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Perry County Central 21 Prestonsburg 20
WOOOO, Way to go Commodores!!!. A huge upset for PC on their senior night!!!! I was the only one picked it!!!! Congrats Dores!!!!!!
Great job P.C.
Wow ... congrats
Left the Belfry/Johnson Central game and listened to this one all the way home. It was a wild one with Prestonsburg Allen Craynon scoring on an 80 yard touchdown with around 3:30 left in the 4th to put the Blackcats up 20-14, then on a 4th and 8, Perry Central scored from there own 35 yard line, making the score 21-20 Perry Central. Then Prestonsburg drove down to the 21 yard line with around 1.4 seconds left and Junior Kicker Clay Jamerson missed a last second 31 yard field goal. Congrats Commodores and keep your heads up Blackcats and get ready for the playoffs.

Wasn't there but heard that one of the referee's had give the Prestonsburg fans the finger. If thats so, something needs to be reported to the KHSAA for that type of action. There is no need for that at a high school event.
MVP2 Wrote:WOOOO, Way to go Commodores!!!. A huge upset for PC on their senior night!!!! I was the only one picked it!!!! Congrats Dores!!!!!!
It is only an upset if you win without the help of the referees. Which the Commodores DIDN"T! The blackcats had this game won from kickoff.
Yes PC won the game, but it is completely pathetic when your refs are on your side as bad as they were tonight. It wouldnt have mattered what Pburg done they were going to get beat, especially after the PC player got hurt and taken off the field in an ambulance. PC missed an extra point by atleast a foot and it was counted good(the one that put them up 21-20) but that isnt even the bad part. There was a late hit on pburgs QB when trying to get up and it wasnt called and after the play i personally heard the ref walking down the sideline talking to the guys holding the chain say "i saw the penalty i cant help it i was to far away to throw the flag" thats horrible. And to top the night off after Jamerson missed the winning field goal all 3 refs was in the middle of the field laughing at the Pburg section and 1 ref actually turned around and gave Pburg's fan section the finger and walked off. Then fans went on the field and security made them get off but nothing was sad to the refs. Its just flat out sad that there is so many people that hate and that are jealous of Prestonsburg because they are good. The only thing fair between this game tonight was they played in the same temperature. Play this game on fair grounds and Pburg wins by 2+ touchdowns. But its over, keep your heads up Pburg.
BlackatMom Wrote:It is only an upset if you win without the help of the referees. Which the Commodores DIDN"T! The blackcats had this game won from kickoff.
100% correct. The opening kick off was returned for a touchdown by Pburg's Allen Craynon and of course it was called back.
Whats the update on #23 that got injured for Perry Central?
I have never blamed losing a game on the referees until now. This was the worst refereed game I have ever watched. 1st they call us back after Allen Craynon scored a TD on the kick off. Then every time we would get within yards of a TD the "little yellow flag" would hit the ground before the ball was snapped. Every field goal that was punted mysteriously was no good when it was obvious that they were. Then to top off the night one of the referees flipped the blackcats fans off as he was running off the field. Great leadership we have in those refs. 1st they cheat our boys out of a win then insult our fans. Keep your head up blackcats you played a good honest game and remember WINNERS NEVER CHEAT AND CHEATERS NEVER WIN!!!!
How Is #23... I Was Told At The Game That He Popped His Hip Completly Out..
Great win Dores!!
#23 is fine ..and yes he did pop his pelvis bone out of place
donb36 Wrote:#23 is fine ..and yes he did pop his pelvis bone out of place

I hope for a speedy recovery for that young man. He is a fine athlete!
donb36 Wrote:#23 is fine ..and yes he did pop his pelvis bone out of place
Ouch....that just sounds like major pain! Glad to hear he is doing well thought!

And if there was such a big problem with the Refs, then make sure the Pburg coaches submit the game film to the KHSAA on Monday.
At a playoff game a couple of years ago in Gilbert WV, there was a ref making some pretty bad calls. Well of course the Gilbert fans was getting on him pretty good. He turns to the fans, while walking off at halftime, and literally bows sarcasticly towards GHS. He then tips his cap. It got reported and that ref lost his job. So, I can only assume flipping a fan off will for sure warrant a job loss. Refs know they will be heckled. They have to show more restraint than that.
That is ridiculous and classless! If the fans were that bad, then throw them out! As a ref, you have to tune things out! It is your #1 priority because one way or the other, you are never right, lol!
i am not saying the ref did or didn't flip the finger.(Cause i wasn't there). But if there was a flag for someone eles doing that then there is a single that the ref has to do to tell what kind of foul was commited,So make sure that was not the case befor going and reporting the Ref's.

