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Dustin May
kyr450 Wrote:Its not as far fetched as you would think... He has the size, just needs to put on a few pounds of solid muscle an get a step or two faster... Most of your bigger schools is recruiting Dustin as a Tight end... TE would be a better fit for him on the college level, he would be a Tamme type TE... I'd could see him being reunited with Doug Howard at Marshall next season, if that is where Howard desides to try out at...

sorry fella, but Tamme is 6'5 compared to Dustin who is prolly about 6'1.. not to mention Tamme has a quite a bit more muscle
mrfootball03 Wrote:sorry fella, but Tamme is 6'5 compared to Dustin who is prolly about 6'1.. not to mention Tamme has a quite a bit more muscle

Tamme does now, he didn't comin outta high school. Tamme is a converted Tight End from WR.
mrfootball03 Wrote:sorry fella, but Tamme is 6'5 compared to Dustin who is prolly about 6'1.. not to mention Tamme has a quite a bit more muscle

Tamme is also a Senior in college, compared to Dustin Being a senior in high school, no one said he didn't have to work for it...
Redneck Wrote:Tamme does now, he didn't comin outta high school. Tamme is a converted Tight End from WR.

Ummm yes he did have quite a bit more muscle than Dustin, even in igh school.. does no one not remember Tamme in the 1A title games a few years back? Besides, theres a bigger difference in 6'5 to 6'1 than one would think.. Thats what makes Tamme such a good target for Andre Woodson.. he creates match up issues when he gets matched up with safetys and cornerbacks.. Dustin wouldn't create such match up issues, being the average size of a SEC safety and cornerback is 6'0
mrfootball03 Wrote:Ummm yes he did have quite a bit more muscle than Dustin, even in igh school.. does no one not remember Tamme in the 1A title games a few years back? Besides, theres a bigger difference in 6'5 to 6'1 than one would think.. Thats what makes Tamme such a good target for Andre Woodson.. he creates match up issues when he gets matched up with safetys and cornerbacks.. Dustin wouldn't create such match up issues, being the average size of a SEC safety and cornerback is 6'0

meant to change that to 3A.. it wont let me now.. lol
mrfootball03 Wrote:Ummm yes he did have quite a bit more muscle than Dustin, even in igh school.. does no one not remember Tamme in the 1A title games a few years back? Besides, theres a bigger difference in 6'5 to 6'1 than one would think.. Thats what makes Tamme such a good target for Andre Woodson.. he creates match up issues when he gets matched up with safetys and cornerbacks.. Dustin wouldn't create such match up issues, being the average size of a SEC safety and cornerback is 6'0

Yes I rememeber Tamme from high school and he wasn't very muscular. I remember watchin Nick Jamerson shut him down when Boyle played Pburg Tamme's senior year. Jamerson is only 6'1" and he probably outweighed Tamme.

Size is overrated. I played college ball and seen some very little guys do quite a bit of damage.

But like I said earlier, WVU would be a good fit for May at the FB position after a redshirt year under their system and weight program. Say what you want but May IS athletic enough. Look what the 220 pounder has done at the RB position this season, put another 20 pounds on him and let him block for ya, even run it every now and then like Schmidt does now for WVU.
Redneck Wrote:Yes I rememeber Tamme from high school and he wasn't very muscular. I remember watchin Nick Jamerson shut him down when Boyle played Pburg Tamme's senior year. Jamerson is only 6'1" and he probably outweighed Tamme.

Size is overrated. I played college ball and seen some very little guys do quite a bit of damage.

But like I said earlier, WVU would be a good fit for May at the FB position after a redshirt year under their system and weight program. Say what you want but May IS athletic enough. Look what the 220 pounder has done at the RB position this season, put another 20 pounds on him and let him block for ya, even run it every now and then like Schmidt does now for WVU.

