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Magoffin Co. 20 - East Ridge 13
Confusedmallchee Final, Hornets improve to 4-4 and make the playoffs.
congrats to MC!
Congrats MC
congratulations hornets
Congrats Magoffin Co
This is big for the Magoffin program to make there first playoff apperence in forever. Congrats to coach McCoy and the boys.
Congrats to the Hornets and Coach McCoy on the win. Securing a playoff spot is a huge step for this program and something that hasnt been accomplished in a very very long time. Keep up the good work Hornets and once again congrats.
Congrats to Coach McCoy and the Hornets on the win and their playoff birth.
Congrats Hornets!
**Send me a pm if you have any questions or comments**

Congrats Hornets! Nice win!
Good job on making the playoffs.
Congrats MC
Congrats Hornets on the win!!! Keep working East Ridge!
Both teams really left it all on the field.
Way to go Magoffin!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats coach McCoy!! Keep the program rising!
HAHAHAHA.... I tell ya what, I still can't get over whoever it was that said East Ridge was underrated a couple weeks ago. I'm still laughin over that one.

Congrats Chester and the Magoffin County Hornets. Keep them boys workin hard over there in Magoffin and you are gonna have one hell of a program within the next few years.
Gratz MC ... I had faith
Congrats Magoffin....
Congrats MC, see ya at the CAM in three weeks.
Nice W Magoffin way to step up!!
Redneck Wrote:HAHAHAHA.... I tell ya what, I still can't get over whoever it was that said East Ridge was underrated a couple weeks ago. I'm still laughin over that one.

Congrats Chester and the Magoffin County Hornets. Keep them boys workin hard over there in Magoffin and you are gonna have one hell of a program within the next few years.
yeah they are definately not underrated I agree. However, they would have been an underrated team if they had a coach who knew how to use talent and teach fundamentals.
Agreed Dugan. Branham just isnt much of a coach at all from what Ive heard and personally observed last year when he was at BL. He has loads of talent at ER and cannot apply it due to a lack of knowledge/experience or something
I don't want to take up for the old guy, but you guys need to give him a chance. Did ER not have thier QB #3 out #22 had a big brace on his elbo, #76 was eithe rhurt or brike some sort of rule, cause he didn't play alot. I didn't see #33 or 30 on the field either. He coached me at BL last year and I thought he did a good job with what he had. I don't know much about the talent at ER, but I am sure that if you guys wanted to talk to him, he would listen to your ideas.
Coach Cline Wrote:Agreed Dugan. Branham just isnt much of a coach at all from what Ive heard and personally observed last year when he was at BL. He has loads of talent at ER and cannot apply it due to a lack of knowledge/experience or something
well the thing is, #3 the quarterback was out, and he started the standout freshmen who most agree should have been starting there all year. he probably completed more passes in his first start then have been completed in one game all year. and yeah, the fullback/linebacker played hurt the entire game, should have just been preserved for offense.
I want coach branham to be able to do a good job there and keep his job, but I just don't see it happening. He has a great qb coming back the next 3 years, he needs to develope some good recievers and go from the shotgun, passing the ball 30-40%, compared to the passing this year which is well below 10%. The weight lifting program needs to be stepped up big time and they need somebody in there that can teach speed drills and fundamentals. He had the talent there this year, could have won 6 games. phelps, knott county, south floyd, magoffin and grundy should have all been won, they blew the lead on magoffin and grundy with some very questionable play calling, and they could have beat central too, it just didn't happen like everyone from the area was hoping.
From what I have saw I dont really think that ER has that much talent....True they have some young kids but it is hard to win with freshman and sophomores...I just really dont think they have a lot of talent in the older group...Give them a couple of years and things may turn around....Like you guys say maybe he can get a couple of guys in and put together a good staff...Just give Branham a chance and a couple of years and he may do something when these younger kids become upperclassmen.
Kybob Wrote:I don't want to take up for the old guy, but you guys need to give him a chance. Did ER not have thier QB #3 out #22 had a big brace on his elbo, #76 was eithe rhurt or brike some sort of rule, cause he didn't play alot. I didn't see #33 or 30 on the field either. He coached me at BL last year and I thought he did a good job with what he had. I don't know much about the talent at ER, but I am sure that if you guys wanted to talk to him, he would listen to your ideas.

It seems like it's always an excuse why ER can't pull off a win. Play and simple, Coach B has absolutely no idea what he is doing when it comes to football. He was given a chance this year to pull off some wins and for some reason it just didn't happen. The talent is there. IMO this may be one of the most talented teams that ER has ever had. I'm sorry to say it, but this is exactly what happens when local politicians decide the fate of your football program by pushing to hire an inadequate coach. The best thing would be for you to beg him to come back to BL (since you think he did a good job down there) so ER can get rid of him. :help: I think the guys have expressed their feelings all year, but when you have a coach that thinks that he can't be replaced, the players thoughts go unnoticed. There is no excuse why ER should have the record that they do this season.
Kybob Wrote:I don't want to take up for the old guy, but you guys need to give him a chance. Did ER not have thier QB #3 out #22 had a big brace on his elbo, #76 was eithe rhurt or brike some sort of rule, cause he didn't play alot. I didn't see #33 or 30 on the field either. He coached me at BL last year and I thought he did a good job with what he had. I don't know much about the talent at ER, but I am sure that if you guys wanted to talk to him, he would listen to your ideas.

