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Who was the hardest to Guard?
Name the player that you hated to guard/ no matter if you like them or not.
Mine would have had to be Michael Hall from South Floyd. The kid could shoot and handle the ball. When he wanted to he could "D" you up too. I hated trying to stop him, but the way his career was I guess no one really could. Also a close second was Chase Lyons, just for me he always played good when I played against him. but Michael was one I could not guard.
I would go with Alex Hicks at Knott Co. in 2003
shawn newsome allen central
Grand Slam Wrote:shawn newsome allen central
Shawn was impossible to guard in HS and when he was on he was impossible to guard in college. It took a real athlete to even slow him down. I still believe he could have played DI somewhere if he'd gotten a little help from his coach in HS. Heck he averaged 33ppg.
Jon Bently-Hazard
Back in the day when I played, Clyde Tackett from BL was pretty tough to handle.
I would say recently Justin Hicks from Hazard because he could shoot from 25 or drive by you. I enjoyed watching him play because he always came ready to play and gave his all. I think Pikeville got a steal in Justin.
elisha justice from SV... dangit he's fast...
I never seen anyone stop Sean Leslie while watching him play at Prestonsburg his senior year.

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