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2008 Floyd County Middle School Basketball?
Who will the team to beat? and Who are the players to watch for????
Does anyone have contact names and numbers for Allen Central, Allen, and Adams middle school teams? I am having a preseason tournament at Dorton on Nov 12th-15th, and would like to try to get a couple of these teams in it. I have South Floyd already, but would especially like to get AC because I know they have a pretty good team.
have you tried Betsy Layne? they have a nice team this year.
OnCeABobcat Wrote:have you tried Betsy Layne? they have a nice team this year.

Do you have a contact number where I can reach someone associated with the team? We would love to have them in the tournament. SF dropped out, but I added Paintsville today, making it 6 teams in the tournament. I am still looking for 2 more.
Betsy Layne has a new coach who brings a lot of life to that team. They had their Blue-n-White night on Friday, and they looked pretty good. Should be a good year for the Bobcats.
I added Betsy Layne today. That will make for some pretty good matchups in the tournament. Right now I tentatively have:

Elkhorn City vs Herald Whitaker
Dorton vs Paintsville

Virgie vs Betsy Layne
Mullins vs BYE

I am looking for a team to play Mullins. If anyone knows a team who would be interested in playing let me know.
let allen do it, there A-team is gonna be very solid this year. I dont know the coaches number directly, but you can call the school at 606- 874-2165
Sorry that I got this thread off topic. I was trying to get in touch with some of the Floyd County teams, and thought those reading this thread may be able to help me (which they did), but I didn't intend to turn it into a thread about our tournament since there already is one on here.
I'm going to go with THE Layne in this one. GO BOBCATS!
OnCeABobcat Wrote:Betsy Layne has a new coach who brings a lot of life to that team.

Who is the new coach there this year? After I heard about Harold leaving for the high school job I thought maybe a young coach like Jeremy Daniels might have gotten the job.
clipperw Wrote:Who is the new coach there this year? After I heard about Harold leaving for the high school job I thought maybe a young coach like Jeremy Daniels might have gotten the job.
Well this new coach is close to the same age as Jeremy. He's tall and kinda basketball built. His name is Mike Howard from somewhere in Pike County. He's a preacher at a Baptist church somewhere in Pike County.
Why don't we have any good coaches at the middle school in this county? You can watch them come into high school, and know nothing of how to play the game. These kids are a lot different from 10 to 15 years ago with their basketball IQ.
I say Betsy Layne as usual

Dillon Hamilton has talent
bobcatalways Wrote:Why don't we have any good coaches at the middle school in this county? You can watch them come into high school, and know nothing of how to play the game. These kids are a lot different from 10 to 15 years ago with their basketball IQ.

South Floyd has a good Coach in Brandon Gearheart and Assistant John Meade they both played under Coach Webb @ SF so they know basketball really well and i wish the SFMS team luck on the upcoming season
john m stumbo haha do they even have a team?
yes they do, not a very good one though. Allen elementary blew them out yesterday, C-team for allen beat them by about 20, B-team returned the same players as c-team for allen, and stumbo got a new starting 5 for that game and still barely won, Allen lost by 1 in that. and the A team game was a massacre, Allen A team beat them by about 40
I'm sayin BL and SF will be a good matchup this year...Dillon will have a good year for BL and Marson will show what he's got from SF
Torch Wrote:I'm sayin BL and SF will be a good matchup this year...Dillon will have a good year for BL and Marson will show what he's got from SF

I agree, it should be a really competitive series this year. South Floyd beat Betsy Layne Monday night. They play again in the Right Beaver Classic, and then play again about a week or so later at Betsy Layne.
well i think south floyd will be the team to beat cause
sf only lost like two starters thats hall and turner that leaves them with
brandon.m G
cartney.c G
tyler.m G/F
Freddy.o C
and some more players that got some playing time on (A-team) last year

Besty Layne lost there whole team and is using there b-team from last year

Allen Central has a pretty good team they only lost like 2 eighth graders this year, but i think sf can handle them

Allen Eagles i dont remember them having a good team last year or the year before so how they got a chance idk lol

mca lost everyting

j.m stumbo lost everything a long time ago lol

W.C wont have to good of a team

Adams i think they lost some players but i think they will do alright

And Besides SF just has to watch out for AC now since they beat BL the other night