G Childers was 5x's the fullback May would be, and he's not at WVU
mrfootball03 Wrote:G Childers was 5x's the fullback May would be, and he's not at WVU

G Childers didn't wanna play college, if he did he woulda went somewhere. Plus we will never know because May don't play FB, he plays RB. That's the point, look how good he is as a RB. We know he is plenty physical enough to play FB the way he plays defense. He will hit you and hit you hard (not sayin G didn't). May is faster than Childers was, possibly stronger, and he is more athletic.
Redneck Wrote:G Childers didn't wanna play college, if he did he woulda went somewhere. Plus we will never know because May don't play FB, he plays RB. That's the point, look how good he is as a RB. We know he is plenty physical enough to play FB the way he plays defense. He will hit you and hit you hard (not sayin G didn't). May is faster than Childers was, possibly stronger, and he is more athletic.

More athletic yes, stronger, not close... G's size is deseving(spl) he is very strong...
Childers was a much better blocker. The May kid dont block half of the plays...May is a better runner, but Childers didnt get to run much.....I dont think may would have started in that backfield
May gets down the field and blocks very well when he isn't running the ball. I have seen him make a few huge blocks down the field.
May is a great player and I think in time will make a impact at the next level, I hope he does go to Marshall.
By the way i dunno who would start him or Childress, but I would take either one. May would def be on the field somewere though.
Belfry Wins Wrote:May gets down the field and blocks very well when he isn't running the ball. I have seen him make a few huge blocks down the field.
May is a great player and I think in time will make a impact at the next level, I hope he does go to Marshall.
By the way i dunno who would start him or Childress, but I would take either one. May would def be on the field somewere though.

maybe down him at the line.....he would ve been TE/DE maybe
millertime Wrote:Childers was a much better blocker. The May kid dont block half of the plays...May is a better runner, but Childers didnt get to run much.....I dont think may would have started in that backfield

May would have started in any Belfry backfield IMO.
jetpilot Wrote:May would have started in any Belfry backfield IMO.

No way possible.. I'm as big of Belfry fan as anyone, but Dustin May isn't on the same level as Doug Howard, David Jones, and G Childers.. Dustin is a good player, and probabley the best we have now. But he lacks the pure power & speeds of the players above. G Childers was the most under appreciated player on the 03/04 Championship teams. Dustin May is a better runner than him, but when it comes to blocking G Childers would put him on his *** 10 out of 10 times. Now on the other hand, Dustin may be a better runner than G, but he is nowhere even close to David Jones & Doug Howard. Dustin may be a better blocker than David was in high school (not now since David has been as UK) but there is nothing that Dustin is better than Doug Howard at on the field. Doug was a better blocker, better runner, more powerful, better tackler, and reads plays alot better. Dustin basically is like Doug, but just doesn't quite excell as Doug did. Dustin has a decent stiff arm, but a Doug Howard stiff arm would knock you 5 yards back on your ***.
I guess we'll never know, will we?

Discussions like this are kinda pointless, all they serve to do is cause bad blood between 2 people who aren't even involved in the discussion in the first place.

BTW, not many people coming out of HS are as built as Dustin. You've never seen him if you think he's small. He's 6'2" and that 220 is pretty much all muscle.
IMO, I think Marshall would be a great fit for May! Of course I am biased, lol!
Doesn't get the name "Maydiezel" for nothing!!! Although I have the utmost respect for Doug, G, and David!!!
Sarrr Wrote:I guess we'll never know, will we?

Discussions like this are kinda pointless, all they serve to do is cause bad blood between 2 people who aren't even involved in the discussion in the first place.

BTW, not many people coming out of HS are as built as Dustin. You've never seen him if you think he's small. He's 6'2" and that 220 is pretty much all muscle.
Redneck Wrote:G Childers didn't wanna play college, if he did he woulda went somewhere. Plus we will never know because May don't play FB, he plays RB. That's the point, look how good he is as a RB. We know he is plenty physical enough to play FB the way he plays defense. He will hit you and hit you hard (not sayin G didn't). May is faster than Childers was, possibly stronger, and he is more athletic.

