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Bye Bye Kelenna
Maybe we now know why Joe came back.
This sucks
well kentucky just went from a final four contender to a team now looking for a leader with experience, and no sparks doesnt count...
I think Rondo will be the team leader. I honestly do, Sparks may try, but he'll still suck.
Terrible move by Buike....He'll be lucky to be drafted at all....
Buike aint going any where.... Im positive of that.
this is a HORRIBLE move by buike....jeez he could of been a star in college next year, now crawford will have to play good, kentucky should have the best quartet of sophomores out there, morris, rondo, bradley, and out for kentucky in 2 or 3 years when sparks is gone
"theswag" Wrote:Buike aint going any where.... Im positive of that.

swag, it's already been reported by 'Buike that he's signing with an agent and entering the draft. He cannot come back to UK after signing with an agent.
What else can he do?
Wow this sucks big time....and i thought he would stay and bring the championship back to UK...boy was i wrong...there went my good day Sad
"The Godfather" Wrote:
"theswag" Wrote:Buike aint going any where.... Im positive of that.

swag, it's already been reported by 'Buike that he's signing with an agent and entering the draft. He cannot come back to UK after signing with an agent.

Last i heard he hasnt signed with an agent.
"pimptriscuit" Wrote:
"The Godfather" Wrote:
"theswag" Wrote:Buike aint going any where.... Im positive of that.

swag, it's already been reported by 'Buike that he's signing with an agent and entering the draft. He cannot come back to UK after signing with an agent.

Last i heard he hasnt signed with an agent.

Im wrong. it jsut said on WYMT he announced it.
so he has took an agent??? bad move on his part. i predict NBA washout.
I cant believe this.. He will get drafted.. But it will be late in the second round IMO
makes no sense to me... after his performance in UK's last game.... scouts will go back and look at that.
Buike will not get drafted. This is a huge disappointment to me. I was looking forward to UK maybe winning it all next year with buike coming back and the talented freshmen they had. So much for that. Guess we'll be waiting another couple of years for a championship. Bonehead move by Kalenna. For doing this to his team, I kinda hope he doesn't get drafted. How can you just up and leave your team after having a sub par season?? He had a whole lot better of a season his sophomore year than this past year. Ah oh well, life goes on I guess.
ok people even with buike kentucky wasnt gonna win a champ. next year, but watch out in 2 or 3 years, rondo and morris will be the best inside outside duo

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