Im not saying allen elem will be the best, but they are good this year. And every time they played south floyd last year ( the b-team that is now a-team), they only lost by maybe 2 to 4 points. One time last year SF hit a half court buzzer beater at allen to win the game. Im gonna say allen finishes 3rd or 4th in the county.
15th region slamdunk Wrote:Im not saying allen elem will be the best, but they are good this year. And every time they played south floyd last year ( the b-team that is now a-team), they only lost by maybe 2 to 4 points. One time last year SF hit a half court buzzer beater at allen to win the game. Im gonna say allen finishes 3rd or 4th in the county.

ok uncase u didnt realize the b team didnt use brandon marson cause he started A team lol and some other players didnt play due to other reasons heres how i see it
1 South Floyd
2 Allen Central
3 betsy layne
4 Adams
5 Allen
6 wesley christian
7 Mca----jm.stumbo dont no out of these 2

but betsy layne might beat allen central
or allen might beat adams but the rest i am sure it will happen
Well, We will see tomorrow, cuz allen plays SF in the shag campbell tourny. Good luck to both teams!

thetruth205 Wrote:ok uncase u didnt realize the b team didnt use brandon marson cause he started A team lol and some other players didnt play due to other reasons heres how i see it
1 South Floyd
2 Allen Central
3 betsy layne
4 Adams
5 Allen
6 wesley christian
7 Mca----jm.stumbo dont no out of these 2

but betsy layne might beat allen central
or allen might beat adams but the rest i am sure it will happen
15th region slamdunk Wrote:Well, We will see tomorrow, cuz allen plays SF in the shag campbell tourny. Good luck to both teams!

welp that was a good game allen is better then what i thought but sf came out wit a good victory so it might be like this

1 SF
2 AC
3 BL
4 Allen
5 adams
6 wc
7 mca or jm stumbo: :thumpsup:
thetruth205 Wrote:welp that was a good game allen is better then what i thought but sf came out wit a good victory so it might be like this

1 SF
2 AC
3 BL
4 Allen
5 adams
6 wc
7 mca or jm stumbo: :thumpsup:

Yea that was a good game. Allen had a few oppurtunities to get that one, but they had sum mistakes that killed em. But its good to see them just to be able to hang with these teams now. Cuz I played for allen 2 or 3 years ago, and we only won 3 games :o. So congrats to SF on the win, and congrats to allen for improving Big Grin
15th region slamdunk Wrote:Yea that was a good game. Allen had a few oppurtunities to get that one, but they had sum mistakes that killed em. But its good to see them just to be able to hang with these teams now. Cuz I played for allen 2 or 3 years ago, and we only won 3 games :o. So congrats to SF on the win, and congrats to allen for improving Big Grin

And i also think allen might have a shot at beating bl or ac its gonna be close.....but see thats what i was thinking cause i remember allens team from like last year and year before but i guess i didn't watch to many c-team and b-team and i guess allen was a young team and has developed and improved i think this is gonna be a good season for them....but do you no how many 8th graders they have they might have a better season next year but GOOD LUCK TO ALL TEAMS ILL BE WATCHINGBig Grin Wink
sad thing is they prolly wont have a good season next year. They lose all 5 starters and a bench player (thats gets alot of time actually) this year. But there c-team this year is decent, there 3-2 right now. so maybe when they move up to A-team they can turn things around.
Adams beat BL and BL last tuesday
adams played MCA in the shag campbell, and beat them pretty handily.
Allen deserves alot of credit for they have really improved tremendously....those kids play hard. Betsy Layne and Adams certainly have top notch programs I feel like this year it is truly wide open in Floyd County. MCA plays hard as well.
The Fiddler Wrote:Allen deserves alot of credit for they have really improved tremendously....those kids play hard. Betsy Layne and Adams certainly have top notch programs I feel like this year it is truly wide open in Floyd County. MCA plays hard as well.

Thank you for saying that. Im happy that people are giving allen credit, because they are a decent team this year. They have always had talent, even when I played 2 years ago for em. We just didnt have a coach that knew basketball, and thats why we lost. But this year they have good coaches. And im also happy for there c-team cuz they have a great coach in benny michael lafferty and his son nathan lafferty. Last year the c-team didnt win a game all season and they had a different coach, and at this moment there 3-2 (the same kids that played last year are playing this year, so the wins arent because of new players, its because the coaches). So best of luck to all teams in floyd county. This will be a great year for bball in floyd county!!

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