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New Coach At Lawrence
DAWG lc Wrote:No, blake preece needs to go to. Him coming here was the worst thing that happen at lawrence county.

I gotta disagree on that one-that's perfect example of folks in LC being afraid of change. the infamous belly of the 90's doesn't always work against the caliber of teams on the schedule. It has to be mixed up. I don't know much about Blake nor did I always agree with every call he made, but to come into the fire he came into for free??? Not a chance-
dbcooper Wrote:You're right that on the whole most fans were behind the kids and coaches from what I saw on the outside. You're also right that many people conduct themselves appropriately. If that's you, then consider yourself excused from my description. But the description was an accurate one when it comes to a large number of fans who think they know football when they couldn't tell you whether a 4-3 is a defense or a baseball score.
I respect your loyalty and that of others in Louisa, but judging from comments I heard the times I saw them play and those on message boards, these fans wouldn't cut Vince Lombardi a break.
Plus, having some talent doesn't include having Shorts, Parkers, Wrights, Wests, Meadowses, Michaels,Cooks, McKenzies, Abshires, and so on.
A lot of talent concentrated in a short period of time and it just isn't there right now. The freshman QB can be a good one, but things look pretty thin aside from him.

Shepherd isn't the only talented kid there is left-Fitzpatrick returns, along with Ben Preston, Jordan Miller, Shane Pack. Lucas Frazier and there are other underclassmen that I can't name off the top of my head.....
This thread is just like the last week of practice at LC before the Boyd Co. game when players and coaches were arguing over whether to run the Belly or Spread offense.

LC needs a new coaching staff. As for the volunteers that were on the sideline this year you need to be at the feeder level teaching the younger Bulldog generation players the same offense and defense of the High School. I know 3rd graders can't run the belly but you can teach what holes to run to and how to run block, pass block. You can teach how to read gaps on defense. Use the same terminology such as: Will, Sam, Mike positions, rovers, sweeps, option, trap blocks.
Whether no one wants to admit or not, but LC will not be back on top overnight, it will take a totally effort from the feeder program up to the High School Varsity. LC can be very competitive next year and could compete for the district title being in a district that is so evenly matched.

I really wish I was back in Louisa to help out the program at the feeder level. GO DAWGS!!
I believe we can turn things around quickly. We have a very good junior class coming in,
Boone Goldsmith, Ben Preston, William Montgomery, Shane Pack, Lucas Frazier, Lucas Peck, Josh Mills, Chris Kazee, Jordan Miller et al. Our sophmore class is led by Chandler Shepherd. These guys all saw some quality snaps. Our senior class has some good athletes like Mark Fitchpatrick, Drew Webb. We have the opportunity to excell Now given the right circumstances.
lawrencefan Wrote:I believe we can turn things around quickly. We have a very good junior class coming in,
Boone Goldsmith, Ben Preston, William Montgomery, Shane Pack, Lucas Frazier, Lucas Peck, Josh Mills, Chris Kazee, Jordan Miller et al. Our sophmore class is led by Chandler Shepherd. These guys all saw some quality snaps. Our senior class has some good athletes like Mark Fitchpatrick, Drew Webb. We have the opportunity to excell Now given the right circumstances.

I beleave there is alot more than the 2 seniors that you mention that have good talent
dawg4runner Wrote:I beleave there is alot more than the 2 seniors that you mention that have good talent

