to..haha
haha wlel i mean i support anything USA but im not a soccer fan at all
ahh if any asian country does good im happy
thats true i mean u r asian n all
asian and proud...also like for canada to do good...
why do u like to see canada do good?
naw im jus jokin about wanting canada to do asian country is good cept for i hate india

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