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Does Paintsville have a coach???
I heard that JT Allen was relieved from his Coaching duties the other day, and was wondering if anyone had any concrete info on this.
When was this announced? If he is fired I would say it will be Jason Kinner.
1911 Wrote:When was this announced? If he is fired I would say it will be Jason Kinner.
Yje person that told me said it was Monday.
Kinda saw that coming. He really didn't bring much to the table. Any gossip on who some possible canidates are?
I really hate this for Coach Allen. I always liked him as a coach when I played for him and he was the DC. It will be hard for any coach to have success at Paintsville until the numbers increase. JTA took over a team that was heavily hit with graduation and losing a lot of players that started from their freshman season. You could have the late Bear Bryant on the sidelines and he couldn't have done any better with all the kids having to play "Iron Man" football and the overall talent level being down. The loss at Hazard in the 2006 playoffs could be put on his shoulders because of some of the play calling in the final quarter. Play calling was never a strong point of his but he could have left it up to someone else. This past season they finished where everyone thought they would, they had an extremely tough schedule for a team that fielded around 20 players. To whoever the next coach is I wish them well on trying to persuade some bodies to come out and give it a shot. It is going to be rough for them having to compete with Fall Baseball, the recent success of the basketball team, and XBox. I would like to see Coach LeMaster back out there, I wouldn't have wanted to play my years for anyone other than him.
I look for Jason Kinner to be the next head coach, that is if he wants it. If he does apply for the job and they don't hire him, they will regret it. Jason knows football, coulda walked on at UK but was smart and took a full ride to G-town where he won 2 NAIA National Championships. Ofcourse in 2000, the first one he was a freshman and he redshirted that year but in 2001 he played as a redshirt freshman. He is alumni of Paintsville, was All-State, All-District and All-Area at the LB position. What more can you ask for, he's young, know's what he's talkin about and could have a very bright future as head coach at Paintsville.
Redneck Wrote:I look for Jason Kinner to be the next head coach, that is if he wants it. If he does apply for the job and they don't hire him, they will regret it. Jason knows football, coulda walked on at UK but was smart and took a full ride to G-town where he won 2 NAIA National Championships. Ofcourse in 2000, the first one he was a freshman and he redshirted that year but in 2001 he played as a redshirt freshman. He is alumni of Paintsville, was All-State, All-District and All-Area at the LB position. What more can you ask for, he's young, know's what he's talkin about and could have a very bright future as head coach at Paintsville.
I think Jason would be a very good coach. I have never seen him coach personally but I know after playing for the caliber of team he did in college and play for championships he has to be football smart. When I got to watch him play a few games in HS and he seemed like a very passionate person which is what PHS needs. So I think this would be a good hire. Paintsville needs a coach that can make football a priority again. They need a coach that will stand up for his team and try to get players to come out and play, also I think the new coach shouldn't be influenced by others within the school system. I think whoever the new coach may be should do things his way (the right way) and not worry about what others think. This will be the only thing that can get PHS back on the map with football. Also if Kinner doesn't get the job I think it would be a wise idea to look for a coach out of the school system to come in here and turn it around. Paintsville was on the right track when they attempted to hire Chuke Williams a few years ago. But we all know the politics with that. I mean you saw what he did with that team when he worked with them in the winter. Bottom line we need a "FOOTBALL COACH" who truely loves the game not a poser who wants it for all the wrong reasons.
1911 Wrote:I think Jason would be a very good coach. I have never seen him coach personally but I know after playing for the caliber of team he did in college and play for championships he has to be football smart. When I got to watch him play a few games in HS and he seemed like a very passionate person which is what PHS needs. So I think this would be a good hire. Paintsville needs a coach that can make football a priority again. They need a coach that will stand up for his team and try to get players to come out and play, also I think the new coach shouldn't be influenced by others within the school system. I think whoever the new coach may be should do things his way (the right way) and not worry about what others think. This will be the only thing that can get PHS back on the map with football. Also if Kinner doesn't get the job I think it would be a wise idea to look for a coach out of the school system to come in here and turn it around. Paintsville was on the right track when they attempted to hire Chuke Williams a few years ago. But we all know the politics with that. I mean you saw what he did with that team when he worked with them in the winter. Bottom line we need a "FOOTBALL COACH" who truely loves the game not a poser who wants it for all the wrong reasons.

You're right. I also think that if Jason got the job the numbers would incline alot. I'm talkin maybe 30-40 players (which is alot at Paintsville). I played with Jason (I was a freshman when he was a senior) in high school and he definately was very passionate. He could have a very good coachin staff also if Cherico hangs around and if he could get some of the boys he played with to be assistants.
Redneck Wrote:You're right. I also think that if Jason got the job the numbers would incline alot. I'm talkin maybe 30-40 players (which is alot at Paintsville). I played with Jason (I was a freshman when he was a senior) in high school and he definately was very passionate. He could have a very good coachin staff also if Cherico hangs around and if he could get some of the boys he played with to be assistants.