I Agree. My apologies to the guys I missed. In all classes.
SUCCESS? If that's success, their definition is certainly different from mine!
The LC senior class had a lot of talent. Perhaps not like what we saw in the late 90s but a good coach will consistently have a fair team develop into a good or a great team. Look at Russell, the Belfreys, Brethetts, etc. Tradition does not graduate. Good coachs will take advantage of what they have. Yes, we played a whopper of a schedule but we have to stop making excuses for the coaches. This is not personal, just business. Here in Lawrence Co we consider football, business. Need a clean sweep except for a few, but the head coach needs to be a new face.
The community loves their football team. They don't have to be perfect, but we need to get back to smashmouth football. :Thumbs: We LOVE our Dawgs!
I don't understand how everyone can say LC had such a difficult schedule. Please fill me in.
Mr. Sandwich Wrote:I don't understand how everyone can say LC had such a difficult schedule. Please fill me in.
It might be because six of their non district games was agiants teams ranked in the top five of their class most of the season if not all of the season .And the only other non district game was agiants an Ohio team that was 7-3 on the regular season . If you look at LC schdule this year and can find a team with a tougher one in eastern ky I would love to see it .
BTW two of the teams they played are still un-beaten and will be playing each other this Friday. Might I say two very good teams .
If you really want to know what some of the problems are in Lawrence Co. all you have to do is read some of these post. Their isnt a good coach in their right mind that would want this job with the conditions that everyone said this program is in. Your lucky to have Coach Goldsmith and some of the assistant that you have.
DAWG lc Wrote:No, blake preece needs to go to. Him coming here was the worst thing that happen at lawrence county.
Since you throw a blanket statement like that out and you have won't tell me who you are when I PM you I'll defend myself from somebody sitting behind a computer screen hiding out!
The perception from outsiders reading this thread should be really interesting. You have people that have never played football, parents, out of starters all throwing out there what is going on but some of it just isn't true. I've held off on posting in this thread but the more I thought about it the more I think it would be good to give a reality check. I played on the teams in the early 90's that laid the foundation for this program under Coach Goldsmith and Chuke came in my Sr year. I've had broken bones, stitches, surgery etc all for laying my body on the line for this program. The days of building this program was like no other feeling I've ever had! The pride in our town was 2nd to none. We went 11-0 my Soph year, first final 4 my Junior year (lost by 3 too Mayfield) and undefeated in District my Sr year only to lost to a great Pburg team after we went 11-2. I was fortunate (and forever grateful) that Chuke gave me a summer job and got me into the door of coaching. I gave up a couple of summers and drove back on Friday nights to help out. I coached WR's and was blessed to have guys like Gerad Parker, Spencer Harriss and Matt Peterson. Playing and coaching I was a part of 2 final fours and most of the best wins ever at Lawrence County (Russell double OT, Mason Co 3yd line to win Region, Raceland game that started the snowball effect, Breathitts win streak coming to an end, Flemming hook+lateral play etc).
There was always a bad taste left for me because we were so close to playing on the carpet but just kept coming up short. I felt like the biggest reasons were 2 fold. One we never had a kicking game and two we couldn't throw the ball when teams packed it in on us. I made it my goal to go out and learn as much as I could about the passing game. I got a head coaching job at a middle school in Oldham County right out of college and we went to the Mid Bluegrass Championship my first year there (3 back power team). We had success the whole time I was there then I moved up to the high school to start a new program. On the side I made it a mission to learn as much as I could especially in the passing game. I've flown to Dallas, Minn, driven to Chicago, Notre Dame etc to keep learning so one day I could come back to Louisa and try to get us over the top. While I was in Louisville my childhood buddy Morgan Cyrus and I decided that we wanted to do everything we could to try to help the youth at LC have a chance to live the experiences we had. We got almost 20 old players back that played at LC in the past and started a youth camp. Every single guy I called jumped on the chance to come back and help and they all did it for free. Most are working, in school, have kids etc but they know what the program means to the young men in Lousia. We had close to 45 kids the first year and this past year the number was up over 80. The cost of the camp