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Belfry 49 - Pikeville 7
Actually, I was standing just beside the end zone when Dustin got hurt, he was running it off down the sidelines and told one of the security officers he was fine.
phs 1986 you should have told one of our orfficers if you were being harressed at the concession stand. Talking about it here isn't going to change anything, if we aren't told we don't know it is going on. We don't allow that to happen, but we can't read minds
If...Then Wrote:my luck they would've just said we dont handle that kind of situation...Like when ur mad at someone and u walk by and give them the kill ya later look...I would've felt alot different actually, using scoreboard to every belfry person that did that. But we were just standing there in the middle of belfry with only 1 comeback. and that was football is the only sport u guys can beat us at. and if we master that we own yall. That was used about 5 or 6 times. lol - He kicks soccer style? from my view it looked like he was kicking in a straight line.
It's not the only sport, we split at Baseball this year, Pikeville got Belfry at basketball on probably Belfrys worst game of the year. But Belfry did win in volleyball, girls basketball, and football. Pikeville won at softball and basketball, so that is 3-2 Belfry with a tie at baseball.
It's time to knock off the comments about fans behavior.

I am pretty sure that there were probably isolated situations where persons from EACH school didn't act like ladies or gentlemen.

This is not the place to discuss their ignorance.

Please stay on topic, which is The Game not fan behavior.
Crossbones Wrote:He does kick in a straight line. I was saying that there have been very few soccer style kickers at Belfry.

oh i see where u were confused. i ment his foot pointed in a straight line
And i thought sports was all about the kids
JUDGE140 Wrote:phs 1986 you should have told one of our orfficers if you were being harressed at the concession stand. Talking about it here isn't going to change anything, if we aren't told we don't know it is going on. We don't allow that to happen, but we can't read minds

I WASN'T being harassed....someone else was and I told them they should have spoken to an officer and told them!!! It WAS NOT ME!!! (and FYI... I wouldn't talk about it here... I'm the type to confront the person.....) and I don't expect anyone to read my mind!!
Crossbones Wrote:Agreed!! I do have a ? for Pikeville fans. How do you think Belfry would match up against Lexingtion Catholic? Isn't that who you all played a while back. An honest answer if you would please, not just something to cut on Belfry.Smile Wink Pro's and Con's. Thanks.
My honest opinion is that Belfry would beat Lex Cath. I was at both games and believe that Belfry would beat LC pretty good.
bigpun Wrote:My honest opinion is that Belfry would beat Lex Cath. I was at both games and believe that Belfry would beat LC pretty good.
Thanks, I would like to see them match up. Johnson Central will tell the tale though.
bigpun Wrote:My honest opinion is that Belfry would beat Lex Cath. I was at both games and believe that Belfry would beat LC pretty good.
I agree, after watching Pikeville play them both also, I think Belfry is the better team. The only thing is that LexCath might be able to hurt Belfry passing the football. Also, you have to take in to account that LexCath rode 3 hours on a bus prior to the game so Pikeville probably didn't get their best shot. All in all though, I give Belfry the edge if they played LC.
Plain and simple....We got our tails kicked. No ifs, ands buts or excuses about it. Thats the first football game I ever left feeling like Id been in the dentists chair for 3 hours. The way I look at this is our boys can take this 1 of 2 ways. They can wallow in self pity the rest of the year like a bunch of punks and just give up and quit. OR they can realize that it doesnt matter if Belfry beats us 149-7 they cant kill out the pride that this community has for its football team and that there are Panther teams in the past that have lost to Belfry and still went on and won it all. So suck it up boys life aint always fair and it dont always turn out like you planned. But you still have to put one foot in front of the other with your heads held high and learn from it and use it to your advantage. Just remember this.... Panther Pride never dies, it never gradutes and it sure as heck dont turn tale and run after a loss. Congrats to Belfry they are as advertised. Ive said my peace.
Hoss (our kicker) would rather kick soccer style, but the coaches won't let him. He gets more distance, but has less control, when he kicks soccer style.

Our secondary is not weak, they just were focused on the ground game. We shut Corbin out too, and they threw over half of their plays.

Our line completely, utterly, and totally dominated this game. Our DLine is a pair of running backs and a 2nd string noseguard, and those skinny punks just bowled over Pikeville's big guys. Pikeville got nothing at all out of the Oline, and those five boys would have to improve tremendously if Pikeville's gonna have any hopes of beating a team like Hazard. Then we look at Pikeville's Dline... Maydo and Ivan were tackled by safeties all night.