May Played FullBack Against JC And Done Pretty Well At It
If my kid had a chance at a full ride and had to play fullback , I would knock him inthe head if he did not take the offer, unless he was offered a full ride somewhere else inhis position. A full ride scholarship is hard to come by, You take the best offer and play what the team needs.
Romans 14:11
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
mrfootball03 Wrote:No way possible.. I'm as big of Belfry fan as anyone, but Dustin May isn't on the same level as Doug Howard, David Jones, and G Childers.. Dustin is a good player, and probabley the best we have now. But he lacks the pure power & speeds of the players above. G Childers was the most under appreciated player on the 03/04 Championship teams. Dustin May is a better runner than him, but when it comes to blocking G Childers would put him on his *** 10 out of 10 times. Now on the other hand, Dustin may be a better runner than G, but he is nowhere even close to David Jones & Doug Howard. Dustin may be a better blocker than David was in high school (not now since David has been as UK) but there is nothing that Dustin is better than Doug Howard at on the field. Doug was a better blocker, better runner, more powerful, better tackler, and reads plays alot better. Dustin basically is like Doug, but just doesn't quite excell as Doug did. Dustin has a decent stiff arm, but a Doug Howard stiff arm would knock you 5 yards back on your ***.

i agree,Howard was a man playing with boys. If it wasnt for Howard. We would've beat Belfry in '03
May should go to where ever he wants. if he wants to walk on at uk then he will, if he wants to go to marshall on a scholarship he will, he has to make his own mind up. i dont know the kid not even met him but he can play football. so im sure he just wants to continue his game to the next level no matter were its at. so good luck to may and who ever get him because they are getting a good player and physical one also
How 'bout we talk about the good things May does and leave everything & everyone else out of this.

May is a very good football player with a lot of God-given ability, and great work ethic to boot. You can't ask for much more than that.

I think he is a fantastic football player who has imprived his game every year.

As far as college goes, all I'll say is this. A guy with May's size and pretty good speed to go with it isn't done improving.
alright fellas, listen up.. pretty sure we can compare whoever we want to... we can discuss it however, its a forum, if we can't discuss players & compare things, then whats the point of a forum? as long as what were saying isn't offensive and wrong, whats the deal?.. I never knocked Dustin May once. I think he is an excellent player, only thing I said is he isn't better than Doug Howard was. That is not a knock in anyway.. Doug Howard is one of the top players to ever come out of Belfry High School, arguably THE top. Theres been many excellent players that have been amazing, yet they weren't as good as Howard. I was gauging what sucess I think Dustin will have of landing scholarships by past players. I personally think Dustin would be a good fit at Marshall. A mid major is where I think he'll do best. I do not see him getting much playing time at a major SEC school.
Cant wait to see him in person again tomorrow, last time I saw him LIVE was last year in the Russell game. Still impressive even in the loss.
Romans 14:11
It is written: " 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' "
I think that May has improved leaps and bounds from even last year being a darn good football player. This year he has steeped up his game to another level. I hear that he is really interested in going to Marshall. I hope he gets his wish. He is a good character kid with a lot of football talent in him. Good luck Dustin.
That's just it though, if you compare Maydo to Doug, David, AND G, then it's a Catch-22. He ALWAYS loses in some way to one of them, but they also lose in some way to HIM. He's not stronger than Doug, but he's big enough to bring Doug down, and few people in the state ever solo tackled Doug (which is why he was so great). He's not faster than David, but in a power match he'd stomp David from HS (Dave is probably stronger than Maydo right now, but college lifting vs HS lifting...) Maydo may not hit like G, but he's quite a bit faster.

THAT'S why I hate comparing football players who are a years apart. Those guys were Seniors when Maydo exchanged his Turkey Creek black for Belfry red.

In any case, Belfry's been lucky to have them, and I am lucky to know 3 of them Smile
Ya know...I teased Dustin about this thread last night and he very shyly smiled. These are players that he looks up to. David, Doug, and G were players that he was fortunate enough to play with and to be quite honest, I am sure that he participated on their scout am sure that he considers it an honor to be compared to them! He's an awesome young man and role model for my son (who plays on the scout team against him and by the way gets ran over at Compare if you like, but to be honest in the end...Dustin will still win!!!

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