Man, I was dissapointed in the loss. It almost hurt worse this year and I wasn't playing. #3 is ALWAYS "hurt" # 30 never gets playing time anyhow, but him and # 33 was ineligable all season do to grades. THat is why Phelps will be getting the Pike County Bowl trophy back. It sux, cause ER can beat South Floyd and won 3 games, but now the best they can do is 1-9.
Jimmy Dugan Wrote:well the thing is, #3 the quarterback was out, and he started the standout freshmen who most agree should have been starting there all year. he probably completed more passes in his first start then have been completed in one game all year. and yeah, the fullback/linebacker played hurt the entire game, should have just been preserved for offense.
I want coach branham to be able to do a good job there and keep his job, but I just don't see it happening. He has a great qb coming back the next 3 years, he needs to develope some good recievers and go from the shotgun, passing the ball 30-40%, compared to the passing this year which is well below 10%. The weight lifting program needs to be stepped up big time and they need somebody in there that can teach speed drills and fundamentals. He had the talent there this year, could have won 6 games. phelps, knott county, south floyd, magoffin and grundy should have all been won, they blew the lead on magoffin and grundy with some very questionable play calling, and they could have beat central too, it just didn't happen like everyone from the area was hoping.
Cant you just give magoffin a congats.? Dont give excuses for East ridge. If it wouldnt have been for the refs. magoffin would have beaten them by 2 more touchdowns.
Codeman Wrote:Cant you just give magoffin a congats.? Dont give excuses for East ridge. If it wouldnt have been for the refs. magoffin would have beaten them by 2 more touchdowns.
thats bull crap, the refs had nothing to do with deciding the outcome of the game. If ER had been coached well all year and had the right players in the right spots, this game would have been ER's. I knew someone would get on here and say that magoffin gets no credit, they won the game and they are going to the playoffs, stop whining for them and let the losing team do the whining haha
Kybob Wrote:I don't want to take up for the old guy, but you guys need to give him a chance. Did ER not have thier QB #3 out #22 had a big brace on his elbo, #76 was eithe rhurt or brike some sort of rule, cause he didn't play alot. I didn't see #33 or 30 on the field either. He coached me at BL last year and I thought he did a good job with what he had. I don't know much about the talent at ER, but I am sure that if you guys wanted to talk to him, he would listen to your ideas.

HEre are some past "KY BOB gems. I am confused about

I was at Bob's tonight when BL's principal called him and welcomed him aboard. I think he will do and excellent job. He will revive the program and feels like he has the support of the administration. He said that he would be talking to the players next week as he can not officially do anything until he gets his resignation turned into Pike County. You guys take care of Bob and he will WIN and make it a tradition. He will probably be looking for some assistant's. He talked about 2 or 3 that were there last year that were wanting to help and he's going to welcome them. Said that all volunteers would be appreciated. Good Luck Bob and the Bobcats. "I'll be at every game cuz" RC

-SO you are his cousin? No wonder you take up for him.

Betsy Layne Coach

I just heard from a reliable source in the Virgie area that Bobby Branham will accept the job at BL in a few days. Bob is a great guy and will put forth the effort and time to create a winning program at BL. Pike County's loss will be Floyd County's gain. Good Luck Bob!!!!!! RC

I may be mistaken, but if they drop out of the district, they must stay out for four years. They may want to look at my buddy in Pike County (Bobby Branham). He's coached for 16 or 17 years as an assistant at Pikeville, Johns' Creek, Shelby Valley and Virgie. Rumor is Betsy Layne is hot on his tail???
Then why did they wait so long to hire him last year?

Sorry to disagree with you, but next year, BL will make the playoffs in Class A. I spoke with Coach Branham at his house tonight and he is very optomistic about competing in the Class A district and making the playoffs next year. All that he talks about is how these young men grow daily and how the whole community are now into the Bobcat Pride. He is the happiest that I have ever saw him in the 22 years that I have known him. Bobcats take care of him and he will fight tooth and nail for you.
WAIT A MINUTE!!! SO you are at LEAST 22 and later on you say you played for him, but quit because he wasn’t coaching any more.??? you were ineligible dude. Does that mean Powell will get the win back from last year???

Coach B, I hear some Valley Kats are unhappy and may be moving into yoour district. Do you know anytrhing about this?
What??? Why would they go PAST Pikeville to Betsy Layne????

Man, why r u so bitter with CoachB? He deserves a chance. Last year he took some kids that had no direction and gave them the confedence in themselves to play competitive football. I don't know the hole situation, but I think he left down there for family reasons, but not sure. I read some of yuor other posts and you are really negative on him. If you know somethingthat we need to know over here, please PM me. If not, please stop bashing this young man.
You are his 22 year old cousin, you should know why. What kind of 22 year old refers to his cousin and coach as “young man”?
I noticed Branham leading the stretches after half time and he looked fired up and pushing you guys. I have heard negative talk about him, but he does know football and how to teach it. Give him some time and you guys will roll!!!
You went all the way over to Knott county? Did he let you ride the bus?
I thought CoachB was extremely knowledgable last year when he coached me. He just had two assistants stabbing him in the back that are not on the staff anymore. THe only one's that he had helping him was Bailey and CoachRed that wasn't working against him. He had 40 lifting in the weightroom before he left. When he left, I decided not to play. I wish you luck CoachB and ER don't let this man get away. He can put your program in the right direction, if the asst. coaches are on board and not vieing for his job.
[COLOR="red"]This is too confusing. YOU WERE TOO OLD TO PLAY!!! Something is shady ofr hilarious here, on the other hand

It could be a little sad.[/COLOR]

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