I would keep Chirico from this staff and try to maybe find some new assistants that know football. I don't know his plans but Ryan Brown could be a good asset but that's really the only one I can think of. We should try to hire away from the school system and get a Teacher/Coach.
1911 Wrote:I would keep Chirico from this staff and try to maybe find some new assistants that know football. I don't know his plans but Ryan Brown could be a good asset but that's really the only one I can think of. We should try to hire away from the school system and get a Teacher/Coach.

I really hate to see this happen to the program, but Paintsville is a winning school and won't accept anything but. Allen was faced with a lot of adversity during his two-year stint (graduation, low numbers, etc.). He was a heck of a guy, but as far as head coach goes....he may have jumped into the position a little too soon. I think he will get another coaching job and be very successful someday.

As far as Chirico is concerned...I don't know if he will stick it out but I hope he does. He taught me and my fellow teammates a lot during my days at was evident by being ranked in the top 10 in pass defense out of all 4 classes my junior and senior season. He brings a lot of passion and intensity to the game and I sure hope he sticks around. Kinner will be a great coach, I was speaking with him actually a few weeks ago after the Pikeville game and I believe he will welcome the oppertunity to be the head coach at his alma mater and would provide the hard work and dedication to get the Tigers back on track. As far as Ryan Brown is concerned, he would be a good coach too and played on a National Championship team at James Madison University....but I don't if he will be able to next season since he graduates next December. I look for him to assist at Pikeville College for a season. Trust me when I say there are a lot of people that would LOVE to help bring Paintsville back to being a contender for the District, Regional, and State Championships.
Has anyone contacted Joey Couch....He was an assistant at Henry Clay for a while. I doubt he would move back Home, but there is always that possibility???
I will give Allen credit for one thing and that was he did try to help his players maintain good grades by making them go to study hall. From what a parent told me they had to attend study hall two days every week. This is a thing that the new coach needs to do.
85-Blue Wrote:Guru,
Has anyone contacted Joey Couch....He was an assistant at Henry Clay for a while. I doubt he would move back Home, but there is always that possibility???
Not that I know of.... the only names I have heard, would not require them to go very far to contact.
1911 Wrote:I will give Allen credit for one thing and that was he did try to help his players maintain good grades by making them go to study hall. From what a parent told me they had to attend study hall two days every week. This is a thing that the new coach needs to do.

That is true. He did do that for two years.
I have been hearing Jason Kinner's name brought up quite a bit.
What about Bill Mike Runyon??? He done a terrific job a few years ago, and I'm sure he would be able to get more boys out to play than any other coach.
dont you think it would be a good idea to go outside the county, where politics might not play into it as much...theres alot of quality people outside the county but i know at p-ville it has alot to do with who you are, and maybe thats why their in the position they are right now..
bigE Wrote:theres alot of quality people outside the county but i know at p-ville it has alot to do with who you are, and maybe thats why their in the position they are right now..

Very well could be.
One thing about Jason Kinner, he won't buy in to all them politics. He is serious and means business when it comes to football. If he gets the job he is gonna what it takes to win, not what makes the politics happy.
Redneck Wrote:One thing about Jason Kinner, he won't buy in to all them politics. He is serious and means business when it comes to football. If he gets the job he is gonna what it takes to win, not what makes the politics happy.

I think what bigE was referring to was the fact that JTA wasn't a Paintsville product and his last name wasn't the same as some of the past successful coaches/players that were a product PHS. If it was a homegrown coach instead of JTA, I think the people would've been more patient with him. When Coach LeMaster took over at Paintsville he went like 3-7 and 1-9 in his first two seasons, yet he wasn't taken to the guillotine. I just wish that everyone would've been more patient with him. A man that has been around the Paintsville football program for such a long amount of time like JTA was deserved more than 2 years at the helm.
Uncle Buck Wrote:I think what bigE was referring to was the fact that JTA wasn't a Paintsville product and his last name wasn't the same as some of the past successful coaches/players that were a product PHS. If it was a homegrown coach instead of JTA, I think the people would've been more patient with him. When Coach LeMaster took over at Paintsville he went like 3-7 and 1-9 in his first two seasons, yet he wasn't taken to the guillotine. I just wish that everyone would've been more patient with him. A man that has been around the Paintsville football program for such a long amount of time like JTA was deserved more than 2 years at the helm.

The problem with coach Allen was the kids. From what I've been told the reason the numbers were so low was because nobody liked playin for him. I'd say play callin had alot to do with it. IMHO if they woulda give him another 2-3 years, Paintsville woulda been playin 8 man football like Jenkins had to do a few years back. They weren't gonna sit back and let that happen.
Something that I heard tonight was a possible hire from outside the system but not outside the county.
THOMCAT Wrote:Something that I heard tonight was a possible hire from outside the system but not outside the county.

Really, Maybe Coach Matney? Since we are SO RICH, like everyone thinks we are. Maybe we can afford him. lol j/k
THOMCAT Wrote:Something that I heard tonight was a possible hire from outside the system but not outside the county.