is cheap so we can get as many kids involved as possible and the money goes right back to the youth league to get them off to a solid start. They even started a cheerleading camp to go with it. While I was in Oldham Co I followed Coach Sphire for about 5 years (clinics, observing Lex Cath games etc). When Coach McPeek got the job at LC we tried like crazy to get back but couldn't find my wife a job. We ended up moving to Lexington after we had our little girl and I got an interview at Lex Cath. That year working with Coach Sphire, Coach Letton and that whole staff was out of this world. I had never been around so much organization, so many great coaches that had the freedom to be able to focus on their specific positions everyday etc. The run we had there was a dream and it was even more special that Justin Burke's mom was a Louisa girlSmile Finally I got the experience of winning a state champion sip but there was still a part of me that felt like the void would never be totally filled until we did it at home. When we found out we were having our little boy I decided to switch jobs and with the help of God the center of my territory was LOUISA! While I was in training I got a call to see if I wanted to take over the offensive coordinator's job at LC. A DREAM COME TRUE!!!
I knew a lot of folks in Louisa didn't know what the forward pass was and I knew there was going to be a lot of heat with position battles. I didn't get moved down until June so that made things pretty tough but I knew we had a great group of kids. We had an awesome summer and felt like we were going to get things rolling this year. I think there were multiple reasons we didn't achieve success this year. Some I will share and some I will keep to myself. In short I think the blame can be put in every single direction. Our schedule for a team that is rebuilding is crazy and the fans are going to have to realize that whoever gets the job faces the same schedule next year minus Coal Grove. The coaches have taken incredible shots this year and some of it is flat out sad. I'm an honest person and I can say that after reflecting back on the season there are several things I would have done different and it was a learning experience. I think there were several things that the coaches have to take blame for and learn from. The biggest thing I think is that we have GOT to start getting kids out of the hallways and playing. We were lucky to get kids like Cody, Timmy and Brad out but it's hard not to think what it would have been like if those guys would have been around for off season workouts and passing league stuff. When you start naming groups you run the risk of hurting feelings but in every group there are those that deserve some blame and those that have been outstanding.
I think coaches, players, parents, fans all need to take a look at what they can do better. I gave my spill on the coaches now I'll go to some of the parents. The majority have bent over back wards and supported our program to the max. Unfortunately there have been a couple that crossed the line this year. Coach Goldsmith BUILT the LC program. He loves his players and everything associated with the program. I can't tell you the number of times he has driven a kid 45minutes out after practice because that's the only way that kid is going to be able to play. Week after week he took kids to places like Cumberland and Campbellsville on recruiting visits even though we got waxed the night before. Then he has a couple of parents that dog cuss him and his family until a fly wouldn't land on him. Inexcusable! There are multiple examples but I'll spare it.
Like I said when you are naming groups you have those that deserve to be called out and those that are on the opposite end of the spectrum and should be praised. The thing that made me the most proud of our kids is that they has adversity slung in their face every single week. Playing top 5 teams in the state week in week out, 10+ injuries to guys that started or played a lot, 6 Sophs and a Freshman on the field at times etc. 99% of those guys never one time pointed the finger of blame at each other. They learned what it was like to get your character tested in tough times and how to fight through them to become stronger young men. For that I think they will always have something to reflect back on in the though times down the road. I think whoever comes in has got to get the kids to sell out that this is the ultimate team game. We had a lot of times that kids would take off a play and that killed us. We had times that kids that didn't get the ball wouldn't block. Film doesn't lie and honestly I think those kids would tell you. Little things add up and we've got to get that attitude. To me attitude is everything. I've been a part of a team like this one, been a part of a new high school program, won a state championship. The difference between those teams is their attitude. You don't go into games hoping to win, you go in expecting to win and that is the attitude we have to embrace!

