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Scooter Libby gets out of jail time!
This is just another example of how corrupt our president is. It is a down right shame and a big slap in the face to CIA agents. I have a feeling he will get a full pardon on down the road.
People should be rioting in the streets over this!
Whatever. Even some Democrats supported this. Clinton would have done the same thing if it was one of his people, only sooner.
DevilsWin Wrote:People should be rioting in the streets over this!

I totally agree!! There is alot of things done under this administration that people should be rioting over. Democrats and Republicians.:flame:
BlueBells Wrote:I totally agree!! There is alot of things done under this administration that people should be rioting over. Democrats and Republicians.:flame:
yeah, you democrats seem to forget all about that whole whitewater thing. Bush is a saint compared to the Clintons. And like it or not, get used to it, because Ill guarantee you once Bush is out, you'll have Fred Thompson to deal with for another 8 years. As long as you all have Iraq Osama and Hellary Clinton to push for the nomination, Ive quit worrying about a democrat in the White House.
I couldnt agree more Hoss. No matter who wins, they are all corrupt at some point in time in their term as president. There isnt one straightarrow politician in this country, they all lie and cheat and steal to get what they want. I dont care who wins this election because its not our votes that get them in there anyway, its the electoral college, thats why I wont even be voting. This country and the way it is ran is going to be the downfall of all civilization. Mark my words on that one.
This is no different than a president pardoning his buddies at the end of his term not sayin its right but every president has pardoned someone that deserved what they were senteced
That's a shame!
Yeah clinton was guilty of pardoning some of his buddies too, along with many other presidents. It doesn't really matter though, Democrat or Replublican, this was wrong.At least Bush doesn't have to worry about backlash, his approval ratings cant get much lower.

I look for Libby to get a full pardon, which is really a shame, I thought we where gonna get at least one of the liars from this administration, but I guess not.
It's just like a fixed ballgame. They knew the outcome before the crime was even committed.
FATMAN Wrote:This is no different than a president pardoning his buddies at the end of his term not sayin its right but every president has pardoned someone that deserved what they were senteced

I agree the Democratic posters are just making a big deal, because Bush did it. If there were a Democratic president the Republican posters would make a big deal out of it. This kind of thing happens during every presidency.
Fenix Wrote:I agree the Democratic posters are just making a big deal, because Bush did it. If there were a Democratic president the Republican posters would make a big deal out of it. This kind of thing happens during every presidency.

No this doesn't happen all the time. Click on this post and see for yourself.
Fenix Wrote:I agree the Democratic posters are just making a big deal, because Bush did it. If there were a Democratic president the Republican posters would make a big deal out of it. This kind of thing happens during every presidency.

I agree completely, this kind of thing happens with every presidency, be they Democrat or Republican. Now, that doesn't make it right, I've never agreed with the whole idea of a president or governor having the power to pardon someone who was tried and convicted by our judicial system. That's just too much power for the executive branch.

What gets me is people who will use this to say, "Look at those Republicans, they're so awful," but if the tables were turned they wouldn't make a peep. And there are those on the other side who would say the same thing if it was a Dem who did it, but rush to the guy's defense if he's from their party.

I just can't stand our party system right now, where each party thinks they have a monopoly on what is right and just, while the other party is full of crooks or idiots. I wish that people would take off their red- or blue-colored glasses and see that neither party has the best interests of mainstream America at heart. Each is just trying to placate their big-money donors and special interest groups.

DevilsWin Wrote:No this doesn't happen all the time. Click on this post and see for yourself.

Are you sure?
ARRRGH! Why should one man (or woman) have that much power? To pretty much tell the judicial branch of our government that it doesn't really matter!? :confused:

More Cowbell Wrote:ARRRGH! Why should one man (or woman) have that much power? To pretty much tell the judicial branch of our government that it doesn't really matter!? :confused:
Because the founders of this country wanted it that way. And that's all we need to know about that. I don't like it either, but I don't have to like it either. Something else the founding fathers wanted.
DevilsWin Wrote:Because the founders of this country wanted it that way. And that's all we need to know about that. I don't like it either, but I don't have to like it either. Something else the founding fathers wanted.

Oh, those silly guys! Wink

A Blessing & A Curse Wrote:That's a shame!

yea agreed.
Fenix Wrote:Are you sure?

I agree Fenix everyone does this,

Good Info! :Thumbs:

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