I hope it aint who I think it is.
I was also told of a name a few days ago that would fit that description, that had been contacted about it, but dont know if there is much to it or not.
Redneck Wrote:The problem with coach Allen was the kids. From what I've been told the reason the numbers were so low was because nobody liked playin for him. I'd say play callin had alot to do with it. IMHO if they woulda give him another 2-3 years, Paintsville woulda been playin 8 man football like Jenkins had to do a few years back. They weren't gonna sit back and let that happen.

Not trying to pick a bone with you Redneck but I agree some what and I think it is more than just play calling. Some of it could have been play calling. Some of it probably was from parents/supporters not wanting their son, grandson, nephew, cousin or whatever to play for someone that didn't graduate from Paintsville. Some of it was probably because kids don't want to go out and put in a hard days practice in a brutal sport. Some of it is probably from the start up of fall baseball and the high expectations for the basketball team, and yeah some of it has to be from the resurgence of the Johnson Central program. Those are some of the likely factors I think that has took kids away from the football team recently. In the past 5 years Paintsville's record has hovered around the .500 mark except for 2005 with all the seniors that they had and made a run to the regional finals. It is upsetting that more kids don't want to be a part of the great tradition of Paintsville football instead of playing only when things are going their way. It's hard to change the status of the program if no one wants to go out there and make the commitment to help the whole thing turn around. To whomever the next coach is I wish them luck and I'll continue to support my alma mater through the good times and the bad times no matter who the coach is or where he may have come from. I would personally like to thank Coach Allen for all that he has done for myself and for all the time he has put into the Paintsville program over the past 10 years.
Uncle Buck Wrote:Not trying to pick a bone with you Redneck but I agree some what and I think it is more than just play calling. Some of it could have been play calling. Some of it probably was from parents/supporters not wanting their son, grandson, nephew, cousin or whatever to play for someone that didn't graduate from Paintsville. Some of it was probably because kids don't want to go out and put in a hard days practice in a brutal sport. Some of it is probably from the start up of fall baseball and the high expectations for the basketball team, and yeah some of it has to be from the resurgence of the Johnson Central program. Those are some of the likely factors I think that has took kids away from the football team recently. In the past 5 years Paintsville's record has hovered around the .500 mark except for 2005 with all the seniors that they had and made a run to the regional finals. It is upsetting that more kids don't want to be a part of the great tradition of Paintsville football instead of playing only when things are going their way. It's hard to change the status of the program if no one wants to go out there and make the commitment to help the whole thing turn around. To whomever the next coach is I wish them luck and I'll continue to support my alma mater through the good times and the bad times no matter who the coach is or where he may have come from. I would personally like to thank Coach Allen for all that he has done for myself and for all the time he has put into the Paintsville program over the past 10 years.

I agree with all of it. I loved Coach Allen, yeah we had our differences on a thing or two but we worked em out. He has put in alot of time, people don't even know. The main thing for kids not comin out to play was they simply didn't like Coach Allen which is a shame cause he's a **** of a guy and coach. He's no offensive coordinator but he is a good defensive coach. His schemes always worked when we played as long as every player did their job. Like I said earlier, if Kinner gets the job the numbers will go back up to the 30 range, maybe even 40. The kids love Kinner. Who wouldn't wanna play for a guy they watched when they were in elem. school dreamin of playin for the Tigers, a guy who won two national championships in college. If he applies for the job and they don't hire him, they are makin a big mistake. It's like Johnson Central and their basketball program. They have a bright future ahead with the hiring of Tommy McKenzie. Kids wanna play for these young guys who will bring excitement and dedication to the program.
Uncle Buck Wrote:Not trying to pick a bone with you Redneck but I agree some what and I think it is more than just play calling. Some of it could have been play calling. Some of it probably was from parents/supporters not wanting their son, grandson, nephew, cousin or whatever to play for someone that didn't graduate from Paintsville. Some of it was probably because kids don't want to go out and put in a hard days practice in a brutal sport. Some of it is probably from the start up of fall baseball and the high expectations for the basketball team, and yeah some of it has to be from the resurgence of the Johnson Central program. Those are some of the likely factors I think that has took kids away from the football team recently. In the past 5 years Paintsville's record has hovered around the .500 mark except for 2005 with all the seniors that they had and made a run to the regional finals. It is upsetting that more kids don't want to be a part of the great tradition of Paintsville football instead of playing only when things are going their way. It's hard to change the status of the program if no one wants to go out there and make the commitment to help the whole thing turn around. To whomever the next coach is I wish them luck and I'll continue to support my alma mater through the good times and the bad times no matter who the coach is or where he may have come from. I would personally like to thank Coach Allen for all that he has done for myself and for all the time he has put into the Paintsville program over the past 10 years.

Very well put and I agree 100%.
THOMCAT Wrote:Something that I heard tonight was a possible hire from outside the system but not outside the county.

And who might that be?
If it's who I heard it was then I wouldn't care a bit in the world.

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