I'll finish the rest on my next post!
The last group I'm going to cover is the fans. I've laid it on the line and thrown myself out there because I LOVE our KIDS, our PROGRAM, and our COMMUNITY! With that being said it wasn't even 4 games into the season that some drunk caught me coming off the field ready to fight because I hadn't played so and so. I asked him if he knew when so and so got hurt and he said "I didn't know he was hurt". Being a fan means you can be an armchair QB. I do it when I watch UK etc. The bottom line is unless you have watched film, been in workouts, been at practice, know who is hurt, know who knows what's going on etc then you don't have a clue why things are being done the way they are done. This is were a lot of LC fans are going to have to grow up. The officials had to stop a game at home this year because our fans were cussing one of our players so bad! INEXCUSABLE!!!! It's real simple..... you are with us or you aren't!!!!! Don't say you are with us then go post on a message board should the coach be gone the night before we play the #2 team in the state (that happened this year). I will never forget playing at Russell and winning in double overtime. Our fans came out in the mud tackling us because they were so excited. I'll never forget Dwayne stuck on the goal post as it was being broken down after the Breathitt game. I'll never forget eating Thanksgiving dinner, going through walk through then getting on the bus to go to Mayfield. There were cars parked on both sides of the road with fans video taping and little kids on their shoulders for miles all the way to the Power Plant. I'll never forget shaving coaches head on the stage after winning the potato festival game and singing "Don't give me no lines and keep your hands to yourselves" to our crowd that came down to watch. We have some amazing fans but I encourage you that if some are out of line to let them know. Those great times all came while we were winning but your true character comes out when you are losing. You find out what you are made of and who you are. The great thing is that when you stick together (which is what we have to do and my whole point) and you come out that other side then it makes getting back on top that much more special!
A few things on the new coaching job. 1: There are supposed to be job cuts (we all know what kind of shape our schools have been in) so that is going to be really tough on this coach. It's going to be hard to bring much more of a staff in and supposedly they are cutting paid assistants jobs down some.
2. Whatever system the new coach runs needs to be embraced by the fans. The belly is an awesome series but not the only series. We ran it the 3 years before I got here and averaged about 3 wins a season. It isn't the cure all. If this coach runs it then GREAT! Support it! If it's the spread then GREAT there are multiple teams in the state championship again this year that runs the spread. If it's the 3 back power then great! We've been to the final four before running the 3 back power. My philosophy was that we never made it to state with a bunch of D1 kids running the belly alone without a kicking game so I wanted to be more versatile especially since we are playing a lot better competition now. Some don't agree and that's totally fine but support whatever system is run. You have to realize it takes some time to develop a new system (last year we didn't even have an off season, had 1 int all year and didn't kick a single FG). We also never sold out to what we were doing which can't happen. It's been posted on here that we ran the belly in the 80's but that's not true. Chuke brought it in 92 my SR year. It's also said that our youth run it but that is false. Almost all youth programs are some sort of power (Russell WingT etc). Nobody in the youth league runs the belly read. Our 8th grade last year ran the spread and only lost 1 game. If I'm around at all I really hope to sit down and work with the youth league guys (we have some good one's) on developing a plan to work on fundamentals across the board every practice so we have a checks and balances. I also have witnessed my nephew go through 3 different systems in 3 years in the youth league including the shotgun in the 3rd grade. It runs kids off so I hope we can get a flexible system in place for the kids so at least the verbiage is the same every year instead of learning something new every year.
3. Fans are going to have to realize that whoever gets the job has a top 5-10 toughest schedule in the state facing him. The key will be too improve every week and hit our stride going into the playoffs IMO.
4. This years JR class only had around 6 or so kids in it. Some aren't making grades, some are getting put into alternative school etc. I am challenging those guys right now to take pride in yourself and what it stands for to wear LC on your shirt. Be leaders and role models instead of choosing the wrong path. You have the choice sitting right in front of you to take over and be leaders this off season. I don't care what your past is the choice is right there! Accept the challenge! Along with that I think there has to be a push to get as many kids involved in the program as possible.
I've said a lot I wanted and probably some I shouldn't have said but in the end there is nobody that cares anymore about our program than I do. I was kind of surprised what I moved away from and back home into. We have got to stop this division in our schools, our sports programs etc and get this place back to being one of the most special places I've ever been. I honestly think the only way we can do it is by sticking together! I've watched my little sister get robbed of the high school experience I had and I don't want to see our kids here now do the same. The thing that kills me is all the different people that talk negative about our program but don't lift a finger for it. If all those folks with so much passion would join the QB club, help with the youth league etc then we would be a lot closer to having solutions instead of more problems. I said it before that your character comes out when times are tough but if you can battle through those times it makes the destination even more special. That's what makes football so great! It is so much like real life! The best wins I've ever had at LC were when the other team had the ball and just had to kneel on it. Instead we throw the kid out of bounds, block the punt an hit a 50 yd hook and lateral with 2 seconds left on the clock. Breaking a 42 game win streak. Winning in 2bl OT as 40 underdogs to a team that waxed us at home even though we didn't have our starting QB when we won. Every single one of those moments we had to battle through adversity, we had to stick together and lean on each other. We had to communicate, have a vision, believe in ourselves our coaches and our fans! This time is no different! We've got to stick together, have a vision, believe in ourselves, our kids, our coaches, our fans and our whole community!
Good luck to whoever the new coach is! You will have my support 100% in some form or fashion! It might be beside you, in the youth league, QB club or whatever but you will have my support! We've got some outstanding kids and I hope they stick together and believe!
Not to be negative because I agree with your post for the most part and I agree with some other posters that the Super. is a joke.

