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Who deserves to play in the national championship?
which team or teams best derserve to play in the national championship????
I think LSU & Florida are the two best teams
I say that anybody from 1 through 20 could have a chance to win the national title, I agree that LSU and Florida are the two best teams but it's sad that they play in the same conference. I will also go as far to say that 4 of the BEST 5 teams in the country are in the SEC. (LSU, Fla, UK, S.Car) LSU and Oklahoma is my title game right now.
mcfan1 Wrote:I say that anybody from 1 through 20 could have a chance to win the national title, I agree that LSU and Florida are the two best teams but it's sad that they play in the same conference. I will also go as far to say that 4 of the BEST 5 teams in the country are in the SEC. (LSU, Fla, UK, S.Car) LSU and Oklahoma is my title game right now.

SEC is by far the best conference.. hands down
It's too soon to tell, there's still quite a few weeks left to determine who deserves to play in the Nat. Championship game.
Lets just but USC at#2 and keep ohio state at #1 and we can call it the patty cake bowl
Ohio State
IMO, whoever wins the SEC versus Ohio State or Oklahoma.
Ohio State is NOT gonna win out. They WILL lose to EITHER Penn State next week OR to Michigan in the finale.
Like someone said earlier, it's too early to tell. Let's wait and see how things pan out the next 4-5 weeks.
I think nearly any team in the SEC are good enough to compete with the top of any conference. Its really sad that we can beat each other up so much in this damn comference to where potentialy none will have the chance to play for a national championship
If I had to guess right now, I would say Oklahoma (don't see them losing again) and LSU, assuming they get past Florida in the SEC championship.

Redneck Wrote:Ohio State is NOT gonna win out. They WILL lose to EITHER Penn State next week OR to Michigan in the finale.

yea, I believe Penn State will beat them, but as of now I see LSU and idk who else
LSU or Okalhoma in my mind
Oklahoma will not lose another game this season, The winner of the SEC should be in there if Ohio State gets beat by Penn state or Michigan it can happen, but IMO I think Ohio State will take them both.
Love to see LSU and Florida, but I think it will be LSU and Ohio State.
not ohio st or boston college. Lsu and Oklahoma will be the ntl championship
i agree with most of u all. lsu and oklahoma in it. i dont think ohio state will win out.
bluegrassballa Wrote:i agree with most of u all. lsu and oklahoma in it. i dont think ohio state will win out.

wouldnt that set up a rematch for the 2004 national championship in new orleans when LSU went in as the underdog and beat the crap out of the sooners..
I will have to say Oklahoma and LSU. SEC is by far the best conference and it should be rewarded if a team has 1 or possible 2 losses.
bigE Wrote:wouldnt that set up a rematch for the 2004 national championship in new orleans when LSU went in as the underdog and beat the crap out of the sooners..

yes now that i think about it.....i think that lsu would take them again. the sec is jus to good to play with. they r without a doubt, the best conference right now, in the nation.
Kansas v. Boston College....WOW!! im just joking and i hope this wont happen, could you believe how boring this game would be...i would be on definete suicide watch if i had to sit through this game..
Gosh I hope Virginia Tech whoops Boston College. I hate how teams are ranked so high, cause they dont play anyone!!!
LSU and Oklahoma. IMO the two best teams in the Country.
Boston College and whoever wins the SEC. Ohio State fans calm down, your conference sucks. Name two goods teams besides Ohio State and Penn State, you can't!
Anyone in the top 15, besides South Florida
i say which ever team wins the S.E.C championship game vs whatever scrubby team they want to put in the game.
Booya Wrote:Boston College and whoever wins the SEC. Ohio State fans calm down, your conference sucks. Name two goods teams besides Ohio State and Penn State, you can't!

1. Ohio State 8-0
19. Michigan 6-2
24. Penn State 6-2

Others Receiving votes from Big 10

Also Illoinois is a fair team no championship team, but can compete in the Big 10 so you can't say the Big ten Sucks. Michigan State has a fair team. also look at Purdue, there a very good team, IMO they will be in the top 25 all year next year.
Spartan4Life Wrote:1. Ohio State 8-0
19. Michigan 6-2
24. Penn State 6-2

Others Receiving votes from Big 10

Also Illoinois is a fair team no championship team, but can compete in the Big 10 so you can't say the Big ten Sucks. Michigan State has a fair team. also look at Purdue, there a very good team, IMO they will be in the top 25 all year next year.

Michigan got beat by Appi State and Penn State got beat by Michigan so there you go. Illinois' qb situation is aweful too inconsistent. Also the big 10 hasn't faired well in bowl games as of late. Purdue first decent year since Orten. I'm not buying the Big Ten thing, so don't waste time trying argue me. It is a weak slow conference. Last year they had the best two teams they've had in a long time and both got destroyed in the bowl games.
By the way its going for and the way their shcedule looks, they will probably be in the championship. I don't want them to be, but they might.

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