I was very surprised at the score. I've felt for a long time that this bunch of kids was special (I've watched them play ball since they were in kindergarten, tackle-flag football Tongue), but never in my wildest dreams would I have thought they'd have dominated this game so thoroughly.

Edit: Ya'll know this, but I'll say it again. I'm proud as hell of all of you!
Few points to ponder.....

Pikeville is a very good 1A football team. However, some of the play calling and decisions that were made by the coaching staff were quite mindboggling. The post game comments by Pikeville's Head Coach the say the least...less than impressive.

Haven't seen Belfry run a fullback trap??

Belfry is definitely for real. Defensively...this may very well be the best team Belfry's had since 1985/1986. Nothing against the 2003/2004 teams...but this defense...may be at an entirely new level. However, this team cannot afford to lose Dustin May on either side of the ball. Not sure why May was still in the game when he tweaked his knee....but....good judgement has to prevail in those situations. appeared to be a clean game. Obviously, there was some "jawing" between squads....but really, you wouldn't want it any other way. The late hit early in the contest..wasn't a cheap shot...just a kid being aggesssive. need to keep your chin up. Things will get better. need to stay focused on the task at hand. Right're #1 in 3A...and very deserving of that. Don't get too high....and don't get too low. Haywood has always done a good job in preparing his teams and striving for improvement each week. So good. Stay healthy...stay focused.... Pirate Nation is very proud.
OutlawJoseyWales Wrote:Few points to ponder.....

Pikeville is a very good 1A football team. However, some of the play calling and decisions that were made by the coaching staff were quite mindboggling. The post game comments by Pikeville's Head Coach the say the least...less than impressive.

Haven't seen Belfry run a fullback trap??

Belfry is definitely for real. Defensively...this may very well be the best team Belfry's had since 1985/1986. Nothing against the 2003/2004 teams...but this defense...may be at an entirely new level. However, this team cannot afford to lose Dustin May on either side of the ball. Not sure why May was still in the game when he tweaked his knee....but....good judgement has to prevail in those situations. appeared to be a clean game. Obviously, there was some "jawing" between squads....but really, you wouldn't want it any other way. The late hit early in the contest..wasn't a cheap shot...just a kid being aggesssive. need to keep your chin up. Things will get better. need to stay focused on the task at hand. Right're #1 in 3A...and very deserving of that. Don't get too high....and don't get too low. Haywood has always done a good job in preparing his teams and striving for improvement each week. So good. Stay healthy...stay focused.... Pirate Nation is very proud.

congrats belfry
Crossbones Wrote:Yes, I did see the change up and even said to my Dad, I believe this might be a ballgame now. And then something changed again and I couldn't figure what it was. Do you think Pikeville just got outcoached or Belfry's D won the game?
I think it was a combination of both, but the outcoaching that left us completely wrongfooted on D was probably what made it so ugly.
I was on the 1985/1986 team and this 2007 Pirates remind alot of that team. I honestly think they are better than us. I love my Pirates it makes me proud they have keep the dream alive her on Pond Creek. Keeping playing hard boys. That was a great win against a very good Pikeville team.
I want to apologize to all the Belfry people for my last post. I'm sorry I made you guys look dumb with my lack of spelling and grammer. To the good people that post on BGR I promise we are not stupid. I can spell (sometimes) I just should start proof reading my replies.
I ain't sayin' nothin' Tongue
That was a great game...Belfry Dominated the whole night...I really did expect alot more out of the P-Ville team though....Congrats Belfry!!!
Belfry_99 Wrote:You must have watched a different game then I did, Pikeville had absolutely no chance of winning this game or even making it close, or closer than it was, nothing they did worked. All of thier stars, Harmon, and the Honakers were very much held in check. Most of their yards (as little as they gained) came on the final drive against the JV. You can make excuses all day long about how they didn't play to their potential but if Pikeville cant bring their best to a rivalry game then that doesn't show me much.

I Agree...Pikeville knew how big this game was and they just quit before the game ever began...they played with no heart at all..i mean that game was horrible if u are a Pikeville fan...Belfry came out and gave it there all and they deserved the win....Congrats Pirates!!!
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