According to Massey, you played the 106th toughest schedule in the state, not Top 5
Blackflag Wrote:Not to be negative because I agree with your post for the most part and I agree with some other posters that the Super. is a joke.

According to Massey, you played the 106th toughest schedule in the state, not Top 5
If you take out the teams beating each other:
Belfry: Undefeated
Breathitt: Undefeated
Pburg: Lost too Beechwood
Sheldon Clark: Undefeated
Coal Grove: 2 losses
LCC: 1 loss
Russell: 1 loss I think
District was bad record wise but the talent was there. Greenup lost by 1 in the Regional championship, Boyd was talented and Rowan had the 2nd best defensive front we played all year.
LC played the toughest schedule in the mountains period!
They will get things rolling again in Louisa. Good luck to you guys!
Bulldog42 those were two of the most true post I have read in a long time.
I heard the other day that the old coach is coming back Chuke Williams
valleyrules101 Wrote:I heard the other day that the old coach is coming back Chuke Williams

Well lets all hope not.....
Does anyone know who has applied for the job? Has there been a search comittee formed? If so, who is it made up of?
I would do it!!!!!!!!!
Romans 14:11
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
bulldog42 Wrote:The last group I'm going to cover is the fans. I've laid it on the line and thrown myself out there because I LOVE our KIDS, our PROGRAM, and our COMMUNITY! With that being said it wasn't even 4 games into the season that some drunk caught me coming off the field ready to fight because I hadn't played so and so. I asked him if he knew when so and so got hurt and he said "I didn't know he was hurt". Being a fan means you can be an armchair QB. I do it when I watch UK etc. The bottom line is unless you have watched film, been in workouts, been at practice, know who is hurt, know who knows what's going on etc then you don't have a clue why things are being done the way they are done. This is were a lot of LC fans are going to have to grow up. The officials had to stop a game at home this year because our fans were cussing one of our players so bad! INEXCUSABLE!!!! It's real simple..... you are with us or you aren't!!!!! Don't say you are with us then go post on a message board should the coach be gone the night before we play the #2 team in the state (that happened this year). I will never forget playing at Russell and winning in double overtime. Our fans came out in the mud tackling us because they were so excited. I'll never forget Dwayne stuck on the goal post as it was being broken down after the Breathitt game. I'll never forget eating Thanksgiving dinner, going through walk through then getting on the bus to go to Mayfield. There were cars parked on both sides of the road with fans video taping and little kids on their shoulders for miles all the way to the Power Plant. I'll never forget shaving coaches head on the stage after winning the potato festival game and singing "Don't give me no lines and keep your hands to yourselves" to our crowd that came down to watch. We have some amazing fans but I encourage you that if some are out of line to let them know. Those great times all came while we were winning but your true character comes out when you are losing. You find out what you are made of and who you are. The great thing is that when you stick together (which is what we have to do and my whole point) and you come out that other side then it makes getting back on top that much more special!
A few things on the new coaching job. 1: There are supposed to be job cuts (we all know what kind of shape our schools have been in) so that is going to be really tough on this coach. It's going to be hard to bring much more of a staff in and supposedly they are cutting paid assistants jobs down some.