And by the way we are dealing with the KHSAA witch is a joke.
PCC has really turned their season around and hopefully this is a starting point to get the program rolling in the right direction...
BlackatMom Wrote:It is only an upset if you win without the help of the referees. Which the Commodores DIDN"T! The blackcats had this game won from kickoff.

How can you say that? With the refs doing w/e they did at the end of the game with flipping someone off that didnt effect the game.On the opening kickoff there was a holding I was seen it myself.It wouldnt like Pburg didnt get any calls, how about that intendation grounding they called a PC and that big pass in the 2nd half they got Pburg,that was clearly looked out of bounds. They refs didnt kick the feild goals for the Blackcats and he missed all 3 attempts that was the key to the game. He was missed two extra points and the game winning FG try.
The Game Was Already Over And The Refs Were Walking By The Blackcat Cheering Section... Granted They Shouldnt Be Acting Like That- The Fans-- But The Ref Has A Job To Do. And 1 Of His Male Goals Is To Tune It Out-- He Didnt.. It Will Be Interesting To See What Happens//
MVP2 Wrote:How can you say that? With the refs doing w/e they did at the end of the game with flipping someone off that didnt effect the game.On the opening kickoff there was a holding I was seen it myself.It wouldnt like Pburg didnt get any calls, how about that intendation grounding they called a PC and that big pass in the 2nd half they got Pburg,that was clearly looked out of bounds. They refs didnt kick the feild goals for the Blackcats and he missed all 3 attempts that was the key to the game. He was missed two extra points and the game winning FG try.
First of all No one said the way the ref acted at the end of the game affected the game. Second the flag was thrown after Allen scored the TD on the kick off not before and third We know the refs didn't kick the field goal for us they just never had any intention of ruling them good when they obviously were. But the game is over and no point to argue about it. I guess the refs got paid both ways!
congrats perry central
Tough luck Prestonsburg, nice win PCC.

I can easily understand the refs calling a bad game, it constantly happens to Magoffin, but if the ref did give the sign at the end of the game, something needs to be done. I know that Prestonburg fans and players can act very disrespectfully, but no act or word said to a ref makes him giving this sign Justified.
Is Prestonsburg a little overrated?? They should not have lost this one. Breathitt crushed SV last night. Prestonsburg beat Shelby Valley 14-0. Prestonsburg has tradition over there and I'd make a major statement come 1st round of the playoffs. Don't let the other teams in the district believe they have a shot. Prestonsburg after a loss like this needs to leave no doubt come next Friday. Prestonsburg needs to open the playoffs with an exclamation mark!!!!!!!!!! and leave no doubt as to them being one of the best teams in 2a. LEAVE NO DOUBT NEXT FRIDAY NIGHT!
This is the year for a Prestonsburg in 2a. You should be thankfull your not in a dist. with teams like Woodford and Johnson Central. Don't let teams hang around that aren't even in the same league with you. Were going down to watch the state finals, I'd like to see some Eastern Ky. teams playing in it. NCC SHOULD BE THE ONLY CHALLENGE PRESTONSBURG WILL HAVE. Send a message next Friday !
congrats to pcc this game should have never been this close. prestonsburg just didnt come out ready to play. they dug theirselves into a hole that they couldnt get out of.
I thought the Blackcats had this one but it sounds like they played the same "Refs" that SF played with at Jackson Co. I can't understand how adults can do this to kids. They only belittle themsleves with these kids, because they do grow up to become adults and remember them for their actions against them as kids. So how can any honest adult cheat a kid? Keep your heads up Pburg and look forward to the playoffs. Good Luck.
Nascar99 Wrote:I thought the Blackcats had this one but it sounds like they played the same "Refs" that SF played with at Jackson Co. I can't understand how adults can do this to kids. They only belittle themsleves with these kids, because they do grow up to become adults and remember them for their actions against them as kids. So how can any honest adult cheat a kid? Keep your heads up Pburg and look forward to the playoffs. Good Luck.
"play the refs" is exactly what the blackcats had to do. I hope those refs one day have their kids cheated by refs and think back on all those kids they did the same way. But I doubt if they would. You would have to have a heart to do that wouldn't you.
I have never seen the officials win or lose a game. If you don't want some calls to effect the outcome than don't leave yourself in a position to where the game is that close.

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