2. Whatever system the new coach runs needs to be embraced by the fans. The belly is an awesome series but not the only series. We ran it the 3 years before I got here and averaged about 3 wins a season. It isn't the cure all. If this coach runs it then GREAT! Support it! If it's the spread then GREAT there are multiple teams in the state championship again this year that runs the spread. If it's the 3 back power then great! We've been to the final four before running the 3 back power. My philosophy was that we never made it to state with a bunch of D1 kids running the belly alone without a kicking game so I wanted to be more versatile especially since we are playing a lot better competition now. Some don't agree and that's totally fine but support whatever system is run. You have to realize it takes some time to develop a new system (last year we didn't even have an off season, had 1 int all year and didn't kick a single FG). We also never sold out to what we were doing which can't happen. It's been posted on here that we ran the belly in the 80's but that's not true. Chuke brought it in 92 my SR year. It's also said that our youth run it but that is false. Almost all youth programs are some sort of power (Russell WingT etc). Nobody in the youth league runs the belly read. Our 8th grade last year ran the spread and only lost 1 game. If I'm around at all I really hope to sit down and work with the youth league guys (we have some good one's) on developing a plan to work on fundamentals across the board every practice so we have a checks and balances. I also have witnessed my nephew go through 3 different systems in 3 years in the youth league including the shotgun in the 3rd grade. It runs kids off so I hope we can get a flexible system in place for the kids so at least the verbiage is the same every year instead of learning something new every year.
3. Fans are going to have to realize that whoever gets the job has a top 5-10 toughest schedule in the state facing him. The key will be too improve every week and hit our stride going into the playoffs IMO.
4. This years JR class only had around 6 or so kids in it. Some aren't making grades, some are getting put into alternative school etc. I am challenging those guys right now to take pride in yourself and what it stands for to wear LC on your shirt. Be leaders and role models instead of choosing the wrong path. You have the choice sitting right in front of you to take over and be leaders this off season. I don't care what your past is the choice is right there! Accept the challenge! Along with that I think there has to be a push to get as many kids involved in the program as possible.
I've said a lot I wanted and probably some I shouldn't have said but in the end there is nobody that cares anymore about our program than I do. I was kind of surprised what I moved away from and back home into. We have got to stop this division in our schools, our sports programs etc and get this place back to being one of the most special places I've ever been. I honestly think the only way we can do it is by sticking together! I've watched my little sister get robbed of the high school experience I had and I don't want to see our kids here now do the same. The thing that kills me is all the different people that talk negative about our program but don't lift a finger for it. If all those folks with so much passion would join the QB club, help with the youth league etc then we would be a lot closer to having solutions instead of more problems. I said it before that your character comes out when times are tough but if you can battle through those times it makes the destination even more special. That's what makes football so great! It is so much like real life! The best wins I've ever had at LC were when the other team had the ball and just had to kneel on it. Instead we throw the kid out of bounds, block the punt an hit a 50 yd hook and lateral with 2 seconds left on the clock. Breaking a 42 game win streak. Winning in 2bl OT as 40 underdogs to a team that waxed us at home even though we didn't have our starting QB when we won. Every single one of those moments we had to battle through adversity, we had to stick together and lean on each other. We had to communicate, have a vision, believe in ourselves our coaches and our fans! This time is no different! We've got to stick together, have a vision, believe in ourselves, our kids, our coaches, our fans and our whole community!
Good luck to whoever the new coach is! You will have my support 100% in some form or fashion! It might be beside you, in the youth league, QB club or whatever but you will have my support! We've got some outstanding kids and I hope they stick together and believe!

Great post there coach. It will happen if everyone believes it will.
What coach, do you think, could bring this program back to life? I am on the Chuke bandwagon, but I'm sure there are more coaches in the area that could do just as good a job. LC doesn't need a coach that is going to be "buddies" with the players. They need a coach who is going to encourage them and train them to be good, disciplined football players. One that wont let the kids lay down if things arent going their way. One that won't threaten to quit or complain when things are down.
i really think when your trying to rebuild a program you must get a coach with no political ties and completely clean house in the program and start fresh. In order to do that they would have to go outside the county because i would say if they hire within most of those assitant coaches will stay and they will be divided just like they have been in the past...just my opinion
Mr. Sandwich Wrote:What coach, do you think, could bring this program back to life? I am on the Chuke bandwagon, but I'm sure there are more coaches in the area that could do just as good a job. LC doesn't need a coach that is going to be "buddies" with the players. They need a coach who is going to encourage them and train them to be good, disciplined football players. One that wont let the kids lay down if things arent going their way. One that won't threaten to quit or complain when things are down.

Chuke had a successful time here at LC, but like Bulldog 42 said, the coach will need the support of EVERYONE involved in the program from the board office, the principle's office, the players, fans, and parents. I just don't think that chuke would have that here anymore. He burned too many bridges.
I believe many of Chuke's bridges were burned for him. A lot of people in the community wrote him off for leaving the program on a down note. (5-6 with a loss to Rockcastle in the first round of the playoffs.) Before that, he almost brought the town a championship on 3 different occasions.
Mr. Sandwich Wrote:I believe many of Chuke's bridges were burned for him. A lot of people in the community wrote him off for leaving the program on a down note. (5-6 with a loss to Rockcastle in the first round of the playoffs.) Before that, he almost brought the town a championship on 3 different occasions.

How in the world could Chuke have left them in shambles if the year after he left they went 11-1? 11-1 isn't evidence for a lost program. I think you need to quit hating on Chuke and get your facts straight. He might be one of the only people that could straighten that program out. If the peolpe in Lawrence Co. have half of a brain then they will seriously consider Chuke for the job, that is if he would even wants to come back. You better open your wallets and give him what he may want. I mean can you really put a price on a winning program.
Yea man!..... I have been preaching this all season. Let's bring him back. I like his flip flops and jerry curl.
Capt. DH Wrote:How in the world could Chuke have left them in shambles if the year after he left they went 11-1? 11-1 isn't evidence for a lost program. I think you need to quit hating on Chuke and get your facts straight. He might be one of the only people that could straighten that program out. If the peolpe in Lawrence Co. have half of a brain then they will seriously consider Chuke for the job, that is if he would even wants to come back. You better open your wallets and give him what he may want. I mean can you really put a price on a winning program.

Contrary to what you may think, I am not in the "hate Chuke" category. I think he is an offensive genious and think he did great things with this program. My point was that there are too many people in Louisa that do not like his style of coaching, or his sportmanship or whatever you want to call it. I'm just saying that the support isn't there for him. I do not however believe that that he is one of the only people that can bring this program back to the top.
dawgmom Wrote:Contrary to what you may think, I am not in the "hate Chuke" category. I think he is an offensive genious and think he did great things with this program. My point was that there are too many people in Louisa that do not like his style of coaching, or his sportmanship or whatever you want to call it. I'm just saying that the support isn't there for him. I do not however believe that that he is one of the only people that can bring this program back to the top.

I wasn't even talking to you nor did I quote anything you said. Like it or not he is a proven winner at Lawrence and could probably do it again. He knows how to win whether you like his style or not. Kids either play all out for him or bag up and go home because they aren't tough enough. Chuke is not in the business of making friends. he is however in the business of winning ball games and teaching kids discipline. Maybe you meant discipline instead of style of coaching or sportsmanship. It will be hard to find someone outside of who is there now to want to come to Louisa and take over a 